
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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293 Chs

Elysia Wants to Go Out-Final Chapter!

Since none of the other Heroes had any objections or suggestions, the decision was made without much difficulty.

Kevin observed the scene silently, wondering what would happen next. The Heroes who were not interested in the matter stayed in the corner, chatting among themselves or checking their devices. Some of the curious Heroes walked over to the center of the room, where the main action was taking place.

The topic of discussion was a peculiar one - they were deliberating over the intricacies of being Data's body in the present moment. It was a complex issue, but the Heroes were not without options. If they truly desired to extricate themselves from the situation, there were numerous ways at their disposal.

"Then, Doctor, please," Sakura requested, her voice echoing in the room. She offered a slight bow to Mobius and Vill-V, her faith unwavering in the two Doctors' ability to resolve the predicament they found themselves in.

Mobius, with a smirk playing on her lips, responded, "Heh, how easy it is to do! Mouse, are you willing to offer your body?" She swiveled her head towards Luo Mo, her gaze filled with longing. There was something about Luo Mo's body that she found irresistible.

Caught off guard, Luo Mo cleared his throat, "Ahem, perhaps we could consider an alternative approach." His voice was firm as he decisively rejected Mobius' proposal.

"Are there other methods, my dear little white mouse?" Mobius inquired, her eyes twinkling with curiosity as she turned to look at Luo Mo.

Vill-V, too, was intrigued. Her face lit up with interest as she spread her hands wide, ready to share her own thoughts on the matter. "One approach I can think of involves the creation of specialized robots," she began, her voice steady and confident. "We could rely on external assistance for the materials. However," she added with a slight shrug, "it's worth noting that this method won't be able to harness the Heroes' strength to its full potential."

Luo Mo, however, had come prepared. He wouldn't have ventured into the mystical realm of Elysia without a trick up his sleeve. Spotting Elysia engaged in conversation with Eden, he waved her over. "Hmm… Miss Pink elf? Could you please join us for a moment?"

Elysia, taken aback by the unexpected nickname, couldn't help but chuckle. "Miss Pink elf? Is that what you're calling me? That's quite a charming term of endearment! However, I'm not sure how much help I can be with this particular issue."

With a brisk stride, Elysia made her way over to the group. She took a moment to straighten her bangs before responding, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "You know, even a beauty queen can't do everything!"

With a sense of anticipation, Luo Mo reached into his pocket and pulled out a special item. It was a gift he had prepared for Elysia quite some time ago - a unique artifact known as [Elysia- The Flawless One]. The question was rhetorical, but it hung in the air nonetheless: who else could be more fitting for this stigma than Elysia herself?

"This is the method I prepared!" Luo Mo announced, his voice echoing in the room. All eyes turned to see him holding a card that glowed with an ethereal light.

This was no ordinary card. Unlike the two-star and three-star times, this stigma card radiated a chaotic, multicolored light. It was an enigma, appearing as an ordinary item at first glance, yet exuding an aura of mystery and power. It was as if the very rules of the universe were inscribed and flowing within this tiny card.

Mobius, her eyes wide and glazed, stared at the object in Luo Mo's hand. A sense of familiarity washed over her, not in terms of its external appearance, but something deeper, something intrinsic. It reminded her of… of that thing that she and MEI had once developed together…

"It's… Stigmata? I had no idea that MEI's stigma project had achieved such a level of success that it could manifest in this form. And this intensity…" Mobius' voice trailed off as she stared at the stigma, her face a mask of astonishment. The object before her was beyond anything she had imagined, and she felt an inexplicable urge to seize it for herself.

However, Mobius was not alone in her desire. Elysia, with her superior height, managed to snatch the stigma before Mobius could act. Undeterred, Mobius quickly composed herself, clasping her hands together and adopting a nonchalant demeanor. "But what does this mean, little white mouse?" she asked, her voice steady. "Does this allow Sakura and the others to escape?"

Luo Mo didn't respond immediately, instead turning his gaze towards Elysia. The pink elf lady was staring at the stigma in her hand, her expression one of utter shock. What was this object? Was this her? How had she ended up inside a tiny card?

Elysia could feel a familiar power emanating from the stigma. It was a power she recognized, a power she had once wielded when she had been a Herrscher. The realization left her speechless.

In the form of a card? It seemed almost too fantastical to be true. Yet, the reality was right there, in front of her eyes.

Snake, however, was not pleased with the way Luo Mo's gaze lingered on Elysia. His eyes narrowed slightly, a clear sign of his displeasure.

Mobius, too, was not happy. Her brows furrowed in a frown as she voiced her dissatisfaction. "Why are you looking at her? Who knows more about stigmata, her or me?" she demanded, her tone laced with irritation.

Luo Mo simply smiled in response. "Well… Doctor, if it were any other stigmata, Elysia would naturally be no match for you. But this one…" His voice trailed off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air.

Elysia, usually so full of joy and spontaneity, seemed taken aback. The corners of her mouth stiffened slightly, a clear indication of her surprise. The object in front of her was beyond anything she could have imagined. She couldn't comprehend why such a magical thing existed in the world.

Elysia, affectionately referred to as Miss Pink Elf, appeared somewhat bewildered by the unfolding events. Despite her confusion, she managed to articulate her thoughts, albeit with a hint of reluctance. "Mobius," she began, her voice steady, "I must admit, if I possess this, I indeed have the capability to venture out to Lotte."

This statement left Mobius utterly baffled. The thought that there could be someone who understood stigmata better than her was inconceivable to her but,

It couldn't be!

However, Elysia's next words turned her world upside down. "Because, this is my own stigma!" Elysia declared, her voice echoing in the room.

Luo Mo chimed in, affirming Elysia's claim. "That's correct, this is Elysia's stigma! It's a true reflection of her original power! With this, Elysia will undoubtedly be able to journey from the Elysian realm to the real world."

Mobius, driven by her curiosity, attempted to snatch the stigma from Elysia. However, her efforts proved futile as Elysia held onto it firmly.

"Allow me to study it, Elysia!" Mobius pleaded, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. She had been intrigued by the power within Elysia's body for quite some time.

She was aware that Elysia wasn't a fusion warrior during her crusade against the Second Herrscher. Elysia didn't even possess a weapon, yet she had managed to triumph in her crusade with relative ease.

Unfortunately, there hadn't been any suitable opportunities to explore this mystery in the past. Now, however, the enigma was literally in her hands, and she was eager to unravel it.

Elysia had never explicitly agreed to study the body on her own, and while Mobius' idea was somewhat unconventional, it had to be temporarily shelved.

Elysia cast a hesitant glance at Luo Mo, sensing an uncanny compatibility between herself and the Stigmata. Yet, she also understood that this card was a treasure beyond compare. So, what did Luo Mo's gesture of giving it to her signify? Was he suggesting that she should use it?

In the midst of this, Luo Mo tactfully shifted the focus of the conversation. He turned to Mobius and said, "In the Stigma project, there's a step that involves the Stigmata interchanging phases with people, isn't there?"

He continued, "Logically speaking, as the planner of the Stigma Program, you should be well-versed with the process. Couldn't you execute it? Little Snake?" Luo Mo's playful nickname for Mobius lightened the mood.

Caught off guard, Mobius exclaimed, "Aiyaa, I really didn't expect that you would be so familiar with our plan! I must admit, I'm somewhat convinced of the video's authenticity."

However, her annoyance was palpable as she retorted, "I just don't understand, what gives you the audacity to address me in such a manner?"

Elysia's brow furrowed in confusion as she questioned Mobius, "What do you mean by 'Stigmata and human phase swap'? Is that what the New Century's Project is all about?"

Her question was met with a cold grunt from Kevin.

"Oh? So it's Elysia who has given you such confidence. Is she truly that deserving of your trust?" Mobius' words were laced with a hint of sarcasm to someone.

Despite the icy glare from Kevin, who was standing beside her, Mobius had no intention of keeping Elysia in the dark any longer. "Yes, Elysia, that's the plan that was never disclosed to you. It was Kevin, our esteemed first - yes, that's right, the first - who went ahead and executed it. He is the executor of the plan. What, are you planning to confront him in the outside world?"

Elysia fell silent for a moment, her gaze distant. Finally, she looked up and spoke softly, "Yes, I want to venture out there."

Her voice was filled with determination as she continued, "If possible, I certainly want to witness the splendor of the next era with my own eyes. I… I want to see the Herrschers and humans of the next era."

"I yearn to witness how they coexist, how they navigate their struggles and sorrows, and how they cultivate harmony in their shared existence," Elysia expressed her desire, her voice filled with longing.

"I am eager to observe the humans of the next century, to see the radiant light that illuminates their souls. I wish to appreciate the art of the next era, to partake in a peaceful and beautiful daily life with everyone. Just imagine living in a courtyard, basking in the sun, meeting friends, with no Honkai, no battles!"

"I am also curious about the daily lives of the young girls in the game. Are they truly as joyful as they seem? I want to see the leaders of the higher echelons of Schicksal. Are they as unyielding as the Moth by Fire?"

"I am intrigued by the girl in the game who bears a resemblance to Mei. Since they say the game mirrors the outside world, she must exist as well. I am keen to see how the girls who are Herrscher navigate the world."

"As I ponder over it, there's so much I want to experience and see! And, Kevin, as my surviving comrade in arms, I hope you'll be there with me on this journey." Elysia's words echoed in the room, painting a vivid picture of her hopes and dreams for the future.

Taking a deep breath, Elysia began to speak, her words carrying the weight of her heartfelt desires. "I don't want to be the one to extinguish the hope of humanity in the next era with my own hands. That wouldn't be right."

She continued, her voice filled with conviction, "And it would be incredibly cruel to him as well! He's a hero, and heroes shouldn't be treated like that!"

Her eyes sparkled with determination as she shared her dreams. "I… I also want to see what the world looks like after defeating Honkai. I want to see if this world can welcome a dawn that we haven't seen before. I want to understand the emotions of those heroes who defeated Honkai."

Her voice softened as she made her request, "So, can you take me out to see?"

Elysia's smile was soft and radiant, reminiscent of the gentle warmth of spring sunlight. Her eyes reflected the vast expanse of the starry sky, mirroring the depth of her aspirations.

She voiced her deepest desires, each sentence revealing her true feelings. It was as if she was singing a beautiful song, softly expressing the hopes and dreams of a young girl.

"Okay? Will you take me out to see it, sweet gentleman? Uh-huh!?" Her question hung in the air, a poignant reminder of her expectations.

In that moment, Elysia, the daughter of mankind, finally voiced her hopes for the future.