
Majesty's Journey 5: The Majestic Calamity Of Douluo Dalu 2

A teenager on earth dies. But fortunately for him, a R.O.B who was bored out of his mind decided to grant him some wishes and reincarnate him in a world of his choosing. Which multiverse does he choose to live in? Marvel? High school DxD? Douluo Dalu? Well, the answer is all of the above! Because of his wishes being too overpowered, the omniverse decided to step in, but granted them nonetheless. One of his wishes was that, he wanted his soul to be turned to pieces and sent to multiple multiverses! And so, this soul piece of Ali, came here, the Douluo Dalu 2! Specifically, an AU of DD2 where Wang Dong is an actual guy! The love interests will be Wang Dong, because he's a trap, and Ma Xiaotao!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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45 Chs

CH 2: Ma Xiaotao

(third person POV)

Shrek, the strongest academy, the academy that has been around for thousands of year, since Tang San's era.

Shrek Academy has existed for over 10,000 years. It started out as a very small and exclusive school that only accepted geniuses.

The Shrek Academy over time became an existence that was similar to an independent nation. It became the most respected academy in the entire continent sought out by all the countries to produce brilliant Spirit Masters.

The Shrek Academy is situated in the Shrek City which is governed by the Shrek Academy. Number of students in Shrek Academy never exceeds 5000 and it has an extremely high expulsion rate.

The freshman class has 1000 students alone. It takes 6 years to graduate from the outer academy and one must have at least 4 spirit rings by then.

For enrollment, one must be less than 12 years old with a Spirit Rank of above 15. You need to have 2 rings just to be allowed to take the upgrade exam to go from Freshman to Sophomore.

And this bitch ass strict academy, is the home of our protagonist, Ali, the child that fell from the sky like a star.

In case you didn't know, Ali was just a teenager in his previous life, living on earth. But one DayZ he died.

However, luck had struck him good time. He was actually randomly picked up by an extremely bored R.O.B who then decided to reincarnate him.

With a few wishes of course. But Ali's wishes were a little... Over the top. And so, the omniverse itself came to meet him.

His luck was way too good, because the omniverse actually agreed to reincarnate him with his wishes!

But his main wish, was to have his soul turned to pieces and be sent to different multiverses so that he could live in them.

And omniverse granted each Ali their wishes. For example, the one that wanted to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 had his own wishes, the one who wanted to be reincarnated in Assassin's Creed had his own wishes, and this Ali made his own wishes as well.

But don't misunderstand, even though Ali was turned to pieces, all of them are still Ali. And they will one day unite again. This Ali, had made two wishes:

1: a specific martial soul. I'm not going to spoil it for you yet, but it was his favorite creature in his past life.

He also asked for a martial soul with absolute fire element. The reason for that, was to help the person who he wanted to marry in this multiverse, Ma Xiaotao.

By having the ultimate fire element, he could not only help her in containing the demonic fire within her, but also help her become even stronger.

In the original, Huo Yuhao used his ultimate ice to keep her demonic fire in check, but that was actually harmful to her.

After all, fire and ice will oppose each other, so by using his ultimate ice, even though her demonic fire would weaken, she would also become weaker.

But still, it was still better than not being able to cultivate. So she could only accept the only situation for her.

However, not this time. Because of Ali having the ultimate fire, he could calm down the demonic fire and even strengthen her fire.

Heck, she may even have the chance to reach the ultimate fire herself. Because of Ali's fire being the ultimate fire, all the fires were below it and could only submit. The same was true for Ma Xiaotao's demonic fire.

2: a cultivation technique that would put a stop to the fight between the humans and the soul beasts. Not a fighting technique, don't misunderstand.

And well, the omniverse listened to what Ali wanted it to be like and made it. I won't spoil it, you will know later what it is.

And well, that's all. Those were all the wishes that this Ali made. Nothing heaven defying or shit, just two wishes.

Anyway, at the moment, Ali was living inside Shrek. Being the adopted son of Mu En, a level 99 limit douluo, meant that his position was very high in the academy.

But not everyone knew about him. Only the members of the inner school and the Sea God Pavilion know his identity.

After all, being the adopted son of Mu En, would surely attract unwanted attention from some people.

And so, his information were hidden very deeply. But that didn't mean that our protagonist couldn't have fun.

Being the introverted jackass that he is, he actually was quite okay with this rule that his grandpa had put on him for his safety.

Oh, and even though he is Mu En's adopted son, he actually calls him grandpa rather than father. And Mu En didn't have any problem with that, he was just happy to have a family member.

From the day that Ali just magically descended to Douluo Dalu 2 by the omniverse, 6 years had passed. And today, was his long awaited day of martial soul awakening!

And at the moment, our protagonist was walking towards a house with an excited smile on his face.

A very cute face at that. Ali had hair as black as ink that reached his eyes. His big eyes were red, so red that you would think his eyes were bleeding.

A cute nose and rosy lips with squashy cheeks. And can you guess what else he had? JADE LIKE SKIN, BABY!!!

The combination of these features, had gained the favor of many ladies in the island that was in the middle of the Sea God Lake.

With many of them being jealous of Ali's unusually beautiful skin. But their jealousy didn't get in the way of these onee-sans finding our protagonist adorable.

There weren't many people in the inner school of Shrek, but whoever saw Ali walking by, would immediately smile and wave.

Even though he was Mu En's son, Ali wasn't arrogant or spoiled at all. So everybody in the inner school and the Sea God Pavilion favored him.

So while walking, the people who passed by genuinely smiled at him. Just like the older girl that waved at him with a smile :"hey, Ali!

Today is your martial soul awakening day, eight? I wish you good luck! I'm sure that you will definitely awaken a super strong martial soul!"

With an adorable smile, Ali nodded as he waved at the older girl :"thank you, senior sister! I hope so too!"

And like that, he continued on walking while occasionally seeing a few familiar faces and greeting them.

Finally, he reached a house that he was all too familiar with. He smirked mischievously before he just opened the door with his keys and barged in :"sister Xiaotao! I'm here!"

The sudden appearance shocked the red headed girl who was eating food, causing her to jump slightly from her seat before glaring at Ali :"Ali, haven't I told you to not just barge into someone's home?

Specially a girl's! That is a very rude thing to do, you know?! Sigh, you can just knock the door and I will open it. Why did teacher give you the keys of my home anyway..."

Indeed, why? Well, because technically, Ali has a higher position that Yan Shaozhe, the principal of Shrek.

How? Because Yan Shaozhe was Mu En's disciple. And since Ali was Mu En's adopted son, Ali had a higher position than him.

And so, he just needed to ask Yan Shaozhe who was like an older brother to him, and he agreed. After all, Ali is just a kid.

He figured that he just liked playing with his disciple, Ma Xiaotao, so he just gave the key to her home.

Ali chuckled mischievously as he closed the door before walking towards Ma Xiaotao :"because then I wouldn't be able to see your startled face.

And that just wouldn't make it any fun, now would it? And for why big brother Shaozhe gave me the key to your home, is because I asked him, silly! Anyway, are you ready?!"

The girl in her early teens sighed helplessly before nodding with a small smile :"yeah, it's time for your martial soul awakening after all. Just let me eat this and then we will go."

Seeing that she had just begun to eat her food and it would take a long time to finish, the impatient Ali had to hurry her up.

So, without any shame or fear, he deadpanned at her :"but, sister Xiaotao, you shouldn't eat so much. You will get fat otherwise, you know?"

And the moment he finished speaking, a punch came down on his head before Ma Xiaotao knocked on his head with a glare :"what did you say, Ali?! How dare you call me fat?!!"

Ali rubbed his head with a pained expression before he glared back and pointed at her stomach :"I'm just speaking the truth! Look, I can see that you have gotten fatter from a while ago!"

With an enraged look, Ma Xiaotao held up ger fist threateningly as she gritted out :"what the hell did you just say, you little bastard? You want me to beat you up?"

But in the face of her anger and threats, Ali didn't even flinch as he folded his arms and whipped his head away :"hmph!

I'm just saying it for your own sake. So that you won't over eat anymore and get fat. After all, you don't want to become a fat woman, right?"

While clenching her fist and gritting her teeth, Ma Xiaotao took a look at her food before snorting and getting up :"hmph! Fine! I'm not hungry anymore, let's go to your martial soul awakening already!"

'mission accomplished.' Ali smirked mischievously and smugly before he got off the chair and followed the 13 or 14 year old girl.

Seeing that she was in quite a bad mood, Ali walked faster till he was walking by her side as he smiled teasingly :"don't worry, sister Xiaotao.

After all, it's not that noticable yet. If you watch out and don't over eat, then you will definitely be as skinny as before."

Hearing his comfort, Ma Xiaotao calmed down slightly as she looked at him suspiciously :"are you telling the truth?"

Ali shrugged with a smile :"of course! It's just that you shouldn't eat like a pig from now on hahahaha!"

Seeing her enraged expression, he immediately took off and ran towards big ass tree where the building of important meeting was.

All while Ma Xiaotao was running after him while cursing at him. But even though she was angry, she didn't use her martial soul or soul power to reach him.

And damn, Ali was fast. After all, after years of these things happening between him and Ma Xiaotao, he was quite a good runner.

Normally, someone as young as Ma Xiaotao would not be able to enter the inner school. But because of being the descendent of Ma Hongjun, one of the Shrek Seven Devils, and also having an extremely powerful martial soul, she was accepted as Yan Shaozhe's disciple and entered the inner school.

There's also another reason, the demonic flame of her martial soul. Letting her stay in the outer school would put the other students in danger.

So her living here, would make it very easy to keep her flames in check and be able to calm her down if necessary.

And so, she was the second you her member on the island. The first being Ali himself, who has been here since he was born.

After running for quite a while, they finally reached the building that was basically Ali's playground at this point.

So he immediately opened the door before storming in with Ma Xiaotao running after him. After running while panting, Ali saw a few teachers and the important figures of Shrek standing in the open space. So he immediately ran towards Yan Shaozhe and hid behind his back.