

Karna's P.O.V,

That seemingly white mist was the union of that womanly figure's negative emotions and feelings that remained hidden in the deepest part of her inner world.

Generally, this shouldn't have developed to this stage considering the amount of holy aura emanating from her, this dark past would have already been annihilated by the sheer amount of Good Karma she possesses.

And yet, these things managed to survive in the presence of this much divinity!

Now, It had flared my curiosity to the peak! To get to the root of the problem, I helped the unknown woman by either clearing her nightmarish past or merged them into each after the purification of my technique. Until...

The white mist finally vanished from the face of the universe, leaving behind a strange mass of pure black substance that looked similar to jelly, trying to run away from me!

At first glance, it looked akin to a pure vile creature despite its frightened expression that it might have if only it possessed a face!

Completely disgusted by the awful stench radiating from it, I was incapable to bear his presence a second more!

That seemingly white mist was the union of that womanly figure's negative emotions and feelings that remained hidden in the deepest part of her inner world.

Generally, this shouldn't have developed to this stage considering the amount of holy aura emanating from her, this dark past would have already been annihilated by the sheer amount of Good Karma she possesses.

And yet, these things managed to survive in the presence of this much divinity!

Now, It had flared my curiosity to the peak! To get to the root of the problem, I helped the unknown woman by either clearing her nightmarish past or merged them into each after the purification of my technique. Until...

The white mist finally vanished from the face of the universe, leaving behind a strange mass of pure black substance that looked similar to jelly, trying to run away from me!

At first glance, it looked akin to a pure vile creature despite its frightened expression that it might have if only it possessed a face!

Completely disgusted by the awful stench radiating from it, I was incapable to bear his presence a second more!

Therefore, I eagerly brought my ethereal hands beside it, but!

Instead of fearing away from them, it gladly jumped on the dark hands!


As expected, before it could reach the hands, it was burned into pure charcoal.

A moment later, it evaporated into a dark cloud, merging with the clouds of the Astral plane.


I heaved a sigh of relief on seeing that, exhausting most of my Yogic power due to the whole set of action.

I wanted nothing more than to return to my body and rest on the warm lap of Maa Ganga. 

Sadly, I can't just leave the lonely maiden in trouble. That's why, I molded the fragments left from the aftermath of the massacre into fine powder of Astral Dust.

Then, I used it to fortify her spiritual walls.

"Nice~ Let's .... re-!....."

Grievously enough, the event I least wanted to occur happened!

My YOGIC Power! it was completely drained! 


Sorry friends! It seems it's the end.




Like hell it would!

The sequel of exhaustion of yogic power isn't death. If it was, There would be no one left alive in Kalyuga. It's not life force or anything related to it.

Yogic power is the spiritual energy which can be accumulated by anyone by refining their souls either with the help of a deity or by doing it themselves.

It can help in utilization of many laws or elements of nature like fire, water, space etc. Additionally, The celestial weapons possessed by many aren't the physical arrows that can be stolen or broken by any Tom, Dick and Harry. (i.e. Western reference.)

Instead, the spells used to invoke them have been passed down from mentor to disciple. When the students accumulate enough yogic power, they can materialize that weapon into physical form or imbue other arrows with their power.

It was the reason why those serials of Mahabharat or Ramayana contained scenes of chanting before attacking anyone.

So yeah, I didn't die from it. 

Though I did feel an agonizing headache causing me to fall in the river, drenching my clothes with warm water. While, I remained paralyzed on the stream-bed.

If not for the blessing of Maa Ganga granting me the affinity with water, I would have drowned in it.

Still, I was worried about the fury of Radha Maa seeing me drenched in water.


As if waiting for this thought, I recovered from the brief paralysis, accidently gulping a mouthful of water in the process.

 Since it wasn't life threatening, I ignored it and swam to the surface of the river as the rays of light became brighter and brighter.

Just when I reached the surface, I thought of the contemptuous gaze of Aarav would look at me and the smile of Ganga Maa.

Unfortunately, When I reached the surface, I saw....

Five married women (From their braids), staring at me warily as if I was some Asura, while they covered a woman in the middle, protecting her from any harm!

Before I could understand the situation, the lady dressed in the uniform of a Royal maid inquired harshly!

"Child, state your Origins!"

From next chap,

You shall experience Speed~

Sage_Versecreators' thoughts