Juan, died in a very tragic way and reborn as cell in dragonball! Watch him dominate the entire dragon ball series and make saiyan and frost demon race submit and be loyal to him! As well as rule the universes with his New Race that he will build! English is not my first language so correct my grammar or spelling if I'm wrong! credit to the author of db series.
This is the link of DRAGONBALL WIKI
List of character birth dates and ages
The following is the list of character birth dates and ages throughout Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball GT. The list is based on age information stated in the manga/anime, given in Dragon Ball guides, and most taken from the actual timeline. This list includes the Dragon Team and their support, most villains, and other characters. Some factors, such as training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, are factored in and noted when the occurrence happens. Another notable change is death. The biggest example is Goku, who was dead for seven years, causing him not to age, thus making him physically the same age he was when he died upon his return to Earth, and this is clearly noted.
In regards to the some of the ages given, many are never actually stated and so are rough estimates.
*The following lists are compiled using the years given in the guidebooks and video games, which are different to the ones used in Weekly Jump (2015) and Dragon Ball Super: Broly, and also ignore Shenron's additional summoning in the Super anime as well as Granolah's explanation of the history of Cereal in the Super manga. It also assumes Bulma's claim to be 38 in Battle of Gods is false.*
List of character birth dates
Dragon Team and supporters
Turtle: 237 Before Age
Korin: 50 Before Age
Nameless Namekian: Age 242
Master Roshi: Age 430
Kami: Age 461
King Piccolo: Age 461
Grandpa Gohan: Age 658
Launch: June 17, Age 732
Broly: Age 730
Vegeta: Age 730
Bulma: Age 731
Tien Shinhan: Age 733
Yamcha: March 20, Age 733
Yajirobe: Age 735
Krillin: Age 736
Mr. Satan: Age 736
Goku: Age 734
Chi-Chi: November 5, Age 737
Chiaotzu: Age 738
Oolong: September 23, Age 740
Puar: September 2, Age 740
Piccolo: May 9, Age 753
Gohan/Future Gohan: May 18, Age 757
Videl: Age 757
Trunks/Future Trunks: Age 766
Goten: Age 767
Marron: Age 771
Uub: Age 774
Pan: May, Age 779
Bulla: December, Age 780
Arale: May 17th, Age 745
List of character ages
King Piccolo wars
Bandages the Mummy - 511
Fangs the Vampire - 285
Fortuneteller Baba - Over 200 (began divining in Age 250)
Nameless Namekian - A little over 200 (presumed to be very young when sent from Namek in Age 261)
Kami - Just "born" (separated from Nameless Namekian)
King Piccolo - Just "born" (separated from Nameless Namekian)
Korin - 511
Master Roshi - 31
Mercenary Tao - 2
Turtle - 698
Jaco the Galactic Patrolman
Bulma - 5
Dodoria - over 40
Frieza - 32
Goku - 3
Grandpa Gohan - 81
Tights - 17
Tori-Bot - 19
Vegeta - 7
Zarbon - over 50
Dragon Ball
Emperor Pilaf Saga, Age 749
Bulma - 16
Chi-Chi - 11-12
Emperor Pilaf - 34
Goku - 12
Master Roshi - 319
Monster Carrot - 51
Oolong - 9
Puar - 9
Tori-Bot - 29
Turtle - 986
Yamcha - 16
Tournament Saga/Red Ribbon Army Saga, Age 750
Akane Kimidori - 18
Arale Norimaki - 5
Bulma - 16
Chi-Chi - 12
Goku - 12-13
Korin - 800
Krillin - 13
Baba - Over 500
Oolong - 10
Peasuke Soramame - 19
Puar - 10
Master Roshi - 320
Senbei Norimaki - 33
Taro Soramame - 21
Launch - 17
Turtle - 987
Yamcha - 17
Giran - 33
Ranfan - 24
Nam - 29
Emperor Pilaf - 35
Ninja Murasaki - 35
General Blue - 28
Mercenary Tao - 291
Fangs the Vampire - 574
Bandages the Mummy- 800
Tien Shinhan Saga/King Piccolo Saga, Age 753
Bulma - 19
Chiaotzu - 15
Launch - 20
Goku - 15-16
Kami - 292
Krillin - 16
Oolong - 13
Piccolo - 0
Puar - 13
Master Roshi - 323
Tien Shinhan - 20
Turtle - 990
Yajirobe - 18
Yamcha - 20
Mr. Popo - Over 1,000
Pilaf - 38
King Piccolo - 292
Piccolo Jr. Saga, Age 756
Bulma - 22
Launch - 23
Chi-Chi - 18
Chiaotzu - 18
Goku - 18-19
Kami - 295
Krillin - 19
Oolong - 16
Puar - 16
Master Roshi - 326
Tien Shinhan - 23
Yajirobe - 21
Yamcha - 23
Piccolo - 3
Dragon Ball Z
Raditz Saga, Age 761
Bulma - 27
Chi-Chi - 23-24
Chiaotzu - 23
Gohan - 4
Goku - 24
Kami - 300
Krillin - 25
Oolong - 21
Piccolo - 8
Puar - 21
Master Roshi - 331
Turtle - 998
Launch - 28
Tien - 28
Yajirobe - 26
Yamcha - 28
Vegeta - 29
Nappa - Over 50
Raditz - Probably 29, same than Vegeta.
Vegeta Saga/Namek Saga, Age 762
Bulma - 30
Chi-Chi - 24-25
Chiaotzu - 24
Gohan - 5
Goku - 25 (physically 24 due to death)
Kami - 301
Krillin - 26
Oolong - 21-22
Piccolo - 9
Puar - 22
Roshi - 332
Tien - 29
Turtle - 999
Yajirobe - 27
Yamcha - 29
Vegeta - 30
Nappa - 50-59
Grand Elder Guru - Over 500
Dende - 5
Dodoria - over 70
Frieza - over 70
Zarbon - over 70
Garlic Jr. Saga, Age 763
Bulma - 30
Chi-Chi - 26
Chiaotzu - 25 (physically 24 due to death)
Gohan - 6
Goku - 26 (physically 25 due to death)
Kami - 302
Krillin - 27
Oolong - 23
Piccolo - 10
Puar - 23
Roshi - 333
Tien - 30 (physically 29 due to death)
Turtle - 1,000
Vegeta - 31
Yajirobe - 28
Yamcha - 30
Trunks Saga, Age 764
Bulma - 31
Chi-Chi - 27
Chiaotzu - 26 (physically 25 due to death)
Gohan - 7
Goku - 27 (physically 26 due to death)
Kami - 303
Krillin - 28
Oolong - 24
Piccolo - 11
Puar - 24
Roshi - 334
Turtle - 1,001
Tien Shinhan - 31 (physically 30 due to death)
Vegeta - 32
Yajirobe - 29
Yamcha - 31
Future Trunks - 17
Frieza - Over 70
King Cold - Over 100
Androids Saga, Age 767
Bulma - 34
Chi-Chi - 30
Chiaotzu - 29 (physically 28)
Gohan - 9-10 (physically 10-11 at the Cell Games due to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber)
Goku - 30 (physically 29 at first due to death, but turns 30 due to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber)
Goten - 0 (born months after Cell's defeat)
Future Trunks - 18 (physically 19 when Cell reaches his perfect form and 20 when Cell Games begin)
Kami - 306
Krillin - 31
Oolong - 27
Piccolo - 14 (physically 15 due to training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber)
Puar - 27
Roshi - 337
Tien Shinhan - 34 (physically 33)
Trunks - 0, going on 1
Turtle - 1,004
Vegeta - 35 (physically 36 when Cell reaches his perfect form, 37 when the Cell Games begin)
Videl - 10
Yajirobe - 32
Yamcha - 34
Mr. Satan - 31
Android 17 - ~20; Mid to late teens as a human, roughly 3 years as an android
Android 18 - ~20; Mid to late teens as a human, roughly 3 years as an android
Cell - 6 (30s, counting years in development)
Majin Buu Saga, Age 774
Android 18 - ~27; Roughly 10 years as an android
Bulma - 41
Chi-Chi - 36-37
Chiaotzu - 36 (physically 35)
Gohan - 16-17 (physically 18)
Goku - 37 (physically 30 due to death)
Goten - 7
Krillin - 38
Marron - 3
Oolong - 34
Piccolo - 21 (physically 22)
Puar - 34
Master Roshi - 344
Tien Shinhan - 41 (physically 40)
Trunks - 8
Turtle - 1,011
Uub - Born after Buu's defeat
Vegeta - 42 (physically 44)
Yajirobe - 39
Yamcha - 41
Mr. Satan - 38
Videl - 17
Sharpner - 17
Erasa - 17
Bee - 0 - 1
Kibito - Over 5 million
Shin - Over 5 million
Old Kai - Roughly 75 million
Babidi - Tens of millions of years
Kid Buu - Around since time immemorial or 5 million
Good Buu - Formed
Dabura - Over 300
Launch - 42
Dragon Ball Super
God of Destruction Beerus Saga, Age 778
Android 18 - ~31; Roughly 14 years as an android
Bulma - 45 (claims to be 38)
Chi-Chi - 41
Chiaotzu - 40 (physically 39)
Gohan - 21 (physically 22)
Goku - 41 (physically 34 due to death)
Good Buu - 4 (since fissioning)
Goten - 11
Krillin - 42
Marron - 7
Master Roshi - 348
Mr. Satan - 42
Oolong - 38
Piccolo - 25 (physically 26)
Puar - 38
Tien Shinhan - 45 (physically 44)
Trunks - 12
Vegeta - 46 (physically 48)
Videl - 21
Yajirobe - 43
Yamcha - 45
Beerus - At least 75 million (over 200 Million in the anime)
Champa - At least 75 million (over 200 Million in the anime)
Mai - 41, Physically at least 11
Pilaf - Physically at least 11
Shu - Physically at least 11
Golden Frieza Saga/Universe 6 Saga/"Future" Trunks Saga, Age 779
Android 18 - ~32; Roughly 15 years as an android
Arale - 34
Bulma - 46
Chi-Chi - 42
Chiaotzu - 41 (physically 40)
Future Trunks - 35 (physically 36 due to being in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber during the Android Saga)
Gohan - 22 (physically 23)
Goku - 42 (physically 35 due to death but turns to 38 after time in Hyperbolic Time Chamber)
Good Buu - 5 (since fissioning)
Goten - 12
Hit - Over 1,000
Krillin - 43
Mai - Physically at least 12
Marron - 8
Master Roshi - 349
Mr. Satan - 43
Oolong - 39
Pan - 0
Piccolo - 26 (physically 27)
Pilaf - Physically at least 12
Puar - 39
Shu - Physically at least 12
Tien Shinhan - 46 (physically 45)
Trunks - 13
Vegeta - 47 (physically 49 but turns 52 after time in Hyperbolic Time Chamber)
Videl - 22
Yajirobe - 44
Yamcha - 46
Universe Survival Saga/Broly Saga, Age 780
Android 18 - ~33; Roughly 16 years as an android
Android 17 - ~33; Roughly 16 years as an android
Broly - 48 (41 per the film's timeline)
Bulla - 0
Bulma - 47
Chi-Chi - 43
Gohan - 23 (physically 24)
Goku - 43 (physically 39)
Good Buu - 6 (since fissioning)
Goten - 13
Hit - Over 1,000
Krillin - 44
Mai - Physically at least 13
Marron - 9
Master Roshi - 350
Mr. Satan - 44
Pan - 0-1
Piccolo - 27 (physically 28)
Pilaf - Physically at least 13
Puar - 40
Shu - Physically at least 13
Tien Shinhan - 47 (physically 46)
Trunks - 14
Vegeta - 48 (physically 53)
Videl - 23
Yamcha - 47
Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga/Granolah the Survivor Saga, Age 781
Android 18 - ~34; Roughly 17 years as an android
Android 17 - ~34; Roughly 17 years as an android
Bulla - 1
Bulma - 48
Chi-Chi - 44
Gohan - 24 (physically 25)
Goku - 44 (physically 40)
Good Buu - 7 (since fissioning)
Goten - 14
Granolah - Around 50
Heeters - Over 50
Krillin - 45
Marron - 10
Master Roshi - 351
Mr. Satan - 45
Pan - 1-2
Piccolo - 28 (physically 29)
Tien Shinhan - 48 (physically 47)
Trunks - 15
Vegeta - 49 (physically 54)
Yamcha - 48
Moro - Over 10 Million years old
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, Age 783
Android 18 - ~36; Roughly 19 years as an android
Bulma - 50
Gohan - 26 (physically 27)
Goku - 46 (physically 42)
Goten - 15/16
Krillin - 47
Pan - 3
Piccolo - 30 (physically 31)
Trunks - 16/17
Vegeta - 51 (physically 56)
Peaceful World Saga, Age 784
Android 18 - ~37; Roughly 20 years as an android
Bulla - 4
Bulma - 51
Chi-Chi - 46-47
Chiaotzu - 46 (physically 45)
Gohan - 27 (physically 28)
Goku - 47 (physically 43)
Good Buu - 10 (since fissioning)
Goten - 17
Krillin - 48
Marron - 13
Oolong - 44
Pan - 4
Piccolo - 31 (physically 32)
Puar - 44
Master Roshi - 354
Turtle - 1,021
Tien Shinhan - 51 (physically 50)
Trunks - 18
Uub - 10
Vegeta - 52 (physically 57)
Videl - 27
Yajirobe - 49
Yamcha - 51
Mr. Satan - 48
Bee - 10-11
Dragon Ball GT
Note: the Funimation dub places Dragon Ball GT ten years after the end of Dragon Ball Z, while the original dub and various original guides state it to be five years. We use the original and guide dates, thus the following are ages according to Dragon Ball GT taking place five years after Dragon Ball Z.Black-Star Dragon Ball Saga/Baby Saga, Age 789
Android 18 – ~42;25 years as an android
Bulla - 9
Bulma - 56
Chi-Chi - 51-52
Chiaotzu - 51
Gohan - 32 (physically 33)
Goku - 52 (physically 48 but became 10 due to Pilaf's wish that turned him into a little boy)
Goten - 22
Krillin - 53
Marron - 18
Oolong - 49
Pan - 10
Piccolo - 36 (physically 37)
Puar - 49
Master Roshi - 359
Turtle - 1,026
Tien Shinhan - 56
Trunks - 23
Uub - 15
Vegeta - 57 (physically 62)
Videl - 32
Yajirobe - 54
Yamcha - 56
Nam - 68
Emperor Pilaf - 74
Dr. Myuu - 49
Baby - 59-69
Super 17 Saga/Shadow Dragon Saga, Age 790
Android 18 – ~43; 26 years as an android
Bulla - 10
Bulma - 57
Chi-Chi - 52-53
Chiaotzu - 52
Gohan - 33 (physically 34)
Goku - 53 (physically 11)
Goten - 23
Krillin - 54
Marron - 19
Oolong - 50
Pan - 11
Puar - 50
Master Roshi - 360
Turtle - 1,027
Tien Shinhan - 57
Trunks - 24
Uub - 16
Vegeta - 58 (physically 63)
Videl - 33
Yajirobe - 55
Yamcha - 57
Syn Shenron - 28
Haze Shenron - 40
Eis Shenron - 16
Nuova Shenron - 37
Rage Shenron - 28
Oceanus Shenron - 41
Naturon Shenron - 16
A Hero's Legacy/Victory Mission
Goku - 152 (looks 50)
Puck - 12 (in Dragon Ball GT Perfect Files)
Goku Jr. - 9 (in Dragon Ball GT Perfect Files)
Vegeta Jr. - 9 (in Dragon Ball GT Perfect Files)
Bulma Leigh - 30 (in Dragon Ball GT Perfect Files)
Pan - 109
Alternate Timeline
Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks
Future Bulma - 47
Future Chi-Chi - 42-43
Future Gohan - 23
Future Trunks - 14
Future Oolong - 40
Future Puar - 40
Future Master Roshi - 350
Future Turtle - 1,017
Future Android 17 - ~33; 16 years as an android
Future Android 18 - ~33; 16 years as an android
Three years later, Age 783
Future Bulma - 50
Future Chi-Chi - 45-46
Future Trunks - 17
Future Oolong - 43
Future Puar - 43
Future Roshi - 353
Future Turtle - 1,020