
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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First Glimpse of Fu Hua

Luo Mo started planning for his new game, but he soon felt a headache coming on.

The system had given him a simplified version of the game, but it was clear what it wanted him to do. He was supposed to use his own ideas and skills to create Honkai Impact 3. The system had provided the first nine chapters, but it also warned him that his emotional value would be reduced based on how much his final version differed from the original. It even had its own way of judging his game.Luo Mo sighed. Life wasn't easy.He knew he had to start practicing with the tools the system had given him and try to finish the main story and some activities. If he didn't, he'd be completely lost after the first nine chapters.He had no idea how hard it would be to earn emotional value, or how exactly it would turn into crystals. But at least he'd taken the first successful step.The guest room at Schicksal headquarters was truly luxurious, a far cry from the room he'd had just a few days ago. But Luo Mo wasn't in the mood to enjoy it. The pressure of his conversation with Kallen, along with the surprised looks he'd gotten on the way there, had worn him out.The large, thick off-white curtains blocked out all the light. As he pulled them closed, the room was plunged into darkness.Luo Mo lay down on the bed and let out a long, weary sigh."This bed is so comfortable," Luo Mo thought as he slowly drifted off to sleep....He wasn't sure how much time had passed when a knock at the door interrupted his thoughts."Come in," Luo Mo said, quickly sitting up and opening the curtains.Judging by the time, it had been about two hours. He glanced at his watch to confirm.It was Fu Hua.The door opened, revealing a familiar face – one he'd only seen in the game before. This was his first time seeing her in person.She was wearing a blue training outfit, the same one he'd complained about in the game. Her red eye sockets were empty, with no lenses. The outfit didn't do her beauty any justice. He thought it wasn't nearly as cool as her Shadow Knight - Moonblade armor, even if it was just armor. But then again, maybe that armor didn't exist in this world. After all, it was a fourth-generation Valkyrie armor.

Damn, why do I get more biased when I think about it?

Luo Mo shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He was starting to let his opinions cloud his judgment.

Since they didn't know each other at this time, Luo Mo didn't say anything. This was definitely not instigation. This was called being honest.

"Bishop Kallen has given me my orders," Fu Hua said calmly. "We're going to St. Freya together, and I'm to protect you on the way there.""Actually," Luo Mo corrected her, "not just on the way, but at St. Freya as well." He knew all too well how many enemies—and even some supposed allies—would come after him once his game was out. That's why he needed a strong protector.And right now, Fu Hua was the most reliable person he could think of. So, he'd added protection to their agreement. Besides, he had originally planned to hire an A-rank Valkyrie for the job.Luo Mo just wanted to point out that he was a law-abiding citizen. An A-rank Valkyrie... well, it didn't seem like enough now."Huh?" Fu Hua frowned and checked Kallen's order. It was right there in black and white.The main reason for the trip to St. Freya had changed. She wasn't there to monitor Sirin anymore, but to protect Luo Mo.Fu Hua was a little confused. Was this young man more important than Sirin? But she didn't question it. She trusted Kallen's judgment."Okay, I understand," Fu Hua said. "Let's head out now!" She wasted no time and quickly got ready to leave for St. Freya.Luo Mo followed her lead. He didn't have any luggage, just his clothes, phone, a black Schicksal card, and a special communicator.

Fu Hua also didn't bring much, and the two were not familiar with each other, so they didn't talk much along the way.

He wanted to say goodbye to Bishop Kallen, but was told that the bishop had a lot to do, so he gave up.

As soon as she came out of the Schicksal Building, Rita stood in the doorway, next to a low-key and luxurious car.

"Right this way," Rita said. "Bishop Kallen has asked me to arrange your transportation."Luo Mo noticed Rita was wearing a different outfit, but it was still just as beautiful and eye-catching. Her stockings had changed from black to a sheer white. It seemed familiar, but Luo Mo didn't dwell on it.Fu Hua nodded silently, and the two of them got into the car with Rita.

Interesting, the Lord Bishop personally falsified information, and also knows a lot about the Schicksal. I wonder if he has any advantages or disadvantages for the Schicksal? Rita looked at the distant figure and thought silently.

On the plane, Fu Hua and Luo Mo sat side by side."Fu Hua," Luo Mo began, trying to make conversation, "can you tell me a little about your past?"Fu Hua closed her eyes, leaned back against her seat, and rested her hands on her knees. She breathed steadily and deeply. "It's just a mission for Schicksal.""What about before that?" Luo Mo persisted. He had just woken up and knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep again easily."It's not important," Fu Hua replied."Are you from China, Fu Hua?" Luo Mo tried a different topic, seeing her reluctance to talk. "Your name sounds Chinese.""Yes." Her answer was still short and to the point."Have you ever heard of the Red Kite Immortal from China?" Luo Mo asked. "I really like her. She fights for the Chinese people..."Fu Hua interrupted him gently. "I'm a bit tired. I think I'll take a nap."Luo Mo fell silent.As Fu Hua closed her eyes, she turned her head slightly away from Luo Mo. A mix of nostalgia and sadness filled her thoughts."Red Kite Immortal?" she whispered. "There is no Red Kite anymore..."-----

edited, thank you for reading this fanfiction(._.)