
Magical Princes

Vivie, a beautiful and courageous young woman had once heard the story of Vivo, the vampire, but she never imagined that he could actually exist, let alone that she would ever meet him. But she did. She met him and loved him. This immortal, cursed and lonely being...

ashellion · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


-thank you, he whispered. But you are not bad neither. One said that the princess of Maradan has the most black hair in the world, and her eyes are bluer than the sky, and shimmer like a starry night. Now I know that they said me the truth. You are magnificent princess.

Annie was astonished.

-how did you know that I am the princess? I still didn't say it to you.

-it was not that hard to find out. Just looking at you and I guessed. Your manner, your clothes, the way you speak, your delicacy and mostly your beauty. Everything was defined in the royal condition.

-I see, I am so obvious even for a stranger. But it's all right if it's you. Only, don't call me your highness. You can call me by my name. Annie.

-it's Annie then. For me, you call me Miron.


-yes, Miron. So what are you going to do now Annie?

-I don't want to return to the castle. I refuse to hear them calling me "liar princess", I am tired of that. I hate them, so I want to run away.

-then do you want to play with me?

Annie had the most radiant smile of her life at that time.

-yes, I want Miron.

Annie took his hand and together, they run towards the forest. Miron brought them to a place where he said he saw big hairy animals that liked eating sweeties and song with the birds.

When they arrived at the place, they were all there.

They hairy animals, in all seize, in all colors singing to infinity with the birds around them. The place was a valley where flowed a pure water coming from holy mountains. Annie explained to Miron that the water was a vivifying effect on the body because it was a sacred water, born and hidden far from the sun, it could flow slowly, far from all obstacle the outside world stemmed. And it followed its vast path until the valley.

-your kingdom is so formidable Annie, his richness is infinite. When I found this place, I ignored all of it, I just liked the magnificence, the songs, the birds, and I

made them my friends, he added pointing the hairy animals that waved with happy smiled. But, now I am even more amazed, as I am seeing it with new eyes full of knowledge.

-yes, I am happy then. Now, let's play!?

-yes, I am following you!

They run and plunged in the river, followed by some of the hairy animals.

-Annie what are they? In fact, I still didn't ask them.

-Miron, you are friends with beings whose you ignore the name? You are so funny.

-don't laugh. I am polite enough to ask you.

-you should ask them first! Annie said, laughing openly.

-don't laugh I said Annie!

-ok, I am sorry, she said still laughing a little. They are Paponou. They are gentle and like birds, they can fly and sing, they are adorable more than any

other animals.

One of the paponou grabbed Miron and rose him up, to be caressed by the sun rays before immersing him in the clear water.

The magic of sun linking with the sacred water was amazing. Happy and refreshed, Miron showed his gratitude by spreading countless sparkling points in the space.