
Magical Odyssey in Marvel

This is a work depicting the life of a transmigrate that works his way through life in Hogwarts and Later the Marvel Comics Universe. The Main Character is a SI-OC. This is my attempt at learning how to write a proper story, so please bear with me. Though, I do promise there won't be many grammatical errors. Other than that, I have a general idea of how this fic will go, but most of it is just me writing as I go. https : // discord . gg / qRgGsUXyNc

OrangePanther · Livres et littérature
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35 Chs

Sorcery and Magic

Chapter 21 –

Nathan could feel the weight behind her gaze, and he knew that his answer would be imperative to his education with the Mystic Arts.

Sweat poured from his forehead, as he thought over the answer.

Why did he want to learn the mystic arts? He could very well let the things that happen in this universe happen. He had no obligation to be a part of the madness that was bound to befall either part of the world he had been thrown into. All he really needed was to be a good enough person so that his judgement should he return to the afterlife, be that of a good person. But, was that enough for him?

He had died as an average person. He did not have any meaning or purpose in his previous life, and he realized, he did not have a purpose in this one either. Yes, he could see that he was in a position that could change a lot of things for the lives of many people around him. He could prevent wars, conflicts, calamities, but he didn't really need to do all that, to be a good person. Even the smallest of things that he could do to help people should be enough to tip the scale of judgement in his favor. So, why was he here? Why did he seek out the mystic arts? Why did he willingly head to Hogwarts?

He realized, that he did not want to be lost in the endless sea of people that are all good, but inconsequential in the grander scheme of life. He wanted to make a difference, and for that, he was here. He wanted to help not only the magicals in the magical world, but also be someone that could prepare the world as a whole for the multitudes of threats that were going to fall on this crazy universe.

"I want to make a difference; I don't want to be someone that doesn't matter in the grander scheme of things," Nathan said finally.

"So, you're seeking Glory?" The ancient one inquired.

"No, I do not care for making a name for myself. I do not care for something as measly and fickle as fame. I want to leave a positive mark on this world because I know things, I know of things that are to come, the madness that is out there, I want to be able to prepare the world for it, manage the fallout, in my own way." Nathan elaborated.

"Mr. Frye, this Universe is vast. There are a million different things that threaten this world, and this reality. Your knowledge of the future, whatsoever be the source, would not be complete. Every action made to change that future will have consequences. Every effect that you bring, will lead to possibilities, that you may not know of. Futures seen in visions, by oracles much like the one you may have seen, aren't fixed. The future is always in flux, and the only thing that unites them, is the existence of unique shatter points, or nexus events. Points in time that are common in all of those futures, but with outcomes vastly different. Each path from the shatter points, will lead to more shatter points in the future. What you do not know, is that this very moment, among us, is one such nexus event. The beautiful thing about this one, is that depending on your choice, the future that you have seen may or may not come to pass at all. If you make the choice, of consciously and willingly involving yourself in, as you stated, this mad world, then the future that you have seen will not come to pass. Something similar could happen, yes. But, a lot of the things around you will change. And, if you decide to remove yourself from the equation entirely, the original future that you have seen will return." The ancient one elaborated.

Nathan furrowed his brows and said "That does not make sense. I have already made major changes. I freed Sirius Black from prison. Originally, he would stayed there till 1993."

"Ah, yes. You're right of course, but, at the same time, you're wrong. Sirius Black, does not have a large effect on the lives of individuals in this world. His freedom and exoneration does not change how things will happen, the future, is still roughly intact. No single entity, except the cosmic entities, can control the flow of time. There are beings out there, that think that they control the timeline, but they are deluding themselves. Neither can you. Eternity and Infinity do not give up their control of time and space. The shatter points in time, that I explained previously, these beings are responsible for their existence. And no one, can change, prevent or avoid a shatter point, or change its parameters. So, depending on your choice, you may be faced with a vastly different future from this point forward. So, once again, I ask you, what is your purpose for seeking the mystic arts, Mr. Frye?" She asked again.

"I want to be able to both defend my loved ones while leaving a positive mark on the world. I want to make a difference in this world." Nathan finally said.

The ancient one finally, gave him a genuine smile. Not the serene façade that she had adopted previously. "Well, then Mr. Frye, I hope the Order of the Mystic Arts can help you in your endeavors. Now, shall we have a talk with your mother? The poor woman has been waiting long enough, no?" She said, as she headed back in the room, and opened the door outside which Jolene Shephard had been waiting.

"Come in, Mrs. Shephard. Your son and I had a wonderful chat about his purpose, very philosophical. But, I shall not trouble you with all that. Please, take a seat. Would you like some tea?" She offered.

"Oh, yes, please. Thank You!" She said, taking the offered cup, and taking a sip "Is that honey in there?"

"Why, yes, it is! I think a hint of honey adds the perfect sweetness to the tea." The ancient one commented, "But, we are getting off-topic, I think Mr. Frye has a proposition for you, that I think you should hear." She continued, turning her gaze to Nathan.

Nathan should have figured, that she would bring the choice back to him. He took a deep breath and said "Mum, I want to join the order of the mystic arts, here. And I want you to join along with me."

Jolene was surprised by the request, but her surprise quickly turned to confusion as she asked "But, I thought that us Muggles, couldn't learn magic."

"Ah, Mrs. Shephard, you are mistaken actually. The term Muggles does not mean, those incapable of magic. A magical like Nathan is merely someone who is a child of eternity, or infinity. They have a direct connection to the domain of these cosmic beings. They can manipulate time, space, matter, reality, or magic in general to a limited extent, depending on their power and intent. The only difference is, that for those of us, who do not have that connection to the cosmic being, we have to depend on invoking the being's attention, by forcefully opening our senses to the wider multiverse. There have been wars in that regard actually, when Agomotto's methods of teaching magic to the common man were lost, the magicals of that time had started forming what we know today, as the magical community. Fortunately, merlin, the man that they revere so vehemently, found those methods, some 1600 years ago, and was able to restart the practice of teaching magic to the common man, should they want to learn that is." She explained.

Nathan asked "Then, why don't the general public know about magic? I mean, if the method was found, and you are teaching magic, to non-magical people, why is it that the rest of the world doesn't know of the magical society's existence?"

The Ancient One smiled and asked "Why indeed? This is not the only order or organization that teaches magic, Mr. Frye. The purpose of this order is primarily to protect this world from interdimensional threats, but people seek us out to help them learn more and expand their knowledge of the mystical, while fulfilling a goal that serves them as well, just like Master Sara Wolfe, she wanted to be able to see the world, with her own eyes, and now, she can do that, and much more. If you look hard enough, you will find that there are others out there that do not want the secret of magic, to become common knowledge. The last big dark lord, Gellert Grindelwald, from the magical world, was the closest there is, in modern times, to be able to destroy the shroud of secrecy. Now then, Mrs. Shephard, would you be willing to learn magic, here at Kamar taj?"

Jolene thought for a moment, the offer appealed to her, a lot. She did not like being worried about Nathan, like she had been in the trial. By accepting this offer, she would be able to help Nathan, and be able to be a part of the wonderous world of magic, that she had been introduced to.

"Yes, I would love to be able to practice magic." She replied.

"Then, I welcome, the both of you, to the Sanctum Sanctorum, as disciples of the order of the mystic arts. Now, I believe we should discuss, how you are going to coordinate your education in magic with us, considering, that Mr. Frye, will be a student at Hogwarts, and tackle other challenges that you both will face while being disciples at this order."


Nathan and Jolene had quickly fallen into a routine, at Kamar Taj, by first learning how to make portals. Using Eldritch magic, and sorcery. Nathan was quickly able to learn that sorcery is an extension of magic.

While his connection to traditional magic, which he now realized was caused by a connection to the cosmic entities eternity and infinity, which the magical society, in general, had labeled to be Lady Magic, he was able to form smaller connections, that traditional sorcerers would have to form to learn all there is about the mystic arts.

He had also come to a new realization about foci in general. For while, Wizards use wands for foci, Sorcerers were trained using sling rings, that perform exactly the same function. He knew that the ancient one had noticed his peculiar lack of the use of either focus, and he was sure he was going to be talking to her about it soon enough.

They had come to a neat little schedule for Nathan to follow while he studies at Hogwarts. He was going to be given tasks, and assignments every week, from Kamar Taj for him to master, and at the end of the week an assigned master would test him on his proficiency at the spell or enchantment. Once the school year started again, he would have to return to Kamar Taj, using Portals, every weekend, for a couple of hours, where he would get instruction on Martial Arts, Sorcery, and magic.

Jolene had been ecstatic at finally being able to perform some of the magical effects that Nathan had been producing on her own. She wanted to practice magic, just so that she could accompany Nathan into the magical world, and not be a hindrance of any kind to him. She knew that there would be a time when he would grow into his own, and start his own life, but till then, she would be there by his side, should he need her aide. She did not like how helpless she was when her son was called to witness the trial, and if she could, she would learn all there is to learn about magic and mysticism.

Once they had learned how to form portals on their own, they were allowed to return to their home in Norfolk, knowing that the next morning they would be returning to Kamar Taj, to continue their study in Magic.


"Was it wise, letting the boy expand his knowledge of magic, and the mystic arts?" A voice asked the Ancient One, after Nathan and Jolene had left Kamar Taj for their home. "You know, the amount of trouble we will be inciting, should it be found, that we willingly took in a wizard, a 'muggle-born', as they call them, at that into the order. And his mother along with him. There will be questions, if the wizards find out, again. Every time, you have tried bringing that world out of its path of destruction, you have met with failure. What makes this boy so different?"

"The boy was a nexus event personified, Wong. The time stone, as you know, shows all nexus events, and their consequences. His involvement in the wider world, makes things so chaotic, that if he is nurtured properly, he should be able to prevent many calamities from occurring. If there is anyone that can prevent the destruction of magical society, prevent them from fading into obscurity, and killing themselves, it will be him. The fate marked and Nexus, should have a chance of changing the lives of so many innocent wizards, and guide them to a better world. A world that is safer, not only for them, but for all of Humanity." The Ancient One replied.

"I hope you are right, Ancient One." Wong bowed, as he left the courtyard from which he had been observing Nathan and Jolene train in their sorcery.

"I hope so too, my friend. I hope so, too." The Ancient One whispered as she continued staring at the spot where Nathan and Jolene's portal had closed.



I hope you like this chapter. I tried explaining magic and sorcery and their combination in this chapter, and possibly laid the foundation for 'Something' in the future.

Please bear with me here, about the foci and wands. They will come. Nathan will learn to tackle that problem eventually.

If you want to get in touch with me, please join the discord server for this fic.

https : // discord . gg / qRgGsUXyNc

I would appreciate constructive criticism for me to improve my writing and story telling.