
Magus X Testimony

StarMutiny · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Death of Combat Squadron

Bones cracked like twigs, flesh ripped apart like paper, and screams of agony filled the streets of Bellensworth City. The Combat Division Squadron had failed. They could only scream for help as they were devoured by the Phantasm.

"Gaaaaaahh…. Aaaaackk!"

Cody was slowly being eaten alive, as James witnessed her arm being chewed on like taffy candy. Her eyes were bloodshot red, summoning an Ether-Katana and repeatedly stabbing the creature in the face, but it wouldn't budge.

It only laughed at her attempts, proceeding to grind its teeth on her limb.

"Aaaaaaaghhhhhh!!" Cody shook her head back and forth, yelling to the heavens in despair, while James could only lay there, and pray he wouldn't receive the same fate.

"Fuhehehehe…" The Phantasm took a liking to her suffering, finally biting off her arm, which sent blood spurting on its face.

She nearly went unconscious from the torturous pain as her body fell to the ground, but the creature caught her like a toy, lifting Cody above its head, and opening its gaping maw.

"Help me… someone help me!!" Cody, the shy and innocent girl, could only wiggle in its grasp as it slowly inserted her into its mouth. "No… I can't die like this! I can't die like this, I'm scared, I'm scared, James help me, please!! Someone help me!!"


As if God answered her call, another Wizard appeared from thin air, holding a massive broadsword in his hand.

"Put her down, you fuckface!!"

James and Cody glanced toward the unfamiliar voice, realizing it was one of the Wizards from the Stealth Division. Hope filled their eyes, seeing the brave wizard Ram its blade into the Phantasm's chest.

However, upon contact… it broke.


The brave wizard widened his eyes, looking up at the creature to see it grabbing his body with an uncanny smile.

"So weak… so fragile. You humans are all insects."

"…How is it so strong? My blade… it can pierce through defenses! That's impossible!" Just like Cody, the Wizard was lifted above the Phantasm's face as the next meal. "Damnit, how is this happening?? What's going on? A Phantasm that can talk? Isn't that a rare occasion?! This isn't real… it's some illusion!"

"We're gonna die… there's nobody who can save us."

Cody was empty in her eyes, as all hope faded away.

"You can't say that! We won't die, I'll make sure of it!"

"…No… it's over for us, this Phantasm can use Ether."


The Brave Wizard was stunned. He couldn't say a single thing but only quivered in his lip, glancing down at the creature's gaping maw.

"…God, help me."

The Phantasm dropped the brazen Wizard into its mouth as the first victim, chewing on his body.

"Gaaaaaghhh! Aaaaahh! Heeeelpp meeee-! It hurts, god it hurts!!"

He could only wail in pain, feeling his body twist and turn inside the creature's mouth, while his arms and legs were munched off. A waterfall of blood leaked from the Phantasm's lips, pouring all over the ground.

Cody didn't even budge at the sight. She merely cried in her emotionless eyes… watching the uncanny entity swallow her fellow comrade like a piece of candy.

"…Please, I have so much to do in my life… I haven't even found a boyfriend yet… I never got to tell my mom that I was sorry for leaving her when she needed me the most. I can't die yet…"

"Fuhehehe. As they say, life doesn't stop for anyone. Even if you die, this world will continue to progress. So accept your demise, and die for a good cause, to satisfy my hunger!"

"Momma… Papa… forgive me."

Cody closed her eyes, shaking under her skin… until she was finally released.

She fell onto the creature's tongue, extending her arm forward.


Desperately reaching for the exit, the Phantasm finally closed its mouth, chewing her body.

James could see it all.

He heard her bones shatter, and her body rip apart. Her screams of pain were muffled inside its closed mouth, lasting for dozens of seconds… until there was nothing left of her.


James could only say her name, shocked to his core.

As Cody's screams of agony faded away, the uncanny entity glared at the immobile James, laughing as it approached him.

There was nothing he could do.

He closed his eyes and accepted death with open arms.


Standing in a room, similar to that of a hospital, Ludra and Mona stood over the bed, gazing upon Ludwig who was unconscious. His body hasn't recovered, even though he was treated hours ago.

"Does it usually take this long?" Asked Ludra, visibly worried in her expression.

Mona reached for the table, grabbing a needle, saying, "No, it doesn't take this long. As you may know, he's experiencing Incognizant. This happens when someone with a weaker Ether output goes up against someone with a far higher Ether output. Experiencing the Ether of an overwhelming enemy can put you to sleep for days, upon years; if it's not treated immediately." Mona stabbed the needle inside Ludwig's arm, injecting some odd substance inside of him. "Blade's aura was far too much for him to handle when he used Sehk. I've never seen someone at this level of incognizant before."

Ludra sighed, muttering, "Is it really that bad?"

Mona glanced at her, nodding her head.

"Yes. Blade is a powerful Wizard, I'm surprised you could withstand his overwhelming aura, Ludra."

"He doesn't scare me; I trained for months to defeat that fool, I won't be belittled by some petty aura of his."

Mona lifted her hand over her mouth, giggling.

"My, that's just like you. Even if your opponent is Blade Dagon himself, you will never back down from an enemy, will you?"

"Naturally. I am part of the Cromwell family, it's in my blood."

Mona nodded her head, winking at the Supervisor. "This is why Magus Association feels safe with someone of your caliber being the Captain for the Safeguard Division."

Ludra smirked before saying, "I can say the same for you in the Health division."

"Hehehe, how sweet of you."

"Speaking of health. What did you give him, just now?"

"Oh?" Mona looked at the needle in her hand, placing it on the table. "It's an Ether Stim, part of the Wizard tools we use when going to combat."

"Oh, I see. It looks different than usual. The liquid that is." Said Ludra.

Mona giggled, saying, "I know right? They're being improved as we speak. Funny story, me and the Science Division are working together to create better Wizard tools for dangerous missions, to ensure the survival of our people. I'm in charge of recovery items, such as Ether Stims, Healing Scrolls, and the other medical items used in combat."

"I see. You're a very busy woman. Well, if I may ask, what is being improved with the Ether Stim? And how are they made, exactly?"

Mona smiled as she was just waiting for that question to be asked.

"I'm glad you asked, Ludra! As you may know, Ether Stims are filled with liquified Ether, which can only be obtained from a long process of condensing one's ether into solid material using Jio. After the Ether is condensed, you liquify it with immense heat, causing it to become as thick as milk. That liquid is then frozen in small tubes for a few weeks before it is thawed and melted once more, this was how we originally made Ether Stims, but I decided to go with something new." Mona giggled, lifting a finger into the air. "Instead of just unfreezing the liquified ether and storing them in syringes, we Wizards of the Health Division decided to enchant the tubes with our Ether by using Sehk, until the liquified Ether has its healing properties and recovery rate increased."

"Oh?" Ludra widened her eyes. "I see. Ether by itself is a natural source of healing one's body, but you and the Wizards of Health Division devised a way to increase its healing properties, and recovery rate through Sehk. How impressive."

"Indeed." Mona nodded, boastfully. "Obtaining Ether from another individual can boost one's recovery rate if they're unconscious or in the process of healing a wound, but with an Ether Stim, the recovery rate is now tripled!"

"So that means Ludwig will be up in no time."

Mona winked at Ludra, giving her a thumbs up.

"You can count on it!"

"Hmph. I knew I could rely on you. Thank you, Mona."

"Oh, of course, I know Ludwig means a lot to you… especially from what happened in the past."

Ludra went quiet, turning away from the Health Supervisor.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up, Ludra."

"It's fine."


All of a sudden, the door to the room slammed open, showing a panicked wizard, breathing frantically.

"Lady Mona, we need your help!"

"Huh? What's going on?!"

"One of the members from the Stealth Division has returned from their mission, but they have grave wounds!"

"Oh dear…" Mona lifted her brows, stuck in place. "I-I'll be there right away! Just a moment!"

"Shall I come with you?" Asked Ludra.

"No, please stay with Ludwig until he recovers. I'll return as soon as possible!" Mona ran out of the room, following the Wizard in his footsteps.