
What Would Happen To Him Now?

The first time they were as animals.

Morgan's hair flung from side to side, their grunts and moans loud and insistent, the sound of their flesh meeting with fleshy claps of skin. The salt of her sweat was strong on Melvin's tongue as he tasted her breasts, her neck, her shoulders. His hands became animals themselves, wanting to be everywhere at once, grasping and stroking anything and everything they came into contact.

Morgan climbed on top of him and rode him with the skill of a professional cowboy on a particularly troublesome bucking bronco. At times, her breasts rising and falling in furious tandem, Melvin squeezing them with his hands before running them down and gripping her hips, he wondered how she managed to maintain her balance. Once or twice, he was sure she would fall, but Morgan just kept at it on top of him, working her magic in ways Melvin could never comprehend.

He inhaled her, absorbed her, striving to make her a part of himself. They were one entity, two separate beings combining to form something new as they became entangled in each other's limbs, touching and kissing. This was what he had desired for so long. This was the way he was supposed to feel. If this was the witch's doing, if she had tricked him in some way or cast some kind of spell over him, he didn't want her to stop. Ever.

They came with loud cries and gasps, their trembling bodies climaxing and shuddering and finally, slowing. They held each other in their arms for a few moments and then started all over again.

The second time was better.

The nerves at every point of his body felt alive and aware, and Melvin didn't believe he had ever experienced with the world with such clarity. His lips brushed against Morgan's, and sweet tingles of pleasure coursed through every part of him, running through his mouth, down his neck and back to the end of his toes. Melvin wanted to take his time with her, and so he did, enjoying every feeling, every electric bolt that they shared during their temporary connection.

What would happen to him now, he wondered. What would become of him and his lover, the self-proclaimed witch? The mind boggled at the possibilities. She was a creature of magic, after all. And he truly believed that she was.

But what about the others? Bridget, Tina, Abby, and the rest? Would their lives return to normality?