
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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A Song from the Past to the Future.

As the sun rose on the following day, Kallen found herself holding the script that Luo Mo had handed her. She skimmed through the lines, her eyes dancing over the words. A smirk played at the corners of her mouth, a hint of amusement lighting up her face as if she were privy to a private joke.

"So, this is the plot you've asked me to lend my voice to?" she asked, her tone laced with intrigue.

Luo Mo, his expression unchanging, nodded in affirmation. He was no longer the anxious teenager who once trembled in the face of the formidable power of the Schicksal. His demeanor now exuded a calm and composed aura

"And is this your justification for brazenly causing a scandal involving the Bishop of Schicksal and the Head of the Far East Branch Academy?" Kallen questioned, her voice echoing in the silent room.

With a sigh of resignation, Kallen voiced her concerns, "I'm not trying to hinder your game development, but I would advise against creating a plot that could potentially stir up controversy."

"Bishop-sama, this is merely a parallel world," Luo Mo defended his plot, his voice steady.

"But it's only right if you understand my point of view. Why insist on this particular plot?" Kallen queried, her brows furrowed in confusion.

Her puzzlement was genuine. Kallen had always been aware of Luo Mo's movements and intentions. She knew that Luo Mo had never made any deliberate attempts to ingratiate himself with the Valkyrie, nor had he sought to win the favor of Anti-Entropy or any other factions. His intentions to serve in Schicksal were sincere and unadulterated.

Therefore, it was only logical that he should refrain from crafting a narrative that could potentially displease both sides. It was a delicate balance, and one that Luo Mo would do well to maintain.

"Lord Bishop," Luo Mo began, a sudden smile playing on his lips as a persuasive argument formed in his mind. His eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, the corners of his mouth curling up in a knowing grin.

"The script I've given you is devoid of other characters' dialogues, which might make it difficult for you to comprehend the context and the sequence of events in the plot," he explained, his voice steady and reassuring. "However, I can assure you that the genesis of this plot is intricately linked to Otto. And isn't it true that you've been trying to understand him better?"

Kallen's eyes widened in surprise, her interest piqued. "Oh?" she exclaimed, her curiosity now fully aroused. "In that case, I'll make sure to study the plot in detail when the time comes."

As an afterthought, she casually inquired, "By the way, who is lending their voice to Otto's character?"

Luo Mo responded with a hint of pride in his voice, "None other than me…"

Kallen gave him a double take, her eyebrows knitting together in a mix of surprise and disapproval. She seemed to be scowling, yet there was a hint of disgruntlement in her expression. She stated emphatically, "You weren't permitted to voice Otto during the episode set 500 years ago."

"Uh…" Luo Mo stuttered, a flush of embarrassment creeping up his cheeks. He seemed to have momentarily forgotten about the casting decision, "Then… Otto will be voiced by Otto himself," he finally managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper.

Upon hearing this, Kallen fell into a stunned silence, her mind racing to comprehend Luo Mo's words. "You mean…" she began, her eyes widening in surprise and disbelief.

"Yes, Otto exists in this world, he-" Luo Mo's explanation was abruptly cut off as Kallen, in a fit of shock and urgency, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"HE'S IN THIS WORLD?!!! WHERE IS HE!!!" Kallen demanded, her voice echoing in the room. Her grip on Luo Mo's shirt tightened as she sought an immediate answer.

"Calm down, Bishop. He's not the Otto you know, I can explain," Luo Mo tried to pacify the visibly agitated Kallen, attempting to loosen her firm grip on his shirt collar.

Upon hearing Luo Mo's reassurances, Kallen immediately released her hold on his collar. She took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure, "Ah, I'm sorry about earlier, can you explain?" she asked, her voice still tinged with a note of excitement.

Luo Mo patiently waited for Kallen's flurry of emotions to subside before he resumed his explanation. "In this world, Otto has vanished from the annals of history for reasons that remain inexplicable to me," he began, his voice steady and calm. "All traces of him have been wiped clean, erased from the collective memory of everyone, save for you and outsiders like myself."

He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing, "However, during my search, I stumbled upon an individual from China who bears an uncanny resemblance to Otto. His physical appearance, his voice, and even his mannerisms are strikingly similar. He goes by the name of Luocha."

Taking a deep breath, Luo Mo delved deeper into his theory, "I can't fathom why there would be individuals resembling Otto in this world. Could it be a case of reincarnation? Or perhaps the world is merely filling the void left by Otto's disappearance? Or could it all just be a mere coincidence?" He concluded his explanation, his gaze meeting Kallen's, seeking her understanding.

Kallen took a moment to process Luo Mo's revelations, her mind whirling with thoughts and speculations. Gradually, she managed to quell her wild conjectures, coming to terms with the reality of the situation.

"Umm," she murmured, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. The possibility of reuniting with her old friend had been snuffed out.

Her voice echoed in the silent room, a poignant reminder of their loss, "Yes, it seems that no one in this world even remembers Otto anymore, and there won't be a second Otto!" Her words hung heavy in the air, a testament to the finality of their situation.

Luo Mo, upon hearing that, could only nod in agreement.

Out of the blue, Kallen's communicator buzzed to life, breaking the silence of the room. The screen lit up, revealing an incoming report from an S-rank Valkyrie, updating her on the status of an ongoing mission.

"Oh? Rita and Durandal are part of this mission too? This is indeed a joyous surprise!" Kallen exclaimed, her face lighting up at the news.

Turning her attention back to Luo Mo, she queried, "So, when can we expect the release of the new plot for the game?" Her eyes were filled with anticipation as she awaited his response.

"The main storyline is nearly complete. We're just waiting on the voice recordings of Lord Durandal and Rita!" Luo Mo responded, his voice brimming with excitement.

"As for the two spinoffs, we're primarily missing the voiceovers from you and the head of Theresa's academy."

Kallen's eyes widened in surprise at his revelation, "Is the game development progressing at such a rapid pace?" she asked, her voice filled with awe.

Luo Mo responded with a coy smile, "It's all thanks to our dedicated staff. They're incredibly talented and are willing to put in extra hours to bring their dreams to fruition."

Over the past few days, Luo Mo had witnessed the relentless efforts of the staff. He had spent countless hours observing them, documenting their tireless dedication and commitment to their work.

An interesting incident had occurred recently within the company. Su Lu's online account had been inundated with an overwhelming amount of traffic, causing it to crash. She suspected that insiders within the company had leaked some information about the game. Given the advanced stage of the game's development, it was plausible that insiders would have access to some confidential information.

As the screenwriter, Su Lu found herself at the center of this whirlwind. Luo Mo couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her, even though she didn't seem to need it.

"Once you've finished the dubbing, why don't we head over to St. Freya's for a get-together?" Kallen suggested, her voice filled with anticipation.

On a different note, she asked, "Do you have any leads on the request from the Anti-Entropy side? Any information about their ally, Walter?"

Caught off guard, Luo Mo hesitated before responding, "In… A sea?" His answer was vague and uncertain, reflecting his own confusion.

Kallen was taken aback by his response. If he didn't want to divulge the information, he could have simply declined. But his cryptic reply left her puzzled.

Suddenly, realization dawned on her, "Wait, are you referring to the Quantum Sea?" she asked, her surprise evident in her voice. "But how did he end up there?"

Luo Mo shrugged, "I'm not entirely sure about that. However, I do have a question for you, Lord Bishop. The knife you had during our first meeting, did you bring it from the Far East?"

"That knife?" Kallen's brow furrowed at Luo Mo's question. After a moment of contemplation, she shook her head, "That sword can't be given to you. It's the last memento of a dear friend."

Luo Mo wasn't disheartened by her refusal. Instead, he asked, "So, it belongs to Ms. Yae Sakura?" He needed to confirm his suspicions.

Kallen hesitated for a moment before nodding in affirmation, choosing not to question how Luo Mo had come to know about it.

As the morning sun cast its warm glow, Kallen wrapped up her dubbing session. The words of the script still echoed in her mind, their resonance lingering in the quiet room.

Having completed their task, Kallen and Luo Mo decided to pay a visit to St. Freya's. The thought of a brief respite at Theresa's villa was appealing, and it provided Kallen with an opportunity to spend some time with her beloved granddaughter.

Upon their arrival, they were greeted by an eerie silence. The villa, usually bustling with activity, was deserted. Theresa's room, typically a sanctuary of warmth and comfort, was empty.

"They must be next door. Let's go check," Kallen suggested, her voice breaking the silence. She surmised that Durandal must have gone next door to meet her mother, and Theresa would naturally accompany her.

As they approached the neighboring house, the sound of a heated argument reached their ears. The voices were familiar, yet the tone was uncharacteristically tense.

"Mom, great aunt, I have a multitude of responsibilities. I can't simply agree to do a dubbing job based on one person's narrative," Durandal's voice rang out, her frustration evident.

"Even if it's a task assigned by the Bishop, I need to confirm it with her directly," she added, her voice firm and resolute.

Durandal didn't see the need to lend her voice for a game. It wasn't a matter of arrogance, but rather a question of priorities. Every second was precious to her, as she was committed to her mission of traveling the world to eradicate Honkai beasts.

However, if the task was assigned by the Schicksal Bishop, that was a different matter altogether. Durandal knew that every decision made by Bishop Kallen was driven by the greater good.

At that precise moment, Kallen and Luo Mo made their entrance. The room was filled with familiar faces - Kiana, Durandal, Rita, Theresa, and Cecilia - each engrossed in their own conversations.

"Lord Bishop, Lord Luo Mo, a pleasant afternoon to you both. Is there anything you require?" Rita greeted them, stepping forward with a warm smile gracing her features. She executed a slight bow, the epitome of grace and decorum, embodying the impeccable manners of a maid.

Theresa, upon noticing their arrival, rushed forward, her arms outstretched, eager for a heartfelt embrace with Kallen. Kallen reciprocated the gesture, wrapping her arms gently around Theresa.

"Grandma!" Theresa exclaimed, her voice filled with affection.

Cecilia, observing the scene, couldn't help but smile. Turning to Kallen, she said, "Kallen, it appears that my daughter could use your persuasive skills. I won't interfere anymore. She excels in many areas, but can be quite stubborn, alas!" Her words were laced with a hint of exasperation.

After expressing her sentiments, Cecilia shook her head, feigning disappointment. However, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she was merely putting on an act.

"Mom, mom, I'm not stubborn!" Durandal retorted, her voice tinged with anxiety. She was accustomed to being lauded as the strongest Valkyrie, brave, powerful, invincible - accolades she had heard time and again. But being labeled as stubborn was a new experience for her, and it seemed to have struck a nerve.

"Then, I'll go check on Sirin first, Lord Bishop." Cecilia announced, gently guiding Kiana towards the stairs. As they ascended, Kiana's protests about not wanting to visit her second sister echoed through the room, adding to the lively atmosphere.

With a subtle smile playing on her lips, Rita gently took Theresa by the arm and led her towards another room on the second floor. "Theresa-sama, let's see if you've grown taller," she proposed, her voice filled with playful curiosity.

Caught off guard, Theresa protested, "Ahhhhh! You wicked woman, let me go!" Her outcry echoed through the room, yet no one dared to intervene as the bishop's granddaughter was spirited away right before their eyes.

With Theresa and Rita out of the room, the atmosphere shifted. "The upcoming discussion isn't suitable for Kiana's ears, not yet," someone remarked, hinting at the gravity of the conversation that was about to ensue.

Durandal, visibly relieved, turned her attention to Luo Mo. Her gaze was steady, her tone unambiguous as she posed her question, "If you believe that a game can provide us with a strategy to defeat Honkai, can you provide more concrete evidence or credible information?"

Kallen, who had been observing the exchange, showed no signs of stepping in to assist Luo Mo. Instead, she seemed to take a certain delight in his predicament. When Luo Mo turned to her with pleading eyes, she simply reminded him, "Mr. Luo, do you recall our initial agreement? Convincing the S-class Valkyrie of Schicksal is a task you must undertake yourself."

Luo Mo was left speechless. He was uncertain whether Kallen had orchestrated this situation to extract more information, or if Durandal genuinely held these concerns. Regardless, he couldn't deny that Durandal, as the strongest Valkyrie of Schicksal, had every right to raise such a query.

Luo Mo found himself deep in thought, contemplating the potential implications of divulging certain information. He concluded that sharing some details could indeed be beneficial, particularly in this context.

The topic at hand was the Honkai of the previous era's Remnant. With the absence of the Void archive once held by Otto, the available information was indeed sparse. The specific powers of the Herrscher that might emerge when they connected were unclear, shrouded in mystery.

Sharing a portion of the available information with the members of Schicksal could potentially help them comprehend the true terror of the Honkai. Taking precautions based on this understanding was certainly not a bad idea.

With this in mind, Luo Mo began to speak, "… I have composed a short song for one of my upcoming Animation."

He continued, "It's still in its draft stage, but I believe it will provide some answers to your question. The song encapsulates the essence of a few Herrschers that posed the greatest threat to the former civilization."

Durandal, intrigued by his revelation, responded eagerly, "I'm all ears!"

Luo Mo then recited the verses penned by the Herrschers of the former civilization:

"The tragic casualties ignited in the flames," he started, his words painting a vivid picture of the Herrscher of Flame's destructive power that burned most of Australia.

"The obliteration of hope is birthed in the stone," he continued, his voice steady as he alluded to the Herrscher of Rock's ability to extinguish hope of previous era (MU continent sinking into Sea Quanta).

"The hearts of mankind are ripped from their consciousness, plummeting into an abyss, and split into 1.000 gems" he said, hinting at the Herrscher of Domination's terrifying ability to corrupt minds and split into 1.000 individuals. (or 10.000? Dunno i forget that)

"The demise of the all warrior, the sorrow of confinement," he added, indicating the Herrscher of Binding's power to restrain and control.

"The remnants of civilization, eroding all being," he stated, pointing to the Herrscher of Corruption's ability to erode and destroy any modern civilizations.

He paused for a moment, allowing the weight of his words to sink in before posing a question, "What is it, what is it that annihilates the last vestiges of us?"

Finally, he concluded, "It is the end, it's the beginning of never ending reincarnation!!" referring to The Final Herrscher, the ultimate symbol of destruction and rebirth.

This chapter is about 2800 words long, I hope you are satisfied because it is the only chapter for today.

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