
Magical Curse

In the thrilling world of Takumi Nagato, Takumi Nagato is a young man stripped of everything he held dear. When his life seems hopeless, he meets Haruki Kazuki, a member of the investigation committee, who reveals to him a startling secret. In this world, there are people with supernatural powers - magic.

Konnov · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Haruka's fate. Part 1

Haruki spent his childhood all alone. All these years he has not found friends at school, on the street, anywhere. He was such a strange, such an unusual outlook on life that no one tried to communicate with him. But Haruki wasn't even upset about it. Instead, he began to immerse himself in the world of psychology and reading people through and through. With each passing day, Haruki delved more and more into the study of human nature. He was able to unravel the motives and thoughts of other people, to penetrate their emotional world. But unfortunately, his uniqueness and unusual abilities only repelled others. Eventually, Haruki became known in his surroundings as a man who tells the bitter truth about other people. Many people hated Haruki and despised him because of his extraordinary mind. Talking to him, many felt discomfort and fear, because he always revealed their inner weaknesses and depression. It became clear to Haruki that his unusual mind and understanding of people created a gap between him and others. Haruka's parents couldn't help but worry about their son. They saw how lonely and unhappy he was, and thought that he needed to communicate with his peers. But Haruki knew that his knowledge and intelligence did not correspond to his age and environment in any way. He was always one step ahead of his peers, and because of this, no one understood him. Every day Haruki became more and more desperate. At the age of 14, he began to commit suicide, because he did not see the point in such a mind and knowledge that seemed useless to him. He did not understand why he was given such intelligence as a child, if it only causes him pain and suffering. From a young age, at the age of 16, Haruki got involved with the world of crime. Desperate and unusual, he began to make his way in the ranks of a dangerous gang. In just a few years, he rose through the ranks and began to control several districts in Yukisaku. He became known for his cruelty and ability to pursue his goals with extreme measures. But one day, one fine day, the gang that Haruki was in attracted the attention of a special patrol. Haruki and many other gang members were arrested, and the fate was clear - they were to receive long sentences for drug trafficking, numerous murders and robberies. However, Hiroki, the head of the special patrol, noticed something unusual about Haruki. He discovered that his own magical abilities were losing their power in the vicinity of Haruki. This caused him surprise - Haruki himself did not suspect that he had magical power. Hiroki saw potential in him and decided to take advantage of it. He offered Haruki a deal - in exchange for his freedom, he offered him a vacant position as a special patrol officer. Haruki, realizing that this might be his only chance for a new life, agreed to the offer. He began active work in the special patrol, seeking to correct his past and use his uniqueness for the benefit of society.

Haruki became famous in the city of Yukisaku for being a criminal storm. He almost became the head of a special patrol organization that investigated the most serious crimes. As one of the main ones in the organization, Haruki also directed the torture. He mastered the language of torture and used it to extract information from criminals with ruthless efficiency. Although he was cruel and cold in his interrogation methods, Haruki felt no remorse or regret for his actions, as he sincerely believed that he was paying tribute to the criminals. Haruka's magic was also in demand by the state, as his abilities allowed him to control the aura of any other magic. With the help of his magic, Haruki could easily catch the most notorious magical criminals and deprive them of their power. Once caught, these criminals became trophies in Haruka's career. Despite his career, Haruki still found time to make plans for the future. He found true love, dreamed of his own family and grew old peacefully. He was determined to create a bright future for himself and his loved ones, no matter what the cost.

In his long and successful career as a special patrol officer, Haruki has encountered various criminals and criminal gangs. However, no task caused him such perseverance and perseverance as the search for the dangerous criminal Kohei Ichimura. Suspect Kohei has been on the wanted list for more than a year. Despite an extensive investigation by the ordinary police, this case was transferred to the competence of the special patrol in the hope that already highly trained and professional operatives will cope with it. And one day, Haruka's staff and their squad finally found him. However, this meeting turned out to be extremely tragic and shocking for Haruka. During the clash of Haruki's squad with Kohei, all the members of his team were killed, which greatly shocked Haruki. He was stunned by the ideality of Kohei's actions and his ruthlessness, but despite this, he only strengthened his determination to do his job and arrest Kohei. While in Yukisaku, a poor neighborhood, Haruki discovered Kohei's whereabouts. No one from Haruka's team cared about the state of affairs of Kohei, it was only important for them to carry out the detention. However, the unexpected dialogue that ensued between Haruki and Kohei led to an interesting turn of events. Kohei, with a smile on his face, asked Haruki in surprise how he managed to find him, even calling him "the incompetent from the special patrol." Put in a stupor, Haruki could not understand what was going on, and asked what was funny about this situation, given that Kohei was already almost arrested and was waiting for a life sentence in the confined space of the prison. However, to Haruki's surprise, Kohei laughed out loud and decided not to feel sorry for him. He launched an attack, emitting powerful compressed sound waves from his hand, capable of neutralizing any person. Haruki, looking at the waves flying past him, did not pay any attention to it. Their sound waves were bursting and disappearing almost before his eyes.

—Impossible,— Kohei whispered, not believing his eyes, since his attacks had never disappeared like this before.

—Magic: Aura Suppression," Haruki said in a cold voice.

—Y-you?" Can you suppress the aura of my magic? Not-impossible!  Kohei exclaimed, extremely surprised. For the first time, he discovered an opponent, not only stronger than him, but also someone who is able to resist his magical powers. This prompted him to think that he would really be arrested and he would be imprisoned for life. Kohei was arrested, but this is not the only case from Haruka's work in the special patrol. At the age of 18, Haruki became the chief employee of the strictly cubic prison storage department. All cubic prisons are in the possession of a special patrol and Haruki began to lead them. Everyone envied Haruki even at his job, at the age of 18 to have such potential and such a top position is prestigious among the strongest organization in the city.

*Office of the Head of the Special Patrol*

Haruki took a close look at the order and felt the excitement that gripped him. He had never received such an urgent call to the office of the head of the special patrol before. What could be so serious as to cause it at such a moment?

He quickly put his thoughts behind him and headed to the head's office. Entering the room, Haruki saw Hiroki, who, without looking up from his work, was rummaging through documents on his desk. His gaze was focused, and there was tension on his face.

— Haruki, chaos has started in the city again, have you heard anything about the Paladins of the Law?  Hiroki asked without looking up.

Haruki shook his head a little dumbfounded. He had never heard of such a group before. He had no idea about something so serious as to call them to the head's office.

Hiroki abruptly stopped in his actions and turned to Haruki, placing his hands on the table.

"We need to send you and your team to the slaughter with the Paladins of the Law. They have already caused a lot of trouble to the city, and we can no longer tolerate their actions. Are you ready for this?

Haruki felt the adrenaline rush through his body. His heart began to beat faster, and his thoughts became clear and resolute.

— Yes, of course. I'm ready. Where are they located?

Hiroki spread out a map of Yukisaku City on his desk and pointed to the marked point.

— They are in this warehouse. Their actions have become increasingly aggressive, and we cannot allow them to continue their activities. You and your team should go there immediately and clean up the mess.

Haruki peered at the map, capturing every detail in his memory. He imagined the appearance of these Paladins of the Law — powerful and dangerous opponents who are ready to harm the whole city.

He nodded, confirming his readiness.

— I see. Then I'll leave immediately. I will keep in touch with you by phone and will pass the information to my team.

Haruki walked out of the head's office, heading to his car. Thoughts of the impending danger and how he could protect his city from these Paladins of the Law were spinning in his head. He knew that he had a huge responsibility, and he was not going to let his team and his head down.

After getting behind the wheel, Haruki activated his communication system and began transmitting information to his team, preparing them for the upcoming battle. His voice was calm and confident, despite the excitement that was gripping him inside.

Haruki and his team, consisting of experienced and brave fighters, quickly and silently arrived at the warehouse, where it was assumed that the headquarters of the Paladins of the Law organization was hiding. They received information about the nature and activities of these dangerous criminals, who caused a lot of harm to the city. Haruki decided to inform his colleagues about the upcoming mission.

"I was warned that the Paladins of the Law are very dangerous types involved in a lot of mischief in the city," Haruki commented, explaining to his people the harsh reality of their task.

Runa, Haruka's lover, lingered beside him for a while, leaning her graceful hand on his shoulder, and asked:

— Are we going to act on the good old principle, as always?

Haruki answered without hesitation:

— Of course, we do not change the good.

After making final preparations, Haruka's team entered the building that served as a fruit warehouse from the neighboring area. They carefully and unobtrusively began reconnaissance, examining every detail of the territory. Everything went smoothly, reports on the state of affairs were received so often that the commander already began to think that the task would be completed successfully.

However, Haruki suddenly stopped and walked over to one of the fruit crates. Quickly taking out an apple, he began to casually snack on it, which looked a little strange against the background of a serious mission.

—Yum-yum," Haruki said with a slight satisfaction, slightly opening his mouth to taste a ripe apple.

Runa, cheerful and perky, turned to him and ironically remarked:

— And when did you become such a thief? Where does this behavior come from, naughty boy?

Haruki smiled and replied with a slight playfulness:

— Sometimes I allow myself a little obscene pranks.

Suddenly, one of the fighters of Haruka's squad interrupted their conversation:

"I have something important for you, boss.b

Haruki quickly approached him and frowned.

— And what is it? "What is it?" he asked tensely.

The fighter replied in confusion:

"I heard footsteps on the roof, I swear...

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a sharp blade that instantly crashed down on his head.

However, the tragedy was just beginning. Suddenly there was a sound of breaking glass, and four people jumped down from the roof of the warehouse, their faces hidden by white masks, and in their hands flashed swords, as if honed to perfection. The air in the warehouse became so tense that it could be felt even physically.

Haruki, looking at the four uninvited guests, was somewhat perplexed about their behavior. His eyes, like a child's, searched for answers to this unexpected situation. He was sure that they were not ordinary criminals, but what brought them here?

— Guys, can you take off your masks? We still need to capture your face for a report on our work," Haruki asked calmly and amiably, not wanting to create a tense atmosphere.

Like a small child addressing his parents, Haruki hoped for kindness and understanding from the opposite side. However, he was quickly disappointed.

— We are the messengers of God, the executors of righteous wrath, called to destroy criminals and bring the sacred truth with swords! — said one of the four participants, his voice sounded enthusiastic and confident.

Haruki looked at them somewhat dumbfounded, finding neither anger nor fright in himself. Perhaps the contradictions will be settled peacefully, and everything will end with a peaceful negotiation speech.

— Oh, I see. So you are the Paladins of the Law. Their name speaks for itself. Well, I'm glad to meet you, but you still have to be arrested," Haruki said, maintaining a friendly tone and a nonchalant look.

The four mysterious guests tensed slightly and rose from their seats, as if preparing for action. Their swords unwaveringly headed towards Haruka's squad, and certain words came out of their mouths:

— Enemies and criminals! We need to destroy!