
Majestic Night

Larisa Platumar has the worst luck from the moment she meets a mysterious man who forced her to help him out from a situation that she herself feels she doesn't have to get involved with. After Meeting this mysterious man everything just go into shamble one after another, he is the domino effect to the beginning of her bad luck. What will Larisa Platumar have to do to get out of the situation she is in?

Sinoun_Blomfield · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

chapter 1

I guess the ghost of karma pass really do exist how else would I be able to explain the fact that the karma is here to bite me in the butt. I mock those girls for drooling all over this hunk of man and now they are making me pay for it, after all watch where I am right now. Should I crack open a Champaign for finally getting a man under my thumb or start weeping? What a tricky question? I should call for the authority to let them know that I am being molested; or lock me up before I do something I will regret for the rest of my life.

I do have to admit how it is right now no body would believe it that I am a victim too. After all in this kind of condition, it's the action that scream the loudest, and my action is screaming loud and clear that I am the villain.

But it is against my will. Even I wouldn't support my own statement, If I didn't already know that I don't have control over my body. How did I get myself in to this kind of situation in the first place, all I ever wanted is to be left alone. I was minding my own business and I suddenly get punish by ending up here roaming along the floor of the muscle skin. Let's start from the beginning, as I remember it I was rolling on the floor just like now.

So I was in the human world and trying very hard to jump across the car to get myself in to the narrow closing gate way. I roll and tumble tripping over my own legs and fallen flat on to the mud. From afar I looked like I am messing around on the ground in happiness. Only with a closer look will people know that am being tangle and struggle in the mud and a mouth full of grass being murder by my own dress. I looked so much like a well-prepared stuff pig for a dinner party.

Getting up I looked down at myself sighing; really I have the worst luck in all time. My gown smear in mud and my curl of hair dishevel with a mind of their own; poking and spinning out of the well arrange bun that I had on just a moment ago. Strand of the sun kiss red curl escape and drop out on my cheek as I shake my head trying to clear my thought, oh well this is the price of exploring.

I turn back to see the magical closing gate made of web still showing the human world. I watch the car that I jump in front of comes to an abrupt stop, the human man jump out of his car in panic. He rushes around to the front of the car expecting to see a bleeding person lying on the floor.

"Where did that crazy girl go? Was it just my imagination." He spoke and scratches his head in confusion turning in every direction looking for me.

But of course I am already on this side of the gate he will never be able to see anything even if I were to stand in front of him. I am a Fay. Fay is woven in to human story like Fairy, Elf, Dwarf and so on; but there is so much more to us then what human know. Even if we were to walk among them they would think we are human beings with great looks that attract their eyes, love and attention.

Usually Fay and human never interact we keep to ourselves, human live their life and we lives our. Existing just on top, like a layer of cake but never touching with a gate that separate us but of course we Fay can go in and out of the human world all we want with the door and gate that we created.

I am a student. I go to this Royal Academy that is place on Earth, however I am a trash in this Royal Academy. As the name implies Royal Academy, it supposes to be for Royal that has a Royal blood not for a commoner like me. How could I a nobody that has no royal bloods dear to join in their elite palace. It as if a slave just suddenly climb up to their thrown and seat in their chair, they feels very threaten by me.

One thing that I liked about being among human is that they don't looked at me with contempt, revulsion or disgust. For all they know, I am just a normal 17 years old girl. It a refreshing fresh air from the entire pushing and shoving from all the Prince and Princess.

I walked along the meadow of grass and trees, it started to mall and shielding me away from the sun and wind. Suddenly a woman appeared out of nowhere making me almost jumped out of my skin.

"Oh Smack me in the face, why oh why do you do this to me every single time, could you at least make a sound when you come out of nowhere." I voice out when I realize that the now floating woman is my own personal Soul Shadow, Melody.

A Soul Shadow is like a personal sidekick that will always be on my side no matter what, through all the good and bad. Each Fay created their Soul Shadow from half of their soul hence the name of Soul Shadow they are the Fay other self. Soul Shadow is to help guide and the sources of the power each Fay have. They help and advice the Fay, without them the Fay would not be able to do much of anything. Normally Soul Shadow doesn't have a name. But I felt it was not right so the clever me decide to call my Soul Shadow Melody because of her voice.

"My lady. It is only I, your servant, how do you fair?" she asks with her soft melodic voice floating softly against my skin.

"I am ok, I guess." I shrug my shoulder. "Would you stop calling yourself my servant, I don't like it." Melody hover and shrank backs a little, fears creep in to her eyes seeing as I was scolding her.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be snapping at you." I felt a pang of guilt watching Melody shrank from me; this is no way for me to be treating my Soul Shadow just because I myself was in a bad mood.

"My Lady no needs to apologize. I am here to serve; here to obey order and not question My Lady. I myself have over step, please My Lady punish me how you see fit."

"Ah, Melody you are doing it again." I sigh in frustration and not try to be completely out of patient with her.

"My apology my Lady, its is ingrain with in me. It is hard for me to change suddenly."

"Forget it. It's can't be help" I say with a light smile, and she floats by after me with a huge smile on her face.

"I believe the spirit of the forest is welcoming our arrival." She floats forward to the tree making the trail of smoke.

I look up and see branch intertwine and bind together to form an archway that can only be found in a wedding ceremony or a catalogue. And on that archway flower were blooming everywhere, some of the petal are falling as I began to walk under it, giving it blessing to me.

"I been meaning to ask you this many times now, how come you only show up without being summon when we are near forest."

"Nature spirits feel comfortable around their surrounding, and we are comply to appear to pay our respect to Mother Nature. Other than that we have no obligation to show ourselves, unless being summons."

"Ah is that so, that does make sense."

"This is wonderfully divine" Melody swirl around in circle.

As I walk through the archway a lovely cool breeze hit my skin making me feel like someone is touching me soft and gently. The sounds of the forest singing and began to rap itself around me like silk; it fit my skin like it always had belonged there. The beautiful soft melody fills my soul and heart making everything right with the world.

It's lovely how we can hear the tree singing. Melody lovely graceful voice sings along with the tree, twirling and dancing. Ok maybe more like floating around.

The meadow open up to the walkway of the inner circle with in the garden, Melody flow forward and grab hold of the miss of the silver floating dust created by the tree and flower. She rush backs over to me and started to sprinkle the dust all over me. The dust magically clean everything that made me look from a girl that got drag through the mud back to the young and proper lady that I should be putting on.

Melody then once again began to spin and dance with the floating dust, I could not help but to joint her. Twirling round and round making my red curls of wavy hair spinning everywhere. My blue gown twirls elegantly alongside my leg, creating a shape of water falling from a fountain. I stop twirling before the long gown gets caught between my feet and trip me face first again.

As we walk out of the forest, the tree branch starts to go straight again. The leaf motion back and forth and falling slowly, creating a cool icy wind that when straight through me. Carrying sadness with it, making me not wanting to leave.

"Don't be sadden, I am sure we will come again." Melody informs them, the leaf of the tree start to ruffle hard in joy.

"My Lady I will be off now." Melody swirl around kneeling down and bow.

"Oh god how many time have I told you not to do that either? I hate it, it make me feel like you are my servant."

"I am proud to be your servant."

"Don't twist my word. Just don't do it again"

"I'm terribly sorry to offend, certainly I will try not to do it again."

"Just go." I want to pull my hair out I mean I don't want her to do those thing. Yet I am giving her orders, I need to learn to word it in away that she doesn't have to take it as an order.

"I need a long vacation." I whisper softly to myself. Right I better be off before any one sees me talking to myself and putting me in to the category of a freak that am already in.

Stepping along the open archway, I looked at the pattern decorating a long side it. It fills with intricate flower and leaf. Adding to it is the dark jade moss growing in the gap and space that it can find, creating a very colourful living plant image in a paining.

I walk pass the yellow brick road, to come to the entrant with flowerbed. The entrant open up to the lake that has ten or maybe twenty different type of water cottage spread far apart from each other. Connecting to it is a walkway created with a wooden oak plank as it is connected to the other side of the lake. The headmaster of the academy made this design, it a place for the student to relax.

I walk on the bridge that is connecting to the other side of the pond and to the water cottage that is intertwined and decorated with silk and flower. As I walk I see two girls having a conversation with one tall giraffe of a man. They are so blocking the way for me to walk pass, oh hell I have to walk pass them. Why oh why didn't the person designing this place make a walkway where you don't have to walk pass other people.

I guess they didn't really thought about the trouble I have to go through. Ah, whatever I just have to drag myself and pretend they are not there and try to squeeze myself pass them. Even worst I have to find some way for me to somehow walk pass and not touch the guy.

Looking at the floor, I walk closer and closer toward them. No I should have turn back, what was wrong with my brain. The group of pink Fireflies keep on splatting me with forces the closer I got near. The Fireflies explode at an invisible force that stop it from getting any further to me. This is the shield that I has always put up when am among people or any other Fay.

"He IS MY, I WANT HIM. MY, MY, MY." The voice scream out before the Firefly completely vanishes. Good grief what a lustful emotion those two girls are having, don't they know how to control themselves. Now that I looked at them they looked like a pack of wolf drooling over a piece of rear exotic meat. I just can't help but shake my head inwardly at these two girls thought.

Let me explain about my power; being able to read or more like being force to receive all kind of colorful fireflies representing the person emotion is my power. So I can read and see people emotion to me it look like Fireflies and it comes with the voice of the owner if the emotion is strong.

The only thing that stops the Fireflies from damaging my body is my shield. The Fireflies damages me physically and mentally. Physically I would have been smash by it like a punch and I would mentally get drag to feeling the emotion and get my body control by it. Even though it is just emotion from other people, it hurt as hell when it throw it self at me and controlling me. This power is called an Empath and a Sensitive.

What kind of a man is he to be coursing so much lust between these two Royal girls that they really want to jump him right here and now. I pull against my curiosity to look at what kind of person the man was?

The closer I got to the three people the more powerful the Fireflies was smashing against my shield. This is okay I just need to walk pass the girls and I be free, just a few more step. I try to reassure myself, I just need to rush and the Firefly won't get me. Suddenly a cool big hand grabbing my arms.

Oh my god why me why. Why. Why. WHY! Someone please answer me.

"Where have you been? I was looking for you everywhere."

I look straight to the arm that grab me. And the big hand was covering my risk. My arm is like a twig that can be snap off easily by that hand. The guy he was wearing a plain white t-shirt with a black leather jacket. I can see his muscle reflex and relaxing under his leather jacket. I trail up and up and up to his wide shoulder, and my neck is already being pull upward. Well how tall is this person; I look at his shoulder and neck that is cover by the tip of his sleek, glossy, golden brown hair.

His top and bottom lip is a perfect equal shape with a perfect short Greek nose. I stare at his pure emerald eyes, which give me the creep. It's the eyes of a hunter, a pure animal. But somehow I got a tender electric wave to my body and where he touches me. Creating goose bump all over my body, making me want to cringe away in discomfort, as my instinct kicking in to warn me to run away.

I look at his perfect square chin, he is handsome the perfect man every woman dream of, a combusting fire. The kind of man that so sexy you can see girls turn in to a stalker, watching his every moves. The way he stands, leak raw energy, control, and a killer ready to jump in to action if needed. He parted his lip and mouth something; I think he said 'help'. I am not too sure. Just on the safe side of thing I am just going to keep my mouth shut for now or I might get kill by him. This man is dangerous.

He looks over my shoulder at the two girls, whom I swear is burning a hold to my back. Now if it possible I thought it was getting hotter and hotter. The non-stop spitting of the Firefly also telling me they are ready to kill me for getting between them and this man.

"Slut, a commoner like her is trying to steel our man. She should know her place, lowly thing." The voice sneers and smack at me with the Fireflies, well it not like I am enjoying this; if you can take him goes ahead.

"It was lovely to meet you. Sorry but I must be off now." He give them a nod.

He pulls me a long behind him with no effort. Then again he didn't have to put much strength in to it, I couldn't move, breathe, or even shrugs his hand off me. I was frozen there like a statue, being pull along like a toy by his raw power. I open my mouth trying to say something but no sound comes out of it.

I open my mouth again trying to make some voice coming out "What are you?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He gives me a puzzling look.

We keep on walking until we reach the end of the walkway and out of the two girls eyesight with a wall separating us from them. I snap from the stun moment, I never in my life have gone in a shock mode before, there a saying never say never is so right. The stun moment is not from his perfect proportion beautiful body or face. It's from the fact I got nothing; I drop down my shield and concentrate on him hard trying to read him. Oh my god I got nothing, nada, zilch, squat. No emotions, no life story, not a single flying Firefly from him. NOTHING AT ALL. My power has always work with everyone, it never stop, but right now this man give me nothing.

"OH....MY…..….GOD. I can't feel you." I stutter out loud unable to stop myself from going in to shock, there is someone in this Faydom that my power doesn't work on.

"What?" he frond at me. I jolt back to earth with a bump realizing am just being crazy right now.

"Um, when are you planning to let go of my arm. I kind of need it back now." I ask, replacing annoyance with my shock reaction.

"Right, thanks for the help." He answers with a straight face.

"Well I didn't have any choice, did I?"

"Thank for the help anyway." He says and held my gaze with his until I break the connection turning away from him. I cross my arm in defence, trying to put of distance between us, my god the guy really do have the looked that truly bring the downfall of a country. It's really made me shiver in fear from the rawness of it all, on top of that he is very dangerous not an ordinary Royal. What is he?

"Whatever." I wave my hand in exasperation compensating for the creeping uneasiness I am getting.



Splat. Shit! The noise came behind my back as I took a step forward making me stumble in to him, taking both of us straight to the ground.

The Firefly, oh no. I totally forgot to put my shield back up. Just because we are out of the two girls eyesight doesn't mean I am clear from their lusty emotion. I can feel the strong attraction, the wanting, the needing, the lust taking over me as the emotion of the Firefly infected and inserted itself making my body think it is what I am feeling and wanting right now.

Yep and this is where I found myself in right now; which is on top of a god that is dangerous enough to extinvish life with one looked. I might get kill for this.

What little conscience I have left I summon Melody in my head.

I need help get the other for me; tell them I am in troubled, big time.

My Lady please be strong. I will try to get help as quickly as I can.

"What the…." I heard the guy curse as he rubs the back of his head.

I stare at him my throat suddenly become very dry. The emotion hit me so hard it like a ton of bricks hitting me on the head and make me completely lost all senses drawing me nearer to him. Hungry for his stunning lip it look lovely enough to eat up.

I place my hand on his hard lean chest muscle, and I stroke his full bottom lip feeling the soft smooth surface with my thumb. Oh my god his lovely soft skin and hot body, I want! I WANT IT! I WANT IT NOW. My breath quicken like there is not enough air in the space. I close my eyes and see myself pouring chocolate all over his body and use my tongue as a tool to clean it up.

"Could you get up? Lying on the ground is not my ideal past time." I hear him say.

"I don't want to." I open my eyes and grin widely at him. My eyes seem to be drawn to his lips, his lip what I wouldn't do to taste it juicy plumpness.

"Excuse me!" His eyes widen in shock. I tilted my head look him in the eyes and lean closer to him.

"I say I don't want to." I then lean down to nibble the corner of his ear. "I want you." I growl. Tilting my head upward biting my lip I dove straight in to nibble his bottom lip, like an eagle diving for its prey.

I lift my head up and see that one of his eyebrow quirk up in to an ark. He seems to be calculating something, placing his hand on my shoulder he tries but fell to get me of him. All he did was made me move in even closer to him. I unzip his leather jacket and place my hand underneath his shirt feeling his hard lean chess. My hand seem to be roaming around and feel all part of his body. I can't remember all the places I touch, all I can remember is his hard sexy body and my lip kissing it.

"GET OF ME!...Or you leave me no choice but to force you." He grinds his teeth.

STOP IT! STOP IT! I scream out within my head trying hard to take control back over my own body. As I manage to get my head clear from the swirling miss of emotion that blocking my own feel of vision. But my hand and leg seem to have a mind of its own. I was able to get control over my lip so I stop the kissing.

"Gets off me, before I lost my patient." He sneer with his perfect white teeth showing.

"Easy say then done jerk." I sneer back at him.

"You don't seem to be trying hard."

"How the hell would you know!" I shout.

He grabs both of my hand and slams my back straight to the icy cold stone floor. What the! When did he grab me and manage to slam me to the floor.

"The innocent act would work lovely on other guys. I don't know how many you have brought to your bed, but it won't work on me, little girl." He spat out the word like poison.

What the heck is wrong with him? I am right here trying to shake off this emotion of lust mood that is in the first place was his fault.

"Dame you, you did this to me. You freaking smouldering hot shot." Ah! That was not what I want to say.

Somehow or some way I manage to get back on top of him, it was a surprise. My body right now is not under my control so I didn't know how it was possible. Guess my body doesn't like being control either, something we have in comment. Looking at my body I can see red flame going around. It's a burning hot desire I have for him, and it practically burning me to shred. I can feel the heat on my skin and I can smell the burn of hair. I hear the guy say something about hurting me but I can't work out what he was saying.

Calm down Larisa you can deal with the JERK later. Remember what you practice just breathe in and out. Think of water, a nice cool water.

Oh it's not working I am not calm enough. Please, please someone; anyone, please just get here soon, I can't hold myself in here anymore. It's too much, ah! It's…



The blazing fire is killing me I can't hold out any longer. It's like an inch away from my skin and I am loosing it, my consciousness is slipping. I won't be able to withstand this heat for long and if I'm gone I have no idea what will become of him, what I will do to him. Right about now even seeing my enemy would make me happy.

"What are you doing? Move your hand." He struggle to get away from me but in result it make me got event closer to his lip. I was so close that I can feel his warm breath on my skin.



DO NOT THINK ABOUT THAT. Think of something else. Stop moving stupid man; you're making it worst.