
Are You Afraid?

Strangely, she felt calm and unanxious. Whether or not she was worried, the battle would still come. Ming Yue took a deep breath and breathed out. Rather than push the doubt down and swallow it, she let it out. To some degree, she felt clarity within her mind and a certain lightness to her body.

"That was refreshing." she thought. 

And she spent the rest of the night gazing out into the lake. 

Hei Yue and Xiao Yin soon joined her, cuddling next to her and burying their body into her arms. For that night, there was a peaceful lull for everyone in the fortress. 

But for Hundun Clan, the time was drawing near. In this mountain, this mysterious home of theirs, a stone bed laid at the peak of the mountains. The entire Hundun Clan was present, circling around Kong Zhi's body. These little sprites of lightning were prostrated in the air, praying and chanting towards the skies above.