
Answers lays within...

Prakriti's P.O.V,

"*?/?///? Om~"

Atop an elevated slope, beside the castle of Hastinapur and surrounded by the fog lies a certain rock.

The rock was ordinary but not the one sitting on it.

The Child in saffron clothes, reciting the intricate hymns in Ancient Sanskrit. His eyes were closed tightly as he lost himself in some unknown practice.


With this last syllable, his chanting finally stopped which brought a strange effect on the surrounding trees and grass.

They Glowed in a dim brightness, providing a slight warmth but only for a short while.

Soon, this brightness vanished, replaced by a strange darkness...

Please mind the word 'Darkness', this was not the state of the universe, a place devoid of light. Instead, it was pure darkness that seemed to be originating from the Nihility and yet, it doesn't.

Perplexed (Confused) by its complex origin, I obeyed Maa Shakti's order and didn't think too much about it. Being curious is one thing, while obsession is another. 

Additionally, I want to take my word back, Anything done by Karna is sure to bring troubles for me.


What a troublemaker...

As always, I have to hide this fact from the observation of the ever present Vayu Dev (deity of Wind). Otherwise... The consequences may be terrible for the well being of Indra Dev.

Think for a while, Karna is someone graced by Maa Shakti. But, Devaraj does not know about this fact. Unsure of Karna's origin due to my intervention, he will definitely try to silently silence* Karna before Karna can become a threat for him. 

Don't blame Devaraj, anyone will react like him if his kingdom was the very target of every capable Human, Asura or Raksha!

Whether it was Meghanath, Hiranyakashyap or any other being, they had defeated Indra in a miserable way, making him run for his dear life and take shelter under the Trimurtis. 

Despite his might and status as the King of Heaven, he was not respected by many. As for how much it was due his past deeds* or his vain strength, remain unknown.

Actually, apart from his some misdeeds*, he had been an Okay kind of ruler. 

But, what can we say about the brave King who lived in fear of the invasion or offending any other deity?

A sad life indeed...

Getting back to the topic,

Let's see what's going on with Karna...


Karna's P.O.V,


An entity and force away from the grasp of mortals...

It is ever moving...

From the time I found my correct path due to Maa Ganga, Time became my greatest enemy. Whether it is to regain my strength, accept my past or alter someone's destiny, I need time.

My predicaments originate from this single issue. So, I thought about the ways to counter it for days and yet, it was futile...

Nevertheless, this small setback can't halt my progress. Instead, it fueled my desire even more!

Therefore, to find a solution, I arrived at the forest and meditated there on the flat rocks.

It was according to the lessons of my teacher (Lord Parshuram) who stated, "Karna, if you are ever troubled by something and cannot find a way out, close your eyes and look inside yourself. Most of the time, the solution to one's predicament lies within us....

"The outer world is just a trap and illusion set by the supreme to test us. It was a camouflage, by following it, you will keep seeking your own destruction..."

"Thereby, Don't be swayed by these destruction..."

My esteemed Teacher, the foremost Brahmin, is a great mentor. He was my true guide, a man of virtue and wisdom far exceeding my wildest imaginations, blessing my entire existence with his divine presence!

Only if I had his guidance from the start, my end would have been a little different...



There's no crying over spilt milk. 

By following the great wisdom of Guru Rama, I meditated to find the answers that lay within...

After a few minutes, I actually found it!

The answer was...

[Note: Lord Parshuram's name was Ram before he was named as 'Parshuram' by Lord Shiv for his excellence in the arts of Axe (Parshu). To avoid confusion between Lord Parshuram and Shri Ram, Karna and others will Address him as 'Rama' Sometimes.]

Oh No!


May Maa Shakti forgive me for my sins of writing cliffhangers...

Sage_Versecreators' thoughts