
Magic world: No one can stop me

Ryan was a normal student till the day he was hit by lightning bolt. After that incident his whole life changed. Meeting with goddess of fortune and luck. Reborn in the new world of sword and magic. getting a new family while living with them in the new adventure. He got many friends and foes. A spirit fairy like partner. Will he be able to keep up with the changes in his life or will be lost in darkness. with new difficulty and responsibilities he continues to walk forward. New gain with significant loss which can cause one to despair, will he be able to continue walking. what will be his future like... no one can tell. let's find out how his life changes and be together with him in the new adventure in his new world.

My_little_drog0n · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter -11 : Sword and magic

Ryan came to bathing room after that he moved some of the clothes from that place then after he was fully prepared he closed the door of this place. He was doing all this because of fear that he may cause some unseen accident, since he can't control his own magic properly, no body can guarantee that there might not be unforeseen possibilities.

"Water bubble" concentrating as much as he possibly could, Ryan imagined a bubble of being formed while enclosing air that which make it hollow so that it's not much powerful with small in shape.. as before a comfortable energy moved from his heart to his hand and then a water bubble took shape in front of him.. This bubble looked exactly like soap bubbles with which he used to play in his last life but here there is no soap in this. It is purely formed with water...

When Ryan saw this result, he started creating more and more water bubbles like this and unknowingly he filled the whole place with bubbles where not a single bubble got burst...

"Damn, I got distracted by this thing... What was I even doing this for.. but I have to say with these my control over magic has increased quite a lot. Is this legendary situation of play and learn? Pretty good if I can learn all magic at this pace and like this easily." Punching and kicking all the bubbles here and there and making them burst in patterns... Ryan thought to himself..

"Now I am completely wet, how about I use fire spark to dry them... Although they can catch fire, I should be able to now control it properly...no, no I should try the other fire magic which I had read about.

"Heat field : This magic can increase the temperature from inside of the user body... Please remember to slowly get used to high temperature from this magic by using it from low temperature to high otherwise, you may feel high burning pain suddenly and may have unexpected outcomes. The area can be increased from body to surroundings as per the control of you have over your mana... Imagine warm heat flowing through your body, then control it and let it exit from your body pores to the outside of body... Heat can be controlled different in this field as per your control over your magic."

Ryan came to his room, and again read the description of the heat field so that he doesn't mess up or he might become roasted meat. After he confirmed that he remembered it right, then he again came to the bathing space.

Ryan still remembered how a heater worked in his previous life..so he thought that there won't be any big problem after the amount of control he has on magic... He believes that even if he learns high level magic spells his control over them will also be possible if he can have perfect control on the small details of these low level spells to avoid any mistakes.

"Heat field" he said the name every time to feel how the energy flows in his body so that he can get the result of the spell and practice it untill he doesn't have to say it and could cast the spell at high speed. As he said the spell name, heat started flowing from his heart and started to spread around his whole body... Ryan controlled the magic supply to minimum because this magic is inside his body, he can't imagine his own end if he mis-step the magic control. When it comes to learning, Ryan could be considered as a crazy, but not too the level where he harms himself.

Even though the magic he was providing was minimum, he still felt uncomfortable, and in no time he was sweating profusely. He didn't stop and continued to maintain that same amount of heat so that he could get used to it. Half an hour passed by, he missed his control one or two times in this half and hour but he didn't panic because of that and controlled everything perfectly. He was sure that his body is now used to this amount of heat but instead of increasing more magic amount, Ryan chose to leave it at that. Now he can tolerate heat of about 90 degree centigrade which was already very high... Now he just wanted to drink some water which he did after he came into the room again and without other thoughts fell asleep.

He slept for a few hours before waking up...

"Really good sleep.. I feel refreshed.. I have practiced for so long, I should check my status card and see if there are any changes." Thinking of all hard work he did, he had some expectations.


Total magic Rank: S-rank

Magic value: ???

Name: Ryan sigal

Magic type: All magic.

Acquired skills: High- learning skill, High- lightning resistance skill, High- focus skill, intermediate- magic control skill, intermediate- hardworking skill, intermediate- etiquette skill, intermediate- scheming skill, intermediate- acting skill, intermediate- convincing skill, low-combat skill, low- heat resistant skill.

"Really increased, it's incredible. Heat field helped me in gaining low level heat resistance. And intermediate magic control skill should be because of the control I has gotten over heat field and water bubble. If this much control is only intermediate level then how much will it be when it's high level.. doesn't this mean that I will be able to control every spell precisely. I know which spell can be used to increase my precise control over magic and spell." Thinking of the spell he had read previously, Ryan got up from his bed and took the book of ice magic.

"Here it is... Ice statue, Ice arrow, ice wall, ice cube. Although this spells are of little use but if used in some special conditions, this are really helpful."

Ryan again started practicing new magic and practiced it even after dinner, but when he remembered that he has to practice with weapons tomorrow he decided to sleep.

Next early in the morning, Ryan came to the garden where he saw Paul who was exercising.

"Good morning, teacher" Ryan called him teacher, as a form of respect to Paul, when Paul is teaching him, he was not really uncomfortable with addressing him like this, in any way. Ryan knew that if you respect others, only then will he get respect from other and here is the question of someone who is teaching him, how can he not show his respect??

"Good morning. You are right on time as always. Since you are here then complete some warm-up exercise, later I will teach you how to use a sword." After saying that, Paul didn't say anything else to him and continued his own training. Ryan was also used to it so he started running around and after that did some light streching before he again came to Paul.

"Take this.." Paul said and took out a wooden sword from thin air, which shocked Ryan because his grandmother has told him that space-dimension magic users are rare so how could he not possibly shocked when he saw it..

"Teacher how did you do that.. according to grandma space-dimension magic users are rare then how did you do it? From what I know, you are earth type magic user..."

"This is due to this ring on my fingers... This ring has runes on it and is made by great runes and enchantment master Silica Garcia herself. She had made such rings and had contract signed with magic association. She earns from selling this things quite a lot."

Ryan understood as Paul explained him this things and was now more eager to learn about Runes and enchantment. Knowledge is power no matter where you go.

"Okay, let's start training. As for this matter you can ask Duke later, he has more information if you want to learn."

"Now, let me show you how you should hold a sword." Paul grabbed a new wooden sword from its handle with both of his hands and got into initial position to strick vertically and moved it like that...

"This is how you have to practice.. you have to move your sword vertical for hundred time today continuously. Start."

Ryan without saying anything copied Paul's movements...No, don't know what he copied.. without any control slammed his sword into ground and pushed himself back, then balanced himself so that he doesn't fell on the ground. This is his first time even holding a sword. In his previous life he was just a common citizen who wasn't even graduated, how would he know about such things.

"So these is your first time holding a sword.." At this time Paul's voice came..

"Teacher what do you expect then?? I am only four years old, do you really think before this I could have used a sword??" Ryan asked speechlessly.

"Then behave like a four years old and go and play with childrens of your age. No four year old child comes to training ground to practice sword." He didn't know how to refute Paul at this point. What Paul said was true, but he just wanted to learn so he said nothing and picked his sword again.