
Who do you want to learn from?

Prakriti's P.O.V,



Before the menacing claw could reach the duo, It evaporated into the air, leaving behind a lady in white hugging Aarav and Karna, with her fair hands.

The peace returned to the surroundings as the previous cracks on the ground were filled by themselves, completely erasing the evidence of the previous fight.



Feeling the warm embrace of the Maiden in white, the duo called out at the time, fully aware of the identity of the lady.

She is....

Devi Ganga, the foster mother of these boys. The inexplicable from before was initiated by her to test both of her child's level.

As for why?

"Putron(Sons), are you alright?"

"We are alright Maa."


After releasing both of them from her gentle embrace, Devi Ganga first checked them to see if they were injured or not.

Her concern for them didn't lessened before she confirmed the well-being of her precious sons. Though, she was the one who attacked her sons...


"Maa (Mother), Why did you attack us?" asked Karna, clueless about the reason for the sudden attack, as much as we are.

"Karna, you and Aarav are eight years old now. Right?" asked Devi Ganga as she gently played with Aarav's feathers.


After both of them nodded their heads in affirmation, Devi Ganga explained, "Then... According to the Vedas, the proper age to acquire education for children is 6 years for Brahmin, 8 years for Sutas, 10 years for Kshatriyas and 12 years for Vaishyas. 

Since, both of you are already 8 years old, its time for both of you to follow a capable Guru (Teacher)."

Hearing Devi Ganga's explanation, Karna raised a valid question, "But Maa, What does it have to do with the previous event?", as he watched Aarav enjoying Devi Ganga's cuddling.

Devi Ganga stopped her cuddling and answered Karna, leaving the little Dove longing for her attention, "Son, Before finding a teacher for you, I have to know your strengths and weaknesses. Right?" 

She added, "I'm well aware of your Vedic knowledge. A few in mortal plane can compare to your knowledge of Vedas, which left us with your combat abilities. Although you seem to know many things, you aren't able to use them. Am I right?"

"Umm... Yes." Hearing the sudden question, Karna hesitated a little before replying.

Regarding this, Devi Ganga gently put her soft hands on Karna's head before saying, "Son, Before arriving at this mortal plane, I resided at Brahma loka. Therefore, I'm familiar with many people reincarnating with their memories intact. I don't know your past life, neither did I wanted to. For me... You are my child in this life~"

Warm tears threatened to flow from Karna's eye as he heard the warm words of Devi Ganga filled with love and care.

"M-maa, I-i...." Karna wanted to cry and tell her everything he had been through in the past lives! 

Even though he could forgive others for their actions, can understand the great working of World and Dharma, he has emotions too! 

Despite understanding everything, he feels everything. In the past 8 years, He lived like a little child to forget this very past! It was just a way for his soul to defend himself from the insecurity, madness, hate, haplessness etc. he felt.

So, When Maa Ganga said those words, he couldn't answer her. On one hand, he wanted to let his feelings out and confess everything. On the other hand, he was fearing whether he should or not?

Will his Mother stop loving him if he told her?

Will he have to face loneliness again?

Such were the thoughts flowing through his mind. Until, He was once again enveloped by the warm embrace of Devi Ganga.

She caressed his back and she whispered beside his ears, "Karna... you don't have to. It doesn't matter what you were before. What matters is you are our child (Radha's and Devi Ganga's). You shouldn't say anything you are not supposed to..."

"Okay Maa." Karna looked at Devi Ganga with his tear stained face before answering in his firm voice.

That aside, His tear stained face coupled with his charm rivaling Lord Narayana almost gave me and Devi Ganga a heart-attack! (If we have a heart in the first place!)

Like, Who can resist this dose of beauty!

Truthfully speaking, once a maiden saw his face at that time, the world would lose its luster (For her). She couldn't think of anyone but him, potentially giving birth to the frightening creatures known as 'Fan girls' in Dvapara yuga, contaminating the mortal plane with their crazy stunts!

Therefore, a kind reminder from me (Prakriti), beware of 'them'.

[For Public Welfare: To live a long and happy life, one should test if their girl-friend, wife or friend is contaminated with the crazy idolism. If yes?... Either break your ties with them or you can make a (futile) attempt to change their ways! And, daily pray to the great lord for your well-being.]


A few moments of casual conversation with Devi Ganga helped Karna to partially accept his feelings. Now, Karna has moved on from the child-like state. Helping his hidden valor to reveal itself, making the presence of Karna stronger than even!

Even Devi Ganga was slightly surprised by his sudden increase in strength. However, recalling the former feats of Karna, She accepted this fact.

"Coo~" The ignored Aarav claimed his spot on Karna's right shoulder, before coquettishly complaining to Devi Ganga, bringing smiles on the faces of the mother and son.


"So Karna, Do you have any Guru (Teacher) in your mind?" As its almost night time, Devi Ganga asked Karna.

"Maa, I want to learn from Maharishi Parshuram." Following her question, Karna replied instantaneously which brought a slight frown on Devi Ganga's fair face.

"But Karna, Maharishi Parshuram, does not accept any pupil, easily. He is the sixth incarnation of lord Vishnu himself, One of the seven immortal beings. So, It would be very tough for you to be accepted."

Devi Ganga's concern was not baseless. Maharishi Parshuram had already wiped twenty one generations of Evil Kshatriyas along with their whole clan from the face of the mortal world.

Finally, he was fed up from the bloodshed. Hence, he donated all of his celestial Astra's knowledge to his disciple Drona and Bhisma.

And yes, The Gangaputra Bhisma! 

The myth of Maharishi Parshuram refusing to teach any non-brahmin or Kshatriya was a big lie! Maharishi Parshuram only accepts capable disciples to teach the major celestial weapons like Brahma-Astra, Vishnu-Astra, Shiva-Astra.

As for the Vedic knowledge, If you are diligent enough, He can teach you. Because, Maharishi Parshuram is still alive in Kalyuga.

So, you can try to learn from the incarnation of Lord Vishnu himself! ~Best~Of~Luck~

Jokes aside, The incident of Karna getting cursed by Maharishi Parshuram was because of the misguided words of Dronacharya.

Previously, he told Karna that only a Brahmin or a Kshatriya went through penance (Tapasya), Influencing Karna to lie about his caste.

However, Karna has already learned from his past mistakes. He wouldn't be influenced by the false guidance anymore.

It's just, he has to reach a sufficient age before reaching the residence of Maharishi Parshuram,

After contemplating every pro and cons, He replied, "Maa, just believe your sons! We will definitely accept him!"

Devi Ganga didn't have anything to add. Her enchanting black pupils turned into crescent moons as she heard her son's answer.

She just gave waved her hands in the air like a magician as two semi-transparent necklaces of varying sizes formed from the water droplets of the flowing river.

They hanged on the air for a moment before they leaped towards Karna and Aarav. Seeing this action, both of them accepted them wholeheartedly before thanking Devi Ganga, fully aware that they were their this year's birthday presents and the tokens of her love for them.

With everything done, Devi Ganga disintegrated into water droplets under the reluctant gazes of both children.

As She disappeared, Karna and Aarav walked towards their house where another mother is waiting for them...

Away from one of the Origins of Mahabharata....

From where it all began...
