
Making My Dream Harem In Another World

No NTR and Yuri ... I was stabbed by a drunken man, trying to protect my 'Three Crushes' After getting stabbed, I finally mustered up the courage to confess to them. They also returned my feelings. I was happy and sad at the same time. Regretting my decision to not confess to them sooner. At my last breath, I asked them. "I am... dying... so...can I touch...some mel-" I could not complete my shameless request as I died. But that was not the end and as I reopened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I didn't know why but the words came out of my mouth naturally. "Please be my wife!" The goddess also took interest in me and told me if I become stronger than her she will accept my proposal. And as a Alpha male, how could I back down and so I accepted her challenge. As I embarked on my journey to become stronger and win the goddess's heart, I found myself in a world teeming with magic, adventure and beautiful girls. So will I be able to complete my goal? ------- Howdy readers, before reading do note that it's a wish fulfillment novel, so don't expect it to have logic. thank you -------

SomethingCringe · Fantaisie
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28 Chs


After eating breakfast with Uncle, Aunt and Aisha. I headed off towards my home.

"Uncle and Aunt are the best!"

It was quite refreshing to eat breakfast with them. Although they did make the atmosphere awkward, for quite some time.

I remembered how they were talking about having a grandchild, already naming their grandchildren.

"Sigh~ all and all it was quite refreshing, I guess."

"I am confident that my parents have done the same..."

"My parents..."

My glooming mood drastically changes, remembering my parents.

The thought of them throwing tantrums as soon as they see me, made my heart pound faster.

As I approached the front door of my home. My steps became heavy.

Taking a deep breath, I turned the doorknob and stepped inside.

But as soon as I entered, my eyes widened in shock, and my heart sank to the pit of my stomach.

There, on the living room couch, were my parents, locked in a passionate embrace, making out. The sight was enough to make me freeze in disbelief.

"Honey, our son wouldn't come for at least a week or so."

Mother Sofia said to James as he nodded in agreement.

"We have plenty of time for ourselves. Why don't we enjoy it."

"Hmm... Naughty~ Daddy."

"N-No way... this can't be happening," I murmured to myself, trying to shake off the shocking image before my eyes.

I quickly closed the door, hoping I had mistaken what I saw. Maybe it was just my imagination, playing tricks on me after everything that had happened today.

With a gulp, I slowly opened the door again, hoping to see a different scene, but to my dismay, the sight was still the same.

My parents were still engrossed in each other, oblivious to my presence.

A mix of anger and hurt welled up inside me. How could they be so careless and inconsiderate, especially when I didn't come home last night?

My emotions took over, and I couldn't hold back any longer. "What is wrong with you two?!"

I shouted, my voice shaking with anger. "I've been gone for a day, and this is how you welcome me back? Are you not worried about your son?"

My parents finally pulled apart, their expressions a mix of surprise as they turned their attention to me.

My dad cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure.

"We, uh, thought you might come back later. You know, we thought you'd understand," he said, his voice trying to sound casual.

"Understand what? That you can just do whatever you want while I'm not around?" I shot back, my frustration boiling over.

I shooked my head, 'Why am I angry?'

I thought to myself as I should have been happy to see them not throw a tantrum, instead, I felt angry and betrayed.

"Sigh~ I should not have expected that."

I took a deep sigh before looking at my parents straight in the eyes.

I cleared my throat before talking.

"Don't stop me, ok?"

"As you know I have turned 18 and I was thinking about leaving home as I want to become an adventurer."

I was sure, they would throw a tantrum in this at least.

Begging me to stay with them.

"Ok, we won't stop you."

Their response surprised me. "Ok, we won't stop you."

"Huh...?" I was dumbfounded. Did I hear them right?

"Why would we? It would be good for us and you if you go on a journey," Dad replied.

Mom added, "We would have all the time to ourselves. Why not enjoy it?"

I was baffled. This wasn't the reaction I expected. "At least show some care, can't you?"

I sighed, realizing that my expectations were too high. "Then, why aren't you leaving?"

Both of them looked at me questioningly.

"I Am Going Next Week! Geez!!!" I exclaimed, feeling exasperated.




It's been a week, I can't be more pleased to go on an adventure now.

I took a week off to relax but I could not even sleep peacefully for a day.

Whenever I go to sleep I hear my parents banging and when I confront them, they would make excuses like "Don't you want a little sibling? Etc..."

"Sigh~ they sure are a pain in the ass."

Right now I am at Aisha's place, I came here to bid my farewell.

[Third Person POV]

Frank had already informed Aisha about his decision to leave for an adventure, and they were now sitting together in her living room, discussing the matter.

Aisha looked at Frank with a mixture of concern and determination in her eyes.

"Frank, are you sure about going on this adventure without me?" she asked, her voice tinged with sadness.

Frank sighed, understanding her worry.

He gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine, Aisha. This is something I need to do, and I promise I'll come back to you."

The reason why Frank wanted to go on an adventure was because he wanted to become strong and can't forget about his dream.

"But what if something happens to you? I can't bear the thought of losing you," she said, her voice trembling.

Lucas, who was nearby, decided to chime in. "Aisha, as much as I understand your feelings, you have to trust Frank's judgment. He's a capable young man, and this adventure will help him grow and become even stronger."

Aisha turned to Lucas, "I know he's strong but what if something happens to him? I can't bear the thought of him getting hurt."

Frank gently placed his hand on Aisha's, trying to comfort her. "I promise you, Aisha, I will be careful. I won't take unnecessary risks, and I'll come back to you safe and sound."

Aisha's cheeks flushed, and she looked away, her voice softening. "I know, but... I just wish I could come with you. I don't want to be apart from you for so long."

Frank smiled warmly at her. "I know, and I wish the same. But you're right, you're not ready for such dangerous journeys just yet. But I promise, when I come back, we'll have even more adventures together."

For a moment, Aisha pondered, "Alright, Frank, I understand. But I want something from you," she said, her cheeks turning even redder."

Frank raised an eyebrow, curious. "What is it? You," he replied.

Aisha hesitated for a moment, and then she grabbed his hand, pulling him towards a quiet hallway where no one else was present.

Lucas watched them go, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "They are quite the pair, aren't they?" he said to Lady Celeste.

Lady Celeste smiled, putting a finger to her lips. "Let's not disturb them. They need some time alone," she replied.

In the quiet hallway, Aisha looked into Frank's eyes with a shy yet determined expression.

"I want a promise, Frank. Promise me that you'll come back to me, no matter what happens."

Frank's heart swelled with love for her. "I promise, Aisha. I'll come back to you, no matter what challenges I face and I'll always find my way back to you," he vowed, sealing the promise with a gentle kiss.

Aisha blushed, her heart filled with both love and worry. "Please be safe, Frank. I'll be waiting for you," she said softly.

With a smile, Frank held her close. "I will, Aisha. And when I return, we'll have even more amazing adventures together, I promise."

A blush spread across Aisha's feature, "As a parting gift I want to give you something."

Aisha said as he moved her hands towards the his dick, grabbing it from the fabric.


