
Magic world: No one can stop me

Ryan was a normal student till the day he was hit by lightning bolt. After that incident his whole life changed. Meeting with goddess of fortune and luck. Reborn in the new world of sword and magic. getting a new family while living with them in the new adventure. He got many friends and foes. A spirit fairy like partner. Will he be able to keep up with the changes in his life or will be lost in darkness. with new difficulty and responsibilities he continues to walk forward. New gain with significant loss which can cause one to despair, will he be able to continue walking. what will be his future like... no one can tell. let's find out how his life changes and be together with him in the new adventure in his new world.

My_little_drog0n · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter -14 : Encounter with demon

After doing all this, Ryan left the place quickly..

All this time, Andrew watched each and every move that Ryan made, which left him speechless. He didn't expect that Ryan could solve this pack of Dark Flame Jackals so easily. To solve this type of monsters, even he has to take some time, where the scene becomes blood which is obvious. But here he saw Ryan taking out every Dark Flame Jackal, like he was doing trivial thing.

He has known a number of magic spells, and mastering them can be said to be an achievement. But here Ryan who was about five, six years old doing such clean work.

Fighting this cleanly was never seen by him before. It's like a new idea. No trace of fighting can be seen, it only looked like, a quiet place without any monster on it.

He had already thought of various ways to teach Ryan many things. He saw this as a golden opportunity, but as he watched the actions which Ryan did, he knew that those thoughts are unnecessary now.

Afterwards, Andrew silently peeked at the back of Ryan who was moving forward,for a while, then he followed behind closely. No matter how much powerful Ryan was, if there is any danger that can threaten him, Andrew was ready to take the first attack by shielding Ryan behind his back. He believes that this is what a father should do. Protecting and teaching, if a father can't do this then they are failure as a father, in his opinion.

Ryan, who completed his work, moved inside again.. as he continued, he could see small and weak animals running out from the deep forest which he took as a sign as, that there is troubled atmosphere inside.

'Damn what the shit place... There is so little light that I can't have cleare visibility here... If it was my past life and I had to go to such a dark forest I would have peed my pants from fear at this point. I can't believe I came this far alone. If I light up here, it will surely attract monsters. I should make a barrier around me with, at least I won't be caught into sudden attack.'

"Shield barrier" After casting this spell, did Ryan sighed in relief and his tensed nerves relaxed. This barrier which he used is low level barrier magic, which covers the body of user from all side.. this can be maintained until one is out of mana... To cast this spell, high magic control is required otherwise when used it will be unstable, some places which get supply of magic power are strong while others are weak.. For other people who have limited amount of magic power, this is hard thing to do and this also consume huge amount of magic when it is just used so if made any mistakes, you will loose huge magic power.

Using those escaping animals as his guide, Ryan made his way to their opposite side.

It didn't take long after that for Ryan to see some lights, there was a cave in front of him. On the mouth of that cave, lightning orbs were placed which may be used as light source. Ryan could feel fear generating in his mind by looking at such a set up. There was oppressive feeling around the cave from which he concluded that whatever is inside is likely to be powerful monster to release so much oppression.

At this point although he was afraid, he didn't back down because he new that his father was following him behind. In this atmosphere where fear generated, he felt a presence which provided him with courage to stand without turning away.

Ryan did not delay anymore time on the entrance of that cave and moved closer to go inside. As Ryan moved, Andrew also followed closely behind after he confirmed that there is no danger outside, he was afraid that as they go inside there might be someone who takes the opportunity to make sudden move from behind them. After repeated checks and until he made sure that there won't be any trap from outside did he enter that cave.

Inside of the cave was bright, light orbs were placed along the way inside.

He could hear Roar, coming from inside from time to time. Which he used as guide to chose his way to move inside the cave which had complicated ways inside while using a sharp stone to engrave a some sign along the way, so that he could run if things got out of his hands.

Ryan currently could see everything but he didn't put his guard down. In such places a single mistake can be life threatening, moving with caution will only make him live a little longer rather than his charging forward, without inspecting the way properly.

It took about seven or eight minutes, Ryan could see a open area different from the narrow entrance which, he used as to enter. He slowly came to the end and cautiously looked inside to see if there is potential danger inside, and what he saw really blew away his mind.

He was currently standing twenty to thirty meters above the ground inside... What greeted his eyes was large open area in which unknown number of monsters stood. While roaring from time to time. This monster looked around two hundred to three hundred. These all monsters however looked towards the monster...no a demon, Ryan had seen description of this demon in the books he had read before. This demon was described as a orc and looking at his huge size and powerful body, Ryan concluded that this was the one who has gathered all this monsters here.

With that orc demon there were other five six orcs which looked a little weak than that but they were still huge in size. He was currently shaking from fear.. although he has seen them in books, watching in books and experiencing this in reality was totally different. It was his first time seeing the so called demons. He was afraid of even a monster, not to mention a demon for his first experience in forest.

"Hehehe.... A new human has come to sacrifice and offer himself to us... And this one is still has a fresh air around him."



As Ryan was looking around the place, he heard a loud noise from the platform where that strong orc sat. After which monsters began to roar...

'This orc can talk...damn his intelligence should be very high. How did they come here into this forest. According to what I read they all were repelled in the great war to the corner of this huge continent. He must be talking about me.'

"Human, you came here alone, was it to investigate us? If you can come this far, it means that you have some ability but you are still young... You should have known that we have high sense of smell, and yet you didn't hide your scent....hehehe..but since you are here, why don't you come out from there."

'shit, I really made a mistake, now I won't be able to do suprise attack. Here are more than one entrance, don't know, if my father followed me or got in from another entrance but since this pig face said that only one means he is not detected by them. That old man will really lecture me on this for sure.' Ryan listened to the orc and thought to himself.

"Are you also here to take this little wolf cub?? Everyone who came here was boasting how this thing will be the reason for my end....hehehe but see, what they have become now.. hahaha soon you will be like them." Only now did Ryan notice that there was a wolf cub behind the orc which was caged there. Then Ryan saw towards the place where the orc had pointed his finger, he could see broken human skeletons scattered around there.

"There cries of agony and despair was a good sound to hear while they were eaten alive.... hahaha soon you will be like them but don't worry, I will eat you while taking my time. It's been a long time that I enjoyed a fresh meat. We demons are born to rule the world...hahaha come out human and get on your knees in front of me. If your attitude make me happy, I may give you easier death."

'Are all villains, like to talk so much? There speech be almost same, now he look like a joker rather than a demon to me. But I am fortunate that I didn't have to see this peoples half eaten bodies and regret that, we won't be able to save them..rest in peace.'

"You won't be able to run from here... come out now, my patience are limited." Ryan saw that orc looking towards the place he was standing, and knew that he got no chance but to go forward.

"Ummm.. great demon.. huh-huh.. can you leave me please.. I got lost and by mistake came to this place." Exiting from the cover of wall, Ryan came out and said in the shaking voice. He knew that this orc was the one, who was influencing those monsters to gather here, Ryan was looking for a chance, if he could take them out without causing much destruction.