
Maid to love you: The boss and the maid

After she got suspended from being a teacher, Gaia (Gaya) Tan decided to find a new job to sustain her daily needs. Gaia soon find a job, but surprisingly, she got a job that she hated the most. BEING A MAID. Unfortunately, her boss named Mr. Kevin Han an arrogant, wealthy, good-looking psychopath, and short-tempered type of person. He keeps nagging her all day long which annoyed Gaia. Mr. Han falls in love with her as time goes by, but he can't express it. He always and keep denying it. Gaia doesn't have any feelings for him. She just considers Mr. Han as her boss, nothing more, nothing less. Will Gaia can handle such things? Can she get used to it? Is there any chance for them to be closed to each other? Will Mr. Han will able to tell her how he feels? Or maybe he will stay be silent and keep his feelings secret? Find it out by reading this novel. Maid to Love you by Andreb_author Disclaimer: I didn't own the illustration and the characters I used in my cover. Credits to the rightful owner. ___ Instagram account: andrebauthor Facebook page : Andreb_author Discord server : Andreb_author#5495

Andreb_author · Urbain
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Chapter 19 : Encounter

Maya went out and we're the only ones left inside the shop. He looks at me and I look at him. "What?" I asked him and he just chuckles.

I scoffed. "I would have never talked to you anyway," I said and I was about to walk again when he talks.

"Come back. I need you," he said and I was surprised when he said that. "What are you talking about?" I asked him and he stood. He was standing in front of me while crossing his hands on his chest.

"You're the one who said that we have never broken up. Why can't you stand on what you said?" he asked me teasingly while he leans his face closer to mine. I walked backward as he was very close to me.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked him and I bravely stood with confidence while looking at him.

He smirks. "I might kiss you right now," he said thoughtfully. I scoffed as I'm not believing on what he says. "Try me, Mr. Han," I said and he then pulled me closer to him and smiles.

"Okay, if you say so," he said and he leans closer to me and I was closing my eyes when he was in front of me. I heard him chuckles and open my eyes.

"What did you just do? Did you close your eyes?" he utters and I averted my gaze at him and walked out. "How embarrassing, Gaia," I uttered to myself. I was outside the coffee shop when I saw Mr. Anthon opens the door of the car and Kevin went in. I roll my eyes while looking at him. I'm so pissed off.

"Why did I close my eyes by the way?" I annoyingly asked myself while hitting my head. I was walking when I noticed his car is following me. I stopped and looked back. I saw him smiling inside.

I sighed and went closer to him. "What do you want?" I asked him, but he just passed by on me. I scoffed and I continue to walk. I'm finding a new job now. I want to find a new job as soon as possible. I stopped by at a bus station, waiting for a bus. I feel sleepy while waiting. I closed my eyes and I suddenly remember why and how I close my eyes earlier.

I gasped as I open my eyes, shaking my head--still, I can't believe I do that. I sighed and then the bus came. I went inside and I was stunned when I saw a lot of students where I teach. I was averting my gaze on them as I knew some of them.

"Is that, Ms. Tan?" I heard their murmurs.

"Yes, I think she is," I was stopping myself while folding my fists.

"The teacher who harasses Richie, right?" I heard someone asked and someone answered.

"Yes. I heard about it," tears started to flow from my eyes. While hearing those words from them, it hurts me so much. I feel like being stabbed by someone in my chest.

I wiped my tears. "Gosh, you make her cry," one of them said. The bus stopped and I immediately went out with tears in my eyes. I went to the coffee shop where Alice works.

"Is Alice, here?" I asked.

"She's not here yet," I nod my head and went out. I was walking when I saw someone was coming in my direction. It was Alice.

"Alice!" I called while waving my hands. She then runs towards me. "Maam Gaia," she utters while she was panting. I looked at her and smiles.

"How are you?" I asked her and she smiles at me.

"I'm fine, Maam. What about you? What brings you here?" she asked me.

I sighed. "I quit on my work and I'm now finding a job, but I decided to go back to school. I want to clarify things and asked the Principal where I can go back," I said, but she disagrees.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Maam. It's not good when they see us there. What if they'll--"

"It's okay. I just want to talk to the Principal," I said.

I can see how worry she is, but I want to find out if I can go back to being a teacher or not. I want to know the truth and I want to talk to the Principal. I think I'm ready.

I said goodbye to her and I went to the school. My knees and hands were trembling as I was walking from the entrance. I was at the gate when the guards saw me and blocked my way.

"Mam, you're not allowed to enter this school," the guard said to me and he was about to close the gate when one of them stop him.

"Mr. Amon," I said and he walked towards me.

"Maam, are you back for good?" he asked me but I shake my head. He was sad when he know it.

"Did the school never give an update to you?" he asked and I nod my head.

"That's why I'm here. I want to talk to the Principal if you let me in, I will be glad and thankful," I said and he smiles at me.

He said "You can count on me, Maam," he said and open the gate for me.

"Thank you," I said as I went inside.

I was walking when I saw students were just passing by on me. I sighed. I forgot I'm not their teacher anymore. I was walking towards the Principal's office when I saw Richie, the perv student.

I avoided him and went straight to the Principal's office. I knocked three times and I went inside.

"Thank you, Mr. Han, for sponsoring us," I heard when I open the door. I was surprised when I saw Mr. Kevin's here. I was about to go out when the Principal talks.

"What is it? Come in," he said and I walked towards them. I was looking down and looked at the Principal.

He gasped and he looks like he saw a ghost. "W-what are you doing here, Ms. Tan?" he asked.

I was about to talk when Kevin speaks. "Oh, I forgot. Mr. Principal, I brought my Fiance with me," he said and I can see the surprised expression painted on the Principal's face.

"Are you serious, Mr. Han?" he asked in surprise.

"I don't have time to joke around, Mr. Principal. Do I look like joking to you?" he said seriously and the Principal laughs awkwardly.

"Ms. Tan, why didn't you tell us," he said and looked at me. I scoffed and I was about to laugh at him while looking at his face.

We were in the middle of talking when someone opens the door without knocking and that someone is, Richie, the perv student. I looked away as he went inside.

"Why is he here?" I asked myself as I remember that day again.

"Where's dad?" he asked the Principal.

"Mr. Richie, let's talk later. I'm kinda busy right now," the Principal said, but he insisted on his dad.

"Oh, wait... Is that you, Ms. Tan?" he utters and I was shocked when he said that. I fold my fists as I'm so angry right now. I want to punch him and kick him now. I looked at him and smiles.

"Yes, it's me," I said and he laughs at me.

"Are you going to hit on me again?" he asked me which makes me surprised.

I scoffed. "I'm not here to discuss that matter, Richie. You can leave now," I said, but he chuckles.

"Who are you to say that to me? You're just a teacher!" he shouts.

"Richie! That's enough!" the Principal shouts to him.

"Why! I just said the truth. She's just--"

"You have been punished, little boy," we turned our attention to Mr. Kevin as he speaks.

"And who are you?" he asked rudely.

"Mr. Richie, stop it," the Principal said, but he wouldn't listen.

"I own this school and I have the right what to call her," he said while looking at me.

"You better stop now, Mr. Richie,"

He doesn't listen and just continues on with what he's doing. He then went closer to me and sat down.

"Do you miss me, Ms. Tan?" he said and was about to touch me when Kevin stops him.

"Don't you dare touch my girl," he said and I was...

Thug... Thug... Thug... My heart beats fast as he said those words. He was holding Richie's wrist and stood.

"Ugh, let me go!" he shouts in pain.

"What did you say?" he asked again.

"I said, don't touch my girl," he said it again and it gives me butterflies inside. There's this something electricity flowing from my body when he utters those words.

"He's protecting me again," I utter inside my head as I was looking at him. Why he's doing it again. Why he makes me fall for him again? I shook my head as I wanted to forget about him. I want to ignore him.

"Let's go, I'm canceling the sponsorship. Mr. Principal. No one messes with her," he said and we were about to go out when...

"I touch her," we stopped.

"What did you say?"

He laughs. "I touch her already. I touch her--" Kevin punches him. He falls to the ground.

"You! You'll regret what you did," he said and we went out.

To be continued...