
Making My Dream Harem In Another World

No NTR and Yuri ... I was stabbed by a drunken man, trying to protect my 'Three Crushes' After getting stabbed, I finally mustered up the courage to confess to them. They also returned my feelings. I was happy and sad at the same time. Regretting my decision to not confess to them sooner. At my last breath, I asked them. "I am... dying... so...can I touch...some mel-" I could not complete my shameless request as I died. But that was not the end and as I reopened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I didn't know why but the words came out of my mouth naturally. "Please be my wife!" The goddess also took interest in me and told me if I become stronger than her she will accept my proposal. And as a Alpha male, how could I back down and so I accepted her challenge. As I embarked on my journey to become stronger and win the goddess's heart, I found myself in a world teeming with magic, adventure and beautiful girls. So will I be able to complete my goal? ------- Howdy readers, before reading do note that it's a wish fulfillment novel, so don't expect it to have logic. thank you -------

SomethingCringe · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

The Plan

It's been two weeks since I started travelling with Freya and during that time, I have acquired quite a bit of information on her.

So first of all, her father was the leader of their tribe but eight years ago he passed away under mysterious circumstances.

Although, Freya was supposed to be the next leader of their tribe. However, At that time, Freya was still young and inexperienced, and she lacked the strength and skills needed to lead the tribe effectively.

And so her uncle took over the position of the tribe leader until Freya could prove herself worthy.

During those years, Freya worked tirelessly to improve herself.

She trained rigorously, honing her combat abilities, and sought guidance from the tribe's elders to develop her leadership skills.

She was determined to become a leader that her father would have been proud of, and she wanted to earn the respect of her people.

Over time, her skills as a warrior grew, and her wisdom as a potential leader started to shine through.

The tribe members noticed her progress and admired her for the efforts she put into her training.

There was only one last thing for her to become the tribe's leader. She had to do a ritual but with a male partner.

But it could not be just anyone. The partner she had to do the ritual will be with her for lifelong and the tribe's men started trying to impress her and one of them was Gusko.

But unlike others, he was quite skilled. He was a perfect partner for her but he was filled with arrogance and was full of pride and that's why she rejected him and that led to her current state.

And did I mention he was the son of the current acting leader?

Although, She hated Gusko from the core of her heart, but she still had a lot of respect for her uncle.

As he has cherished her more than his own son from childhood. He was also a close and loyal friend of her father.

But the story was from her side and from what I understand, her uncle and Gusko were together in the act.

Even though I am not 100℅ sure but I have read a lot of novels and comics to know where it would be going.

As it would be impossible for Gusko to acquire the poison without external help and there comes her/his uncle/father.

"Watch out Frank!!"

Freya's voice resounded through the forest as she warned me.


Suddenly a 2-meter big tiger-looking beast appeared behind me.

"Well, you took a long time," I muttered, running forward away from the beast.

Although, I could've handled the beast without much problem but I was trying to keep a low profile.

Anyways, right now I and Freya were hunting the beast which was twice the size of me.

As I dashed between the large trees, the 2-meter big tiger-like beast, known as the SudderClaw, lunged at me with ferocious speed.

Its sharp claws aimed to tear into me, but I agilely dodged the attack, narrowly escaping its deadly strike.

Freya, who was seated on a tree branch, aimed with her bow.

Her eyes locked onto the SudderClaw, and she began chanting a powerful incantation in a sacred language.

The air around her seemed to vibrate with energy as she channelled her mystical abilities into the bow.

"ॐ अस्य श्री परब्रह्ममंत्र, सदाशिव ऋषिः, अनुष्टुप् छंदः"

Her melodious voice resonated through the forest as the incantation intensified.

The arrow she nocked on the bow glowed with a combination of red and blue energy, signifying the convergence of her elemental powers.

With her focus unyielding, she released the arrow with precise accuracy.


The arrow streaked through the air like a comet, leaving a trail of radiant energy in its wake.

The forest was filled with the sound of roaring winds and crackling energy as the attack hit its mark.

When the blinding light faded, the SudderClaw lay defeated on the ground, it's breathing laboured and its once menacing presence reduced to mere vulnerability.


With a loud thud, Freya jumped down gracefully from the large tree, her chest rising and falling with heavy breaths.

Her skill has clearly taken a toll on her.

"This should be enough for the village," Freya said, her voice a mix of satisfaction and relief, her cheeks slightly flushed with sweat running down her cheeks.

With a gentle smile, I reached out and gently wiped the sweat away from Freya's cheeks. "Freya," I said softly, looking into her eyes.

"Ekh?" Freya let out a surprised voice, clearly taken back by my touch.

"You're so strong." I softly whispered in her ears trying to rizz her up.

"Th-thank you," Freya replied, blushing slightly before embarrassedly running away from me.

As I watched her run, a warm feeling spread through my chest.

For the past two weeks, I was trying every method I could think of to try and rizz her. I had expected shy reactions but not big ones.

She was overly reacting to my compliment, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to her reaction than just being shy.

After a few moments, I was travelling beside Freya. "How far is it?"

I asked as it had been two weeks since we started travelling. Although we did waste most of her time by camping but still two weeks is a long time.

"It's near, maybe a coupled of minutes," Freya replied.



Meanwhile somewhere else, inside a house constructed with wooden frames. The walls were made of woven branches and twigs, which were plastered with a mixture of mud, clay, and straw.

Inside were two figures seated. One was an elderly man with a bald head, he had a big scar on his face reflecting the years of hardships he had been through.

He wore traditional tribal garments adorned with symbols of leadership and experience.

The other was a young man, likely in his twenties. He was stiff as he looked at the elderly man.

"Today is the day." The elderly man said as he stood up. He rolled his eyes at the other man.

"You did great. Tsk, what a pity, she could've been a good sacrifice. Nonetheless you did great by killing her. She would have only hindered the process if she was here."

The elderly man was non-other than Freya's uncle and the current chief, Gromm Bloodaxe. And the other one was Gusko, his son.

Although, Gusko was happy hearing the praises but his expression quickly changed. "But are you sure, what they said was true?"

With a big gulp, he asked.

"Alas! For once in my life, I was proud of you and you just had to break it with your stupid question." Gromm shook his head in disappointment.

"For twenty years....I was working on this plan for the last 20 years. From Forsik's death to me becoming the chief. I did all of this for the ultimate power."

As Gromm and Gusko were engaged in their conversation inside the wooden-framed house, a commotion began to stir outside.

The villagers of the tribe had gathered around the entrance, their voices filled with excitement and anticipation.

"Freya is back!"

"She hunted a SudderClaw!"

"Wow, look at the size of the SufferClaw!"

"With this much meat, the whole tribe would be able to eat their fill!"

"As expected of the future leader, she's awesome."

"We should celebrate her hunt!"

"Yes, we must hold a grand celebration in her honor!"


As the praises and celebration continued outside, Gromm and Gusko emerged from the hut, their faces veiled with concern and frustration.

"How did she survive?" Gusko's brow furrowed in confusion.

Gromm's lips tightened. "You couldn't even handle that simple task, could you?" He scowled, disappointed in his son's failure.

"Now the plan's at risk of failing," Gusko lamented.

"Don't worry, tonight will be her last day," Gromm reassured, his determination unwavering. He was confident that their carefully laid plan would soon come to fruition.

Gusko's gaze then fell upon Frank, the man standing beside Freya. "Who's that man with her?" he asked.

Gromm's eyes landed on Frank, scanning him from head to toe.

"He's just a slave boy at Fifth Rank of Aura." Even though Frank was just an ant for him but he couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness creeping up on him.



[A/N: For those who are wondering, the villagers didn't know that Freya was dead, they thought she went put for hunt because Gusko and Gromm didn't inform them as they thought the while village would die today anyways.]

[A/N: Sorry for the late update. I don't know if it's my unlucky week but I caught eye flu and wasn't to upload chapter but worry not I have recovered and this week I will try to update regularly.

So hope you show some support by voting Powerstone and commenting.

Anyways, have a good day.]

SomethingCringecreators' thoughts