
magician in tower of god

shadow_5998 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

End of the prologue

Fatigued Ray shouted, "For the fiftyth time."

Finally, he continued, I've located a suitable location.

He appeared to be quite exhausted, and why wouldn't he? He was exploring an appropriate planet on which he could capture the gods.

It was actually quite complicated because he wouldn't want to put anyone's lives in danger because of him, even if a planet just had a few hundred living beings.

He also acquired knowledge of the reincarnation and other magic arrays during this period.

For someone like Ray, who has spent his whole life creating magic arrays and potions, it wasn't that challenging.

Ray smirked, "Now I'm prepared.

The following morning, thousands of people were arranged in a circle. All of them were afraid. In their front were three godlike beings.

Bad luck guys, your so-called saviour didn't come. One of them said, while pointing his finger towards the sky, creating a black hole.

A voice came from the front. woah woah woah guys, relax in a black coat said. while approaching them.

"So you come "magician". One of them said

I have a name you see, and it's Ray. Your kighness said while bowing.

"Haha.. nice joke," the old man said while laughing. Now give it back. His facial expression suddenly changed to an angry one.

"give what back?" Ray asked while rubbing his chin.

Give the box back, motherfucker. The other one said while throwing a punch to Ray's face, but it got blocked by someone.

master "I will take this one," he said.

Okay, Thomas Ray replied.

Ray said. "Now shall we see if a human can win against a god?"

"I think you already know the answer."The elderly person said.

"Perhaps, maybe not," Ray replied, punching the old man in the face.

"I think you forgot that our bodies are invincible," the old man said while blocking Ray's punch with one hand.

"And I think you forgot that I know teleportation magic."Ray answered with a smirk.

The next moment, both of them were in different places.

"What did you do? I can't," the old man said while grabbing his throat.

"What I just did was teleportation magic. The planet we are right now is called God's Will. I made the name tho. It didn't have any mana, so you are having difficulty breathing. with a pause and inhaled some some type of cynical thing. Oh yea, it's called air. It's very useful for situations like this, and don't worry, your friends are also going to come soon. I have prepared a big show for you guys"Ray said.

After some minutes, the other two gods also came.

now when all of you are here."Let's start making the array, shall we?"

Ray took a knife out of his pocket and started stabbing at them.

"Why are you doing this?',' all of them asked while screaming in pain.

"Why? Because I can't use magic or mana right here. So I am using blood in place of mana to make an array. I would like to use my own blood for this, but the so-called god's pure blood is very different from humans, and the more the blood is pure, the more the array will be strong. and most importantly, because I freakin' like torturing you guys," he said with a smile.

"Please stop it." A scream can be heard all over the planet.

"Now let's get back to our home,"he said.

He kills himself with the knife, and the next moment he opens his eyes, he sees a rabit figure.

Ray wondered where he was."Aah, my head feels dizzy," he said, as in the next moment, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.


chapter summary because why not?

The ray was successful in trapping the gods in the array, but in the process he died, but the reincranation spell was still infused with his body.


The end