
Magical Princes

Vivie, a beautiful and courageous young woman had once heard the story of Vivo, the vampire, but she never imagined that he could actually exist, let alone that she would ever meet him. But she did. She met him and loved him. This immortal, cursed and lonely being...

ashellion · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


- Your weakness...

- Don't say it! If you tell more I will burn and go away.

- Of course you will burn. After I say the weakness, you will burn, but you will not die because someone already accepted to burn up until death for you. A lovely person, who chose to throw everything away, even himself, for saving you.

He cried.

- No...

- Of course! It is so simple to live in a world of punishment, so we can think easily to be forgiven for our mistakes and imperfection! You were just so afraid to realize that you have been already forgiven!

- Even if loving you will hurt you forever, I don't mind to never be forgiven. Because this is all.

He finally accepted his loss. He smiled shaking his head, and kissed my eyes.

- Then don't.

- But…

- So beautiful, you are…beautiful. So in the end, I am for this. Now, tell me the thing we missed off, so we can live like you wish to. Because Vivie, I am immortal to love you.

- No one can say it better.

- Let's have it.

- Light.

We cried together and linked our heart in one.

- I love you so much Vivo. We are not god to maintain our choices. Maybe, one day, we will be no longer together but I am sure that my love will remain forever.

He closed his eyes and held me tightly.

He sighed and finally smiled.

- Yeah.

Then he burned. He burned and carried me in his clouds of blaze.

We kissed deeply, we kissed as if our moment as a millennium, we kissed as mortals, we kissed as immortals. We kissed for the life.

A light rose up, and then the sun finally appeared in the east horizon.

Aze was a little hurt but he was soon used to the warmth sensation and even came to like it a bit.

- So that's it Vivie.

- Yes, beautiful as you thought all those nights since the start, beautiful as you are.

- I finally understood my mother and all those women who pefered to love.

- No. They were stupid. Like me once. By loving their lovers too much, they couldn't stand it anymore, and night with. So they chose to forget for a time their inextinguishable fondness. But in the end, like you saw with me, they always come back to their unique love, just like I did today.

- Will you not regret Vivie?

Vivie laughed.

- Vivo, don't even ask me such thing ever again.

She sighed languidly.

- Your magic will remain my love, but your journey of immortality has ended. The time has come for you to know. So let's go together to live in this world of light you longed for, and what you finally got.

Azeo laughed and kissed her.

- I follow you.

I looked up at him who was brightened by the light, and our eyes met. He was a little surprised.

- What is it Vivie?

The young woman smiled to him and stared at him as if the moment was the summit of everything.

- Maybe we are really mortals Vivo, but it there is really an immortal thing in us then I am sure it's our love.