
Majesty's Journey 2: Natasha's Symbiote in Marvel

an earthling dies in our universe. but fortunately for him, an Omniversal being who was bored without having anything to do for who knows how many years, decided to reincarnate him with a few wishes! but Ali's{the Majestic one / Majesty} wishes weren't normal. he didn't wish to be a Saiyan. he didn't wish to a Kryptonian. he chose to be... a SYMBIOTE with unlimited evolution and growth! and his host? his host will be the one loved by all, the one and only, black widow, Natasha Romanoff! but he also wished for something more. to have his soul turned to pieces and sent to different multiverses in the unending Omniverse. such as the douluo dalu multiverse and Yu-Gi-Oh multiverse while this Ali was sent to marvel. but one day, they will all unite, and they will complete the puzzle that is their soul. and on that day, he will become one of the strongest beings in all of the omniverse! ------------------------------------------------------------------- I just wanted to warn you all and clear some misunderstandings: 1: This story is being rewritten because I wasn't satisfied with how I wrote it originally. you may have seen a review here and there that states that MC says that he was from another multiverse to others. that was the case before, but it was the reason why I'm rewriting this story. so you don't need to worry about it anymore. 2: This story was originally supposed to be just in the MCU, but I decided to make it happen in the normal Marvel. 3: love interest: in case you didn't know, I didn't know if I should make this a harem or not before I wrote it. so I gave the choice to the readers. And harem got more votes. so it became a small harem of two, Natasha and Wanda. but since this story would be pretty boring if it was just the movies, I changed it to the normal marvel. BUT, you see, this story wasn't going to be THAT deep and complicated. It was just going to be a mcu movies universe, so I was okay with making it a harem of two. But now that the story is in the real marvel universe, there are a lot of pretty girls. So I have been thinking about it and having headaches about it. If I make it like that and have the mc get all the beauties, it would be just like any other story with mc taking girls like they are pokemons. And so, I decided that this story is a sole love interest with Natasha as the love interest. Cause you see, the reason why I made the mc a Symbiote, wasn't just about them being cool. They were unique, like no other. They aren't the strongest race there is, like Kryptonians or Saiyans. But they have one unique trait that made me love them and want one even if it could drive me crazy. A Symbiote isn't just a powerful alien, it is a partner. A best friend that you can trust with all your heart and mind. A being that is just for you, a bond that is just with you two. A being that will stick with you through thick and thin. Making this a harem, will take away the reason why I love the symbiote race. 4: MC will sleep and fuck other girls, but he won't get into any relationships with them like Ghost Spider (Gwen Stacy), Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), etc. Natasha will be okay with it because she will also fuck them like a guy since Ali can make a dick for her. So it will basically be double penetration. Ali and Natasha will also NTR some people and fuck their wives or girlfriends, like Invisible Woman (Susan "Sue" Storm), Jean Grey (Phoenix), etc.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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53 Chs

CH 40 (N/A/F): Reptilian Invasion P10

<Alright, guys! It's decided! Felicia is staying and won't be leaving! Not now, nor ever! I'm sorry for that ridiculous little chapter of asking such an idiotic chapter.

I guess because of being tired of studying, I had grown a little soft. So I was a little struck when I thought about it. However, with your support, and the fact that how right it felt when writing fluff with Felicia involved, I've decided!

Felicia will be staying, and so the poly status of the relationship! Anybody who disagrees, can with suck on these fat balls, or the shapeshifted balls of Ali!

Tsk tsk tsk, I had forgotten just how much I DON'T care about the opinions of haters. I'm a little disappointed in myself.

Hope you're glad with that decision. Because if you're not, I don't give a single flying fuck! You don't like it, go ahead and write your own fucking story! Anyway, on another note...

... So I'm sure that at least SOME of you have heard of the cursed 6 digit number, 177013, right...? The one of 2 things that almost all veteran weebs recommend newbie weebs, with the other one being Boku No Piko?

Did you know that it has a fucking anime...? And count me unlucky, because when I went to the internet, not only did I see a colored version of the "manga", I saw someone say that they would like to reread it in a colored version...

Who wants to team up with me and make Ultron?>


Incorrects P13:

Clint :"*In the microphone* I'm really thankful to Tony for giving me aids."

Ali :"*Wheezing*"

Tony :"*Scrambling to the microphone* Hearing aids! I gave him HEARING AIDS!"


(Liho's images:)

"So? Can you do anything about it?" Natasha asked Bruce, one of the scientists of the team, while he was checking the results of the tests taken from Lizard.

Unsurprisingly, Nemesis had beaten the hell out of the mutated scientist. But they didn't kill him. After he passed out from exhaustion, when his Regenerative Healing Factor became alarmingly slow, he was finally beaten, and he was brought to the Avengers Tower.

To see if they could cure him. See if they could reverse the effects of the Lizard Formula. Bruce sighed as he rubbed his temples :"Unfortunately, no. No, we can't."

Vision hummed as he continued his sentence :"Dr Curt Connors is already a genius scientist. But even with his intelligence in biology, biochemistry, and genetics, he still wasn't able to reverse the effects of the Lizard Formula he created.

It's unfortunate to say, but the chances of being able to completely get rid of The Lizard are very slim. And even more unfortunate, is the fact that Dr Connors is dead. According to The Lizard's words, at least."

Banners sighed as he nodded :"Yeah, we may not even be able to turn him back into a human. And even if we manage to do that, it may just be Lizard in a human's body. We don't know exactly if it will be Dr Connors once he returns into human form."

There was a moment of silence between the superheroes before Iron Man hummed :"... What if... We took a different approach?" Catching the attention of the others.

"Like how?" Bruce asked his friend who swung his hands around :"Like... We... Even Dr Connors, tried to cure him ourselves! But what if we did something else?"

"Like what, Tony?" Natasha asked, raising an eyebrow, to which he answered to :"I'm saying, what if instead of doing it ourselves, someone else did it? I'm not saying we should give up, but I feel like we know exactly who can cure him. Either temporarily, or permanently."

"Sigh, Stark, can you just get to the point instead of acting all mysterious?" The redhead groaned, causing him to roll his eyes. But instead of answering, he turned and looked somewhere.

Or to be exact, at someone. "Ooooh." The assassin and the scientist, with looks of realization, looked at the Symbiote. The Symbiote who was gently playing with the kitten they rescued.

He had made a tendril, and had shapeshifted it into a small bed for her. The kitten had already woken up, however, she wasn't attacking or freaking out.

She was scared at first when she woke up. However, after seeing that Ali was taking care of her, she slowly began to calm down. In the end, after Ali completely healed her, she was calmly resting while the Symbiote was stroking her back.

"What is he doing anyway?" Tony raised an eyebrow at said Symbiote's host, who shrugged :"When we found Lizard, he was about to kill that cat.

Ali wasn't going to have that, so after telling me to beat the hell out of Connors, he started healing the wounded cat while I fought. He was really pissed when we saw that Lizard had hurt the poor cat."

The billionaire genius snickered, while leaning back on his chair :"So he likes cats now? He is getting weirder and weirder by the day." Causing the host of the sentient liquid to shake her head in amusement :"If you had any idea.

One time, we saw a bunch of thugs beating a dog. I had a hard time holding him back from biting their heads off. I couldn't stop him from biting a few other parts though..."

"Hahahaha!" Tony laughed loudly before pointing at the subject of the conversation with a wink :"Ali, I'm proud of you for that. All the doggo abusers must suffer!" <I suddenly like Tony a lot more...>

The Symbiote gave him a thumbs up, before he returned to stroking the cat, and his redheaded host got serious again :"Enough about that, we can chit chat later. So how are we going to fix Connors?"

"Tony has a good idea, and I feel like I know how we should do it." Bruce said before he began to type, and show his plan to them. On the other hand, while Ali was playing with the cat, Felicia sat down beside him.

"Hey, let me play with her too." She said with a smile, but a small tendril gently slapped her hand away. With an offended look, she rubbed her hand :"What was that for?"

Ali sent her a quick glare :"She's still nervous because of what happened. She will get stressed if she's swarmed by people, so be a little considerate."

With a playful roll of her eyes, the feline thief smiled gently :"Fine, geez. But she really is cute, isn't she? She's so fluffy." Causing the black Symbiote to nod with a smug smirk :"Yup, she definitely is."

The silver haired girl raised an eyebrow at him :"Why are YOU so smug about it?" Causing the sentient goo to shrug with a smirk :"Because we'll be keeping her. Isn't that obvious?"

As Felicia chuckled, she raised an amused eyebrow :"Oh, really now? That's cool and all, but has Natasha agreed to it?" Her words actually caused the Symbiote to go silent.

However, it was only momentarily. He conjured a tendril, and motioned for him to come closer. Once she did, he went near her ear and whispered :"She may not look it, but Nat is actually a big softie when it comes to her lover."

Causing the feline Symbiote to grow a little surprised :"Wait, seriously?" And he nodded with a smirk :"Like, even though she complains about what food I need to eat, she always, ALWAYS has chocolate around for compensation.

Like, if you go to our room, you will definitely be a little surprised at the amount of chocolate we have! She puts up a tough front in front of others, but she really likes to spoil her lover.

Even for the problem of me wanting to eat brains, she had even put serious thoughts into it. We have movie nights with the entire team, but we have our own regular movie nights in bed.

She has even bought me whatever game console I've asked for. Searches for what games we can play together, and games that I can possibly be interested in.

She may look like a serious, cold and awkward-to-be-around person, but she's a real sweetheart on the inside. Always wants to spoil me. And possibly you, in the future."

Hearing how he complimented her with genuine love and fondness in his voice, Felicia couldn't help but chuckle. It was amusing and interesting how a member of the race that has such a bad reputation would be such a loving partner.

The examples of Symbiotes corrupting their hosts weren't few, so even she was a little nervous at first. However, little by little, her nervousness was going away.

She didn't need genius level intelligence to notice the pure love in his voice. He was just a black slime that really cared for his host, partner and lover.

"You really care for her, huh?" Felicia said, as she gently stroked his head with a fond smile :"Guess I need to come to you if I want to know something about her. I doubt I can find anybody else who knows about her loving and caring side as much as you do."

With a hum and a happy smile, the Symbiote leaned into her touch :"Mhm, feel free to do so. After all, I'm one third of this relationship. So I want all of us to love and care for each other."

"Mhm, sure will do." Felicia nodded with a genuine smile. Suddenly, Ali stopped nuzzling into her hand, and got closer :"Hey, Cat, let me hug you for a second."

His body spread a bit as he hugged her, causing her to smile in confusion, but still return the hug :"Sure, but why, Al?" However, he just hummed gently, and nuzzled into her :"No reason, just wanted to give you a hug."

She was silent for a moment, a little surprised by his show of affection. However, she immediately smiled as she hugged him tightly, but gently :"Mhm, thanks, babe."

While still hugging, he chuckled in amusement :"Babe? So you agreed to get into the relationship?" Causing her to chuckle back and roll her eyes :"Not yet.

Well, I feel like it's inevitable in the end. Since I honestly see no reason as to give up the chance of being in such a sweet relationship. I guess I'm just playing a little hard to get.

I feel like it would be a little weird if we got into a relationship even though it hasn't been half a week since we all met each other. I don't want to be labeled a simp for her by the others.

And besides, it would be a blow to my reputation if I got with her so quickly. Don't forget that I'm a little bit of a seductress myself. The other villains would say that I easily got seduced by her."

Another chuckle escaped the sentient liquid as he shrugged :"Okay, I guess I know where you're coming from. But didn't you get seduced by her easily?"

Causing the feline Symbiote to playfully roll her eyes and push him away :"Go away. You really expect me to not get seduced by her. Just look at the damn bitch."

As they both turned to look at the assassin, they both licked their lips :"Just look at the cake she has." Felicia whispered and Ali snorted :"Cake? Girl got the entire bakery!"

And the beauty in the red suit nodded, with a very serious face at that :"You got that right, boo. Girl must definitely have squats in her exercising routine to have THAT. Holy hell it's sexy."

"Oh believe me, she definitely has squats in her exercise program." The Symbiote nodded seriously without taking his eyes off of her rear :"In fact, squats were one of the things that she told me she would never stop doing even if I keep her fit."

The look of seriousness on their faces as they complimented her was just comical. They looked like they were talking about something that would decide the fate of the Universe.

But in fact, they were just talking about their girlfriend's ass. The ass that they would die and kill for. For it was truly worth it.