
Majikoi: A New Life

A denizen of the dark underbelly of society. Desiring, yearning for a peaceful life. And his target gives him an offer. But he does not want to be a servant, not anymore. But Kuki, Mikado is as unpredictable as a calamity and hilarity ensues.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 12: A Little Sister is Cute as Expected

After watching Ageha get healed, Ronin went up to Momoyo as she was pouting at him constantly.

"Nice win, Momoyo." He smiled at her and Momoyo huffed at him.

"What? Giving me the cold shoulder? I even brought you some ultra rare, Kuki exclusive peach juice that has been made with peaches that are as expensive as gold in weight." Ronin already knew how she ticked.

Momoyo grabbed it and she took a sip, raising a brow at him in doubt.

But when she tasted it, her taste buds were in heaven.

"Alright. I forgive you, but I didn't feel like I won." Momoyo still sulked a bit, but the peach juice he gave her pacified her.

"Hah, you're still my friend. But Ageha is my imo. You would cheer on Kazuko too if she fought with say, Gakuto." Ronin sighed at her antics.

"Well, yeah... But I don't like it." Momoyo was possessive in nature. And she doesn't like him cheering on Ageha instead of her.

"You're like a spoiled brat." Ronin got annoyed and Momoyo winced.

"Well, sorry for being a spoiled brat." Momoyo drew circles on the ground.

"It's not like you to be like that, stand tall. You won, you know?" Ronin raised a brow at her.

"Well, I did! I'm the strongest of the big four, huhun!" Momoyo radiated praise me energy and Ronin rolled his eyes.

"Stop trying to get praise from Ronin Momoyo, that's all you'd get." The twins interjected.

"Che, you guys are always hogging him. When can I fight you again?" Momoyo was still hungry for more.

"When you mature." Aka huffed at her and Miyo nodded.

"Meh, that's overrated. You guys are here for that." Momoyo shrugged.

"I'll check on the others." Ronin felt the Kazama family walk up to them and he went to the other big four.

"Hey, Takae Tachibana, Otome Kurogane. I'm Kuki Ronin, you fought wonderfully." He gave them his business card and they took it with surprise.

After all, a Kuki giving you their business card means that you are worthy to contact them.

"How about I give you guys an offer?" Ronin had a small smirk on his face.

"R-Really? But I'm like the personification of bad luck. I even tripped a bit, that's why I wasn't able to hit Kurogane on her chin." Tachibana got depressed.

"Don't say that Tachibana, you aren't unlucky... Probably." Kurogane wasn't sure if the young woman was cursed or not with bad luck.

"Then, you can think about it if you want. Just give me a call, I would like to work with you." Ronin wanted capable people under him.

And they were pretty young too. With Kurogane being the oldest, yet only 18 years old.

"I'll think about it..." Tachibana clutched his business card while Kurogane nodded.

He then waved his hand as he walked away, going to the Kazama family.

The only person missing was the Kuki famiglia's temporary member; Koyuki.

She had tests today and was unable to come. So Ronin just sent her some marshmallows.

"Nee-sama don't scare us like that. I thought you were beaten!" Kazuko whined.

"Yosh yosh, my cute little sister. Your awesome nee-sama had it in the bag!" Momoyo rubbed her head.

And if Kazuko had a tail, it would be wagging right now.

"Of course! My nee-sama is the best." Kazuko announced.

"Kuhahahaha! Our anigimi is the best, Kazuko. And have you thought of accepting Hideo's love?" Ageha let out the signature Kuki laugh.

"Geh, I humbly refuse." Kazuko made an x with her arms.

"Hmmm, too bad. But Hideo can't get it through his thick skull. Forgive him for it." Ageha bowed a little and Kazuko started getting flustered.

"Oi, Ageha-san. Are you trying to seduce my cute little sister?" Momoyo thought that Ageha was cool.

"Impossible! After all, we do not like women kuhahaha!" Ageha laughed.

"She sure is energetic even after that brutal fight." Gakuto commented.

"She's made of tough stuff." Moro nodded with Gakuto.

The duo then ogled Ageha, she's a beauty after all.

"Hey, eyes off or we'll blind you just like those guys from back then." The twins raised a brow at them and they yelped.

"Ageha-senpai sure is cool! She's energetic again after losing." Capt nodded at Ageha's spirit.

"Kuhahaha! Don't mention it, Shouichi. As a Kuki, we have to be exemplary. Anigimi, we will take our leave." Ageha left.

"Oh yeah, we have to welcome our sister; Monshiro. You guys want to come?" He invited them and they blinked.

"A party at the Kuki estate? That huge ass mansion? Hell yeah!" Capt cheered and everyone got excited.

"Umu, I will be preparing the food as well. Aka and Miyo will help me as always, but you know what I'm trying to say." Ronin shrugged.

"Ahhh~ senpai's house. I wonder if he'll awaken his beastly instincts and take me right then and there after having a few drinks in him." Miyako fidgeted around.

Everybody ignored her though, they were already used to her antics.

__En Route__

Everybody was picked up by a limo and the teens were very excited to be in one.

"Wow, I never expected to be in a limo. I feel like a celebrity." Gakuto looked around in awe inside of the car.

"This feels like I'm in a movie or something." Moro fidgeted like a shy maiden.

"Drinks anyone?" Miyo offered as she pushed a button. Then, the interior of the limo transformed and a bar appeared.

"Ohhh! As expected of my uber rich friend~ won't you take care of me and Kazuko for the rest of our lives?" Momoyo grinned like a cheshire cat at Ronin.

"You still have to work, Momoyo." He rolled his eyes at her.

"Che, stingy. Isn't that right, nee-sama?" Kazuko jeered at him with Momoyo.

"A Kuki's wealth is extraordinary. I don't even wanna know how many zeroes your bank account has." Yamato imagined being a high roller.

"Senpai, you don't need to impress me with money you know? I'll gladly give myself to you~" Miyako blushed as she fidgeted around.

"Should I file a restraining order?" Ronin raised a brow and Miyako pouted.

"Yes, I will shut up now." The purple haired girl zipped her mouth.

It was already a miniature party inside of the limo as Momoyo took a bottle of champagne and shook it.

"Oi! Stop spilling champagne everywhere you gorilla!" Aka caught the spillage perfectly with a bucket.

"Kyahaha~ you'll catch it for me anyways!" Momoyo waved the bottle like a drunk and Aka was tempted to hit her with the bucket.

"This girl, honestly." Ronin smiled lightly at the rambunctious Kazama family.

"I'll also buy one of these in the future! Believe it!" Shouichi promised and everybody thought that he might actually be able to do it.

Capt was similar to Mikado. And his luck was pretty good too. He has confidence in spades, capt already has the traits needed to be successful in life.

After a chaotic ride in which Aka tried to control the Kazama family who were rambunctious as hell.

They arrived at the Kuki estate and everyone was welcomed by maids and butlers.

"Woah... Real maids and butlers... Not like those fakes in cafes." Kazuko was thinking of useless things as usual.

"Welcome back, master Ronin. Akasuki-sama, Kimiyo-sama." The setvants bowed at them and everyone looked at him weirdly.

Normally, he was just this mysterious guy that is sadistic yet kind towards his friends.

But seeing him being welcomed by dozens of servants. They were now sure that he was a young master that has a diamond spoon in his mouth when born.

Not like they knew what he did to reach his current situation right now.

"Ronin-sama, are these your friends? Well, I am Claudio Nero. A pleasure to meet the young master's friends." Claudio bowed at them.

Gakuto, Moro, and Kazuko got flustered upon seeing the quintessential butler.

While the others were curious if that was how you'll be greeted if you were rich.

"Hello." They all bowed back a little and Claudio chuckled. "Oh my, such polite teenagers. Beautiful as well, though you're so thin." Claudio smiled at them.

"He likes big, beautiful women." Aka commented about Claudio's last statement.

The Kazama family then broke into a cold sweat. They were as healthy as they could be. Only Moro was a bit thin due to being a gamer nerd.

"Y-yes, we'll eat well." They don't know what to say so they just rode along with Claudio's comment.

"Claudio, I assume that Hume is Monshiro's guard?" Ronin asked him and the butler nodded.

"Yes, they will arrive in about an hour. Please, follow me to the party venue and help yourselves to snacks as Ronin-sama and his attendants prepare the main courses." Claudio gestured politely to follow him.

"This old man is strong, heck. There are a lot of strong people here. As expected of rich people that could hire strong guys." Momoyo was a bit excited.

But she curbed her battle intent and thought that she can't cause trouble in Ronin's home.

Especially because it was the first time she came there.

"Momo-senpai, don't be trying to cause fights now." Yamato raised a brow at her.

"Shuddup." Momoyo blushed as Yamato saw through her.

The Kazama family entered the hall where Monshiro was going to be welcomed and everyone had an expression of awe.

"Damn, I feel so poor just standing here." Momoyo commented.

And the others were getting uncomfortable, seeing such a large and wide hall. It also didn't help that maids and butlers were catering to their every need.

"Kyahaha! This is the life!" Momoyo was sipping a non-alcoholic cocktail with a pleased expression.

"Momo-senpai, you sure are enjoying this." Miyako tried to make her guilty for indulging herseld a bit too much. Especially because they were Ronin's guests.

"Ha? Ronin invited me here, so I'm going to enjoy this to the maximum!" Momoyo had a smile on her face.

"So shameless..." Even Kazuko thought that her older sister was going too far.

"Can I have some treats that will go with this?" Momoyo requested from a maid.

"Certainly, ma'am." The maid bowed and she thought that she could get used to her current situation.

After about 40 minutes, Ronin, Aka, and Miyo brought out large platters of party food.

All kinds of delicious cuisine from all over the world graced the tables and the gluttons started salivating.

"Ohhh! The senpais' food are the best! This is going to be amazing!" Gakuto couldn't pick what to try first.

"Oi, what minion eats before their boss?" Momoyo wanted to take all the juicy and desirable parts first.

"Nee-sama! If it's the Kuki famiglia's food, then I will fight you for it!" Kazuko stood tall in front of Momoyo.

"Heh, then I would like to see you try." Momoyo squinted her eyes.

"Chance! Itadakimasu!" Capt tried to get a fast one over the others.

But they were smacked by a blonde. "No fighting here, you babies. You are being rude, Ronin-sama's reputation is in your hands." Hume chided them.

And the twisted grin on his face promised pain if they didn't settle down.

"Kuhahahaha! It's so lively in here. And of course, it's due to the beautiful Kazuko-dono." Hideo kneeled on one knee in front of Kazuko.

"Geh, Hideo-kun... I'm not interested." Kazuko politely declined his romantic gesture.

"You know, these types don't understand no Kazuko." Momoyo deadpanned at Hideo who was still looking at her with his burning love.

"At least he isn't a stalker like Miyako." Ronin commented and Miyako squirmed.

"Ahhh~ how cruel, senpai. But I don't mind some shame play." Miyako blushed as she held her cheeks.

"Wait a minute, quiet down. If Hume jii-chan is here, then Monshiro is here too." Aka thought that something was missing.

They looked for the star of the show, but she was nowhere to be seen.

The doors suddenly opened though. "Kuhahaha! I am Kuki Monshiro de aru!" A little girl with the signature Kuki hair color appeared. (Pic)

"A loli?" Miyo thought that Monshiro was just a year younger than the majority of the Kazama family.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.