
Magical Princes

Vivie, a beautiful and courageous young woman had once heard the story of Vivo, the vampire, but she never imagined that he could actually exist, let alone that she would ever meet him. But she did. She met him and loved him. This immortal, cursed and lonely being...

ashellion · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


- Even if the blood I drink is human's, Vivie, there is act which you are condemned for, even before their fulfillment.

- It's not an excuse! Azeo!

He heard me or not, he still went away. The sound of his countless wings tore up my ears to blood, and head down, I hid my face in my arms. The tears didn't come out but flowed inside.

- Miss, I brought you your lunch. Please enjoy.

The butler appeared before me. In an instant, a garnished table of rich, delicious dish was put right

before me, a food display for your viewing pleasure and ready to be eaten. From the top of the wall where I was luxuriously installed with a lunch of greats and where I could perfectly admire the light of the city, radiant and animated, that sun ignored itself, I should appreciate such a gift in life, however my heart was totally out of it.

- May I ask the reason the young lady don't eat her lunch for?

The butler was still here, standing beside me. I was spacing out so I didn't give a matter to his presence.

- I am sorry dear butler but I am not that hungry, not as he thought. He made a mistake assuming that. I think he always do.

- Miss should be a very loved person for understanding so much a broken person like the master, but even so, for ignoring the feeling he was put up since the beginning, you will never get him.

I raised my eyes, and look at the butler.

He had a lunar blond hair. His eyes were cold but faithful. He was dressed exactly like the butler he chose to be.

- I always wondered myself since I came there, who are those people living in this bright city, filling his kingdom with life, and which he rejects so bluntly?

- Knowing who are those people matters that so? If they are comfortable enough to agree staying there, then their race and origins are out of the condition.

He was perfectly polite towards me, but I easily felt the cold despises he held for me and all my race.

- How was her? This woman, this mortal that broke his heart?

- Why do you think so?

- Because he has a heart, and he is a man. Whatever we are mortal or drunker of blood for a lifetime, each of us is tortured by love. And an indefinite life can not spare you from this awful thing and the misery it may bring up. And the worst imagining case is when the one you loved so was an human.

He became even colder and like he could not break off my head, he broke off all things that breathed around us.

The tear of pulpit definitely cut off my appetite. The sensation of the blood flowing and the warmth of bodies ending gave me intolerable chills.

- Only an human could talk like that. Both of you were so alike, she used to think, to act exactly like you. I remembered that she used those words of love and immortality with him to manipulate and persuade him so easily to change her over in vampire. She got all of him.

However, the story didn't end well for him, he loved her and lost her for another human, a same kind who, like her, could eat food and die.

I smiled sadly.

- I don't even grasp the hatred you feel towards her, so to even understand the depth of his devastated resentment he is holding in, it is simply impossible. I do not own such years to make it.

- Yes, I know. He was born to be a king and he accepted it, but for possessing such talent to live and to survive, and for ignoring the beauty of light, he took for granted that he was excused, and because of all those reasons, he lost himself and the sense of loneliness.

I cried looking up at him.

- I am so sorry dear butler. So sorry, as an eternal life was not enough for you to heal him.

Then the butler bowed and faded out.

My eyes were fixing on the garden, when I had the urge to visit it. I went down the stairs and penetrated the vast gloomy garden.

Whispers and moans welcomed me when I stepped in.

Flapping of butterflies wings resounded all over. Each time I brushed a leave or a green branch, an agonizing sigh was clearly heard.

- But what it this garden? It's so sorrowful. The blurred voice of the labyrinth lead me to the center, there where was erected a fountain.

The unfathomable sound of a timeless flow.