
Magus X Testimony

StarMutiny · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Enter Magus Association

"You claim that none of this is fair, Emmeline, but you have the power, and will, to do it. Other humans throughout the world lack what you have."

I balled my fists, closing my eyes, ashamed of myself.

I felt guilty for not wanting to have this power and protect the world, but all of this was happening so quickly. I couldn't keep up.

"Everything feels like a dream. I sometimes wonder if I'll wake up in my bed, and realize that all of this is fake, and none of this ever happened."

Sighing past my lips, I sat down on the floor, crisscrossing my legs.

"I witnessed uncanny creatures, and horrible abominations outside of humanity's control. All of this feels like those dreams you have whenever you get sick."

"A fever dream? Is that what you speak of?"

"Yeah. A fever dream. I'm scared... that much is certain."

"That is only a natural response to the situation at hand, Emmeline. Listen, child."

I looked up to the empty void above me as if I could see her.

"Without fear, we could never be brave. Fear is what creates bravery, and bravery is what creates heroes. Fear exists to shackle you, and prevent you from going above and beyond. You must break its chains, and surpass your limits, Emmeline. Nobody in this world is capable of helping you, but you."

I went quiet, absorbing Absceline's words. Closing my eyes, I tilted my head down, nodding.

"I suppose that is true..."

"Then are you ready?"

"Huh?" I looked up, shifting my expression to confusion, "ready for what?"

"To return back to the material world, of course."

Ah, those are just the words I wanted to hear. Smiling, I stood back up nodding my head.

"Of course I'm ready. Send me back home, I've been worried about my family, I wonder if they're doing alright!"

"Very well."

It went silent for a few seconds until a flash of white light exploded in front of my face. Covering my hand over my eyes, my soul was being transported outside of the void, and back to the material world.

I felt myself falling, like a Hypnic Jerk, until my soul finally laid dormant inside my body

I was back, opening my eyes... and I could see a white light shining above me.


It's those exact lights that you see whenever you're in the dentist, or emergency room before they perform surgery.

Wait a minute...


I sat up in haste, looking around me to see my location.

I was in... some weird operating room!

So I was right.

"Holy fucking shit! She's alive?!"

Next to me shouted a familiar voice.

It was Guinevere... that Wizard that saved my life back there.

"Where am I?! What is this place? Where is Matilda, and my parents?"

Too many questions came out at once. I was worried sick.

"Hey, calm down kid, don't make a big fuss." She walked over towards me, sitting down on the bed I was laying in, "You're in the Magus Association, at the Health Division."

"M-Magus Association!? You mean where the wizards exist?"

"Of course. We're here to take care of you. Mona here is the Supervisor of the Health Division, she was treating your wounds and health to make sure you were doing alright. I honestly thought you died."

"Mona?" I looked to my right, seeing a woman with white hair, blue eyes, and a formal suit like Guinevere. It must've been the clothing that all wizards wore; black and white suits with a tie.

Leaning forward, Mona spoke to me, "Greetings, Emmeline, I am Mona."

Holy freaking cow, what is up with those enormous tits?!

No, seriously, they look heavier than her entire body.

"O-Oh... hello, nice to meet you, Mona."

"Psst..." Guinevere leaned into my ear. "Don't pay much attention to her breasts, she'll catch on and get embarrassed. It's best if you stare her in the face."

I see... so this was a common situation.

Listening to Guinevere, I turned my attention to Mona's face.

"Uhm, what is the Health Division, exactly?"

"Oh!" She leaned back, moving her massive boobs out of my face, "The Health Division is one of the seven divisions in the Magus Association. Each division has a supervisor, but some people call them captains."

"What are the other seven?" I asked, interested in the system.

"First is the Combat Division, then the Safeguard Division, Science Division, Stealth Division, Academic Division, Faith Division, and the Health Division, which is here!"

"Wow... that's a lot of divisions, I'm assuming this is the most important one?"

Mona laughed at me, stating, "Hahaha, it's only important when it comes to small injuries or grave wounds. The most important division is the Science and Academic Division. There is where they help new members of the Magus Association learn about Ether, Phantasms, and our world!"

"Oh, that makes sense."

Guinevere took a cigarette from her pack, lighting it with her lighter, "I'm captain of the Combat Division, I decided that you'll be joining me, and be under my wing."

"Really? Me, joining a division??"

"H-Hey, Guinevere, no smoking inside the patient's room! I've told you this many times!" Mona, like a mother, placed both hands against her hips, and walked in front of Guinevere, "give me that!"

"What? It's not like it's gonna kill the kid, she's the chosen prophecy child."

Mona lowered her eyes, frowning.

Her motherly attitude vanished in seconds and even gave me chills.

"Sheesh. Alright, fine, I'll go have a smoke outside." Looking at me, Guinevere offered me a smoke inside her pack, "want one?"

"Oh, no... I don't smoke, sorry."

"Pfft. Live a little. Those who've awakened their Ether can't be affected by shit like cancerous diseases, and bad lungs. We're practically immune to all of that. It's why I smoke two packs a day."

"I-Immune to diseases? Seriously?"

"It's all part of Yoh. If you keep your Ether locked inside your body, it acts as a repellent to bad forces. Bacteria, diseases, you name it. It prevents all of that from happening, even internal damage, considering it passively heals us as well."

"I-I never knew that. Then maybe I could try one..." I reached for a cigarette in curiosity, but Mona smacked my hand away, shouting, "Don't you listen to Guinevere! She's being a bad role model. Yoh or not, I won't allow you to smoke at your age."

I laughed, guilty as ever.

"Ahahaha... s-sorry, I should've known better."

"What's your deal, Mona? Your morals shouldn't hold any weight to practically unkillable Wizards."

"By the Grace of God, my morals hold plenty of weight. Teaching the kids right from wrong is what any adult should do! And you know this."

Guinevere sighed, shrugging her shoulders.

"Good way to ruin all the fun." Standing up, she used Kah in her index finger, and mushed it against the cigarette to put it out, "Well, now that you're awake, are you ready to take a tour around the association?"

"S-Sure, I would love one!"

"Now wait a second, Guinevere, Emmeline is my patient at the moment, and she needs rest. The way she is now, she won't be able to even walk correctly. She's wasted all her Ether doing the battle with that Wraith you spoke of."

I blinked confusingly, glancing at Mona.

"What happens if you use up all your Ether?"

"Ether is the natural energy that every sentient creature has inside of them, and wasting that energy will result in dizziness, fatigue, and falling unconscious most of the time. You need to eat, drink, and sleep to restore your energy."

I looked down at the ground, placing my hands on the bed to jump down carefully.

"But I feel fine?"

As soon as I said that, I plummeted to my face.


"Pfft, Ba ha ha! You seriously didn't even bother protecting your face when you fell?"

Guinevere laughed at me like some high school bully. Looking up at her, I scowled, saying, "H-Hey none of this is remotely funny!"

"Guinevere, stop being so immature!" Mona crouched down to help me up from the floor and placed me on the bed.

Holy hell, she was strong.

She didn't even struggle to lift my body.

"Now, please Emmeline, rest before you go out exploring with Guinevere."

"Noted..." I said in a strained tone.

"Guinevere, let us talk in private, please."

"Are you finally gonna let me motorboat those pumpkins on your chest?"

"Y-You-! Stop being a pervert!!"

Guinevere shrugged, "It's just a joke. But fine, we can go talk, moo~oom!"

Mona crossed her arms and followed Guinevere out the door, closing it behind them. Laughing at their relationship, I took a deep sigh, staring up at the ceiling above me.

("I'm actually in the Magus Association... I can't believe it. Has this place really existed for so long? Why am I now just hearing about it? All of this feels so unreal.")

Closing my eyes, I would listen to their conversation. It sounded like Guinevere was getting scolded.

It must've been an everyday thing between the two of them. How cute.