
Majesty's Journey 7: Bibi Dong's Omnitrix Wielder In Douluo Dalu

A normal, game loving and slightly introverted teenager in our normal world dies. But luckily for him, an omniversal being which he just calls R.O.B who had gotten extremely bored decided to reincarnate someone just like how it has become a trend between some omniversal beings. And luckily and fortunately for our protagonist, Ali {literal meaning= Majesty/Majestic one} gets picked up in the countless beings in the omniverse. But his wishes were a bit... Big and too powerful on the long run. And one of his wishes, was that he wanted his soul to be turned to pieces and sent to multiverses that he liked in his previous life. like the douluo dalu multiverse and marvel multiverse. And this soul piece of Ali, decided to get reincarnated in Douluo Dalu like a few other soul pieces of him! ---------------------------------------- Just something for you to know, this story is harem, and Bibi Dong will DEFINITELY be in the harem.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

CH 3: Checking the martial souls

<Images of both martial souls are at the end of the chapter>

The eyes of Su Yuntao and the children went wide open in shock at the dazzling light before Ali took his hand off and smirked :"Well, I guess that means that I am born with full soul power as well, right?"

"Eh? Ah, well, that's correct..." Su Yuntao said as he looked at Ali seriously :'Is his martial soul really a useless one? If it's really useless, how could he have full soul power?

No, wait, that kid with the Blue Silver Grass is also born with full soul power, however, his martial soul is the one that is considered the most useless... Sigh, do the heavens not have eyes? How come two children with trash martial souls be born with full soul power while people like me are born with only level 2 soul power?'

"Alright, that's all. You are all free to go now." Su Yuntao didn't say any more as he reached out and the yellow light was absorbed into his hand before the stones flew onto his palm.

As he took the lead and walked out with the children following, they all got out as Tang San closed the door before the same light from when it was opened glowed, sealing it while old Jack immediately looked at Su Yuntao with hopeful eyes :"Master, how is it? Is there any kid in our village who can be a soul master?"

"Sigh, there are two of them, both born with full soul power." Su Yuntao said with disappointment, however, old Jack was immediately excited while the children who didn't have any more business walked away sadly :"Born with full soul power?!"

Su Yuntao :"Sigh, unluckily, the martial soul of one of them is Blue Silver Grass, and the other one has a useless, unknown bracelet as a martial soul. Do you get it?"

Old Jack was taken aback as he looked at the sky with sadness :"Blue Silver Grass and a useless bracelet... Born with full soul power, but have useless martial souls... This is so..." He shook his head in disappointment and sighed before he grabbed Su Yuntao's forearm :"Master, can't we train either of them?"

Su Yuntao sighed as he turned around to face him :"We can, but... Even if their soul power increases, what do you think a Blue Silver Grass can evolve too? The same goes for the bracelet, it can't attack and I doubt that it can defend. They're both useless martial souls. Such a waste for these full soul powers... Suck a waste... Alright, I'd better get moving. I'm heading to another village."

Ali and Tang San walked towards the dejected old Jack who shook his head in disappointment :"Sigh, full soul power, but useless martial souls..."

"Grandpa Jack, what's a soul ring? How do I get one?" Tang San asked once they reached the old man, but Ali answered him instead with his hands locked behind his head :"Soul rings are the part of the remaining soul power released by soul beasts following their death."

Both old Jack and Tang San looked at him in surprise as Tang San tilted his head :"Ali, do you know about soul rings? And what are these soul beasts?" And Ali shrugged with a small smile :"Remember how I've gone to Nuoding City a few times? I've asked around when I could or read a few books about them here and there, so I know some things."

There was a look of realization on Tang San's face as he nodded as did old Jack :"I don't know exactly, but I think what Ali said is correct. However, that's very dangerous, unless you're a soul master. Xiao San, Ali, are you the ones who have full soul power but with Blue Silver Grass and the unknown bracelet?"

"Mhm. I have the bracelet." Ali nodded with a smile as did Tang San :"Yes, and mine is the Blue Silver Grass." And old Jack patted them on their shoulders :"I had a feeling that Ali would be unique with his looks, but Xiao San, I didn't expect that you'd be so extraordinary.

Too bad, your dad isn't putting enough effort to inherit a good martial soul to you. Or else, you might've become the second and third soul saint of our soul Saint Village." Even though Ali's smile was there, he couldn't stop his lips and eyebrows from twitching at old Jack's words :'Gramps, what does poor uncle Hao have to do with any of this?'

Old Jack smiled at Tang San as he continued :"Tell me, are you willing to join the soul masters training school along with Ali? You can learn the knowledge about martial souls only from there."

"My dad has to agree first." Tang San looked down, but not with disappointment, before Ali patted his back with an encouraging smile :"Well, then why don't you and grandpa Jack go and get his permission?"

Tang San's eyebrows rose as he tilted his head at Ali :"Aren't you going to come with us?" To which Ali answered by shaking his head :"Nope, I wanna go and check out my martial soul. I wish you good luck though!" And he walked away after waving at them as old Jack put his hand on Tang San's back and started walking towards his house :"Let's go, let me send you home."

While they were calmly walking away, Ali on the other hand immediately began sprinting away when he was out of sight with a huge excited smile on his adorable and immature face, he ran across the shabby buildings and trees to an empty area where he would go if he wanted some silence.

When he reached his destination, he looked around to make sure that he was alone before he released his martial soul. And when he noticed that his own Omnitrix had appeared on his left wrist, he couldn't stop the huge smile that formed on his face :"Ohhh hell yeah!!! Hahahaha!!!"

After he raised his hands and cheered with excitement for a few moments, he sat down on a stone as he checked it out with an excited and childish smile :"Oh boy oh boy oh boy! It's the real deal!! Hehehehehe!!!"

As he looked at it and began to feel its smooth but hard texture, Ali gently pressed its button, causing the middle part to rise up just like in the original! However, there wasn't anything to select from. No matter how much Ali twisted and rolled it, nothing but the green screen appeared :"Figures, I did wish to be able to unlock a form with each soul ring after all. Well, whatever! That just makes it more exciting and will give me more determination to get stronger as fast as I can! Now, what about the other one..."

Ali began to feel the energy inside of him again as he tried to pull it out. However, this time, the energy actually moved towards his right hand instead :'Well, I guess it's either the Omniverse's or the ROB'S doing for the Omnitrix to appear on my right hand only once. After all, I feel like it would feel weird if it was on my right wrist.'

As he opened his right hand, it glowed a black and dark purple color before a small axe the size of a spoon appeared in his hand. As Ali looked at it, he tilted his head with a thoughtful look :'Since I haven't attached ant soul rings to it yet, I guess this is its form.

If I remember correctly, Xiao San's Hao Tian Hammer was the same. It has an interesting design to it. And from the size of its blades compared to the handle, it seems to be a double handed battle axe.'

Just like Ali had thought, the axe was actually a double handed and double bladed battle axe. And the reason for its small size was because of not having any soul rings attached to it. The handle of the axe and the blades were pure, jet black, just like Ali's hair. However, the edges of the blades were as white as pure snow, like his skin, looking incredibly sharp.

There was also a spear head in the middle of the two blades and at the end of the handle, also looking very sharp and intimidating. The aura surrounding the axe was also rather intimidating, nothing like the farm tool martial souls of the kids from before :'Hmm... I will call it... Shit, I'm not good with naming things... Ah fuck it, I will just calling it Majestic Tyrant Axe. That's as creative as I can get.'

However, while the battle axe was floating on his hand, Ali's vision suddenly blurred as a sudden dizziness took over his head. He immediately took away both of his martial souls as he put his hand on the stone under him for support :'Ugh... Guess this is what it feels like when your soul power gets too low, huh? Well, my soul power isn't much to begin with, and since I had released both of my martial souls, I guess that would drain my soul power pretty quickly...'

Ali's frown suddenly turned upside down as he laid down on the stone with his hands behind his head as he smirked up at the sky :'Well, why should I complain? Complaining will just ruin my mood. And besides, since they drained my soul power so quickly, doesn't it just mean that both of them are pretty high class? Whatever. Let the fun begin from here on out.'


Three months had passed since the martial soul awakening day, and in these three months, Ali hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. There wasn't anything to do to begin with, he couldn't use his Majestic Tyrant Axe since it was the size of a spoon, and the current Omnitrix couldn't do anything either.

So he just had to stick to his everyday schedule, laze around, train, eat, train some more and laze around some more. Yeah, he does train in martial arts. After all, he needed some kind of hobby to pass time.

Fortunately for him, Ali was actually a martial arts genius. He could remember and master any form of martial arts or techniques by just seeing them once or twice. In these few years, even though it was hard because of his immature body, he had managed to master Spider Man's martial arts, the Way Of The Spider.

And also, since he would fight and train with Tang San, he had actually already mastered his Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track. However, he wouldn't use it in front of Tang San and would only train with it when he was alone.

After all, with Tang San being so sensitive towards his Tang Clan of his previous life, Ali didn't know what he would do if he found out Ali had copied and learned his technique, which is a form of stealing in a way.

But even though Ali hadn't done anything out of the norm in these few months, he had still learned something from his Majestic Tyrant Axe. His axe actually had the ability to change its weight! So that's how he wasn't uncomfortable when holding it, unlike Tang San who found his hammer very heavy.

Normally, the Majestic Tyrant Axe was actually completely weightless. However, Ali could actually control its weight to make it heavier by pouring a little bit of his soul power into it!

For a weapon like a two-handed battle axe, which tends to be extremely heavy and hard to use, this ability is extremely useful. After all, one of the biggest advantages of the two-handed battle axe is its overwhelming weight, which renders the opponents' defense useless.

If the Majestic Tyrant Axe didn't have any weight at all, that would be a disadvantage in its own. However, with this amazing ability that would let Ali change its weight at any moment he wanted, the Majestic Tyrant Axe was just amazing and a nightmare to face!


(Majestic Tyrant Axe:)