
the beginning

it was a long night at work for Jack of course he was tired he dropped his bag and went to his room after that he turned on the TV watching some family Guy at last he fell asleep so the next morning when he woke up there was someone who rung the doorbell he opened the door there was a black box but no one was there and he took the box inside of his house. he open the box up and there was a golden gun it was like painted Black and he didn't know what to do with it I guess you can call that magic but in the end things were about to get interesting.

chapter 2

after he got that gun 2 days later he received a phone call when he picked up the phone the dude said that he was from a secret magical service type thing I will call them D. I. V devil's initiative values his code name was Jack the ripper I guess we can call that a play on words or whatever but interesting enough this turns out to be his new life new identity new everything first mission track down one of the notorious demons known as hiatus now be aware this demon was wanted in 34 different realms not to mention he's killed over 200,000 different people but if I had to say so myself I say I feel like things need to go a different way.

so next day he did a lot of investigation on this notorious demon hiatus as we like to call him or as I like to call him so 3 days into the investigation no leads then the boss assigns him a partner called spark Ace.

chapter 3

spark ace introduces himself to Jack Jack says hi Sparks says hi you know the usual at this point things are looking good for the young Jack after the fact that they fake his death I should have put that in the beginning but whatever let us get to the point so that was introductions they got together they had dinner they ate they drink beer the usual.

chapter 4

that night he heard a voice as he fell asleep coming from his box to his surprise he looked on a floor to see a magical being flowed out of his gun he asked his name he said chord and I did not misspelled his name that is actually the name so in other terms he asks why are you floating on my gun magical being responded because I'm your safeguard by the way the safeguard acts as a shield knowledge power little hint it's also a secret weapon but we'll get to that later no spoilers.

good things

Isaiah_Carsoncreators' thoughts