

A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 25 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi

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The Earthling in Kreegan was shouting this kind of geyser formation was impossible, but the other side of him considered it a natural wonder. The view he saw as he flew over the geyser wall was breathtaking. Gigantic waterfalls and rainbows formed beneath them, as canyons and ravines made of soil of different shapes and numerous colors danced everywhere he looked.

When they came to the shore, the atmosphere of this island, which looked like a corner of paradise, suddenly changed because it was full of animal corpses with their horns cut off, starting from the beach and going into the forest. It was a complete blood bath, with at least a hundred animal corpses. It was littered with the bodies of dozens of kinds of animals that Kreegan knew some of its names, but there were many he did not: from horned rabbits to elephants. Alexander asked with a disturbed expression.

"What happened here?"

"I have seen things similar to this but not on this size if I have to make a guess. I would say poachers did this. It is barbaric, but I would understand if they only killed the elephants and rhinos for their horn, but they killed all kinds of animals. I can't understand their goal."

Kreegan and Alexander disembarked and headed into the forest. They came to a cliff to get a better view. Almost the entire island could be seen from here, and about a few kilometers away, a creature with wings and golden horns was trying to protect the other animals from what looked like black pill bugs. From this distance, nothing could be clearly seen except the outlines of the creatures.

Whenever the creature with wings and golden horns took flight to avoid pill bug-like creatures, these creatures would start attacking other animals. It was evident from the many shattered pill bugs that lay dead that the golden horn was a very powerful creature. But these creatures were attacking the golden horn at the expense of their lives.

It was obvious that the golden horn was beginning to hurt. Meanwhile, a few people were attacking the golden horn at every opportunity. They killed the animals that tried to defend him mercilessly. One was using the sword, and the other was using his kicks. Seeing this scene, Kreegan and Alexander begin to hurry to find a way down the cliff.

It took them some time to find a way down the cliff, but they succeeded. The area where the fight took place was only 1 kilometer away, but since the area they were trying to reach was in a basin, they could see what was happening from this distance. The winged and golden-horned creature looked like a lion, and he was apparently at his last leg. His once majestic fur was full of cuts, bite marks, and bloodied. There were hundreds of pill bug-shaped creatures dead around him.

After a final painful roar, the winged lion collapsed to the ground, and all the other animals began to attack to protect this lion, but many of them were unable to pass the pill bug-looking creatures, while those who passed were unable to do anything but die under the blows of swords and kicks.

Meanwhile, the man, fat as a blimp, stopped playing the violin and began climbing onto the winged lion's dead body. Kreegan never liked bullies, and those guys were the definition of bullying. Kreegan pulled both of his swords and used Sanjuroku Pound Ho (36 Pound Phoenix). There were still 200 meters between them, and from this distance, his attack would be as effective as a paper cut at best. Spirally moving compressed air rushed towards the direction of the fight and engulfed the three men that were killing the animals, but it could do nothing more than scratches that couldn't even draw blood. While sitting on top of the winged lion, Battler said:

"Who the hell are you guys? Did you all come for the unlimited power this horn has? When I eat these horns, I will have unlimited power."

His mouth opened wide in an instant, and he continued in horror.

"You sneaky brats, how did you trick me into getting my plans?"

The man with the face of a bulldog said, showing his fist:

"How dare you fool our Earl, you cheeky brats!"

This time it was Kreegan and Alexander's turn to be stunned. All Alexander could say was:


Kreegan got over his surprise and said with a confused expression.

"We didn't even ask you anything. You just started blabbering."

Just at this moment, Battler started to munch on as if the horn in his hand was a carrot. He turned to Alexander and said.

"You look familiar to me. Have we met before?"

I could see Alexander's hands turn into claws.

"You killed my entire family."

"You would think it narrows it down, but it really doesn't. Could you be more specific? When or where did I do such a thing? Don't get me wrong; I do not deny it. I just can't remember every insignificant people I killed."

Hearing this, Alexander's arms transformed up to his elbow and were covered with white fur. The shape of his mouth did not change, but his teeth had turned into fangs. Kreegan said:

"Go; I will take care of the other two guys."

Alexander rushed towards Battler, burning with a vengeance. Kreegan had checked their levels. Battler was level 1, and the other two were level 3. When Alexander was half-transformed, his level jumped to level 3. At that moment, Kreegan understood what was shown on top of their head was not their level, and it was their fighting prowess. Kreegan changed his spell load before casting any spell because if one of his spells was in cooldown, he could not change his spells until 6 hours had passed. He added Shocking Grasp, Expeditious Retreat, and Grease to his slots. Since he leveled up, the buff lasts 3 minutes now.

As Alexander charged at Battler other two tried to get in the way, but Kreegan intercepted them with a Takanami. Because of the fast sword strikes, both had to retreat so they wouldn't get hit. While Kreegan occupied Heaby and Hotdog, Alexander lunged towards Battler, but Kreegan, out of the corner of his eye, saw the number above Battler's head jump from 1 to 3 in an instant. Battler's body slowly began to expand, and golden furs began to cover his body. With a terrifying roar, it turned into a giant 3–4-meter creature.

Seeing this, Kreegan and Alexander were shocked, but Alexander was even more shocked because a claw larger than his head was coming toward his face. Alexander moved through the air with a feline's agility and managed to change direction a little. The giant claw passed tangentially to his head.

Right at that moment, when Alexander retreated to find another point of attack, big golden horns started to grow on top of Battler's head then a blood-curling roar escaped his gaping maw. The number on top of Battler's head had changed to 4 now.

(Transformed Battler)