
Magic Purity:Beyond Comprehension!

Apparently,the heroes arrival are late this time. The end is knocking,only those powerful enough to bend others will he bend his own. And bend the world's fundamentals. ... "Against the calamity itself,will you drop your weapon and wish for a quick end?" Ryuuto,humanity's savior will guide the entire world against the calamities that is destined to destroy humanity as a whole. What could a single man do? He is not only fighting the calamity,but destiny itself. Fight? You mean,outwit the destiny. Yeah that sounds stupid,but also smart. The thing is,no one knows how that's going to happen. But surely! If determination prevail in the bound-to be destroyed world. Hopes will stand tall. Along the way,Ryuuto will met his destined companions,and sometimes,unprecedented events will likely occurs. --------- "Your card,it's The Fool" said the old witch,caressing her chin. ...

Azel06 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 07: Admission

With each day passing by like a leave leaving a tree in the autumn,I had always maintained a firm resolve in training to the best of my ability.

Every day,there has never been a day without me visiting the training yard. Sometimes,if it's not raining nor snowing,you'd see the same footsteps from yesterday and the day before.

Whenever I received a mana backlash,I'd still get bedridden.

However,with each time it happened, the effect becomes significantly weaker than before.

And before I knew it,I was practically doing push-ups 100 times a session when I was supposed to be bedridden.

Mana backlash,something that the mages feared about,is basically just a migraine for me. An indicator that I don't have any mana left.

During the day,I'd train my weak physique and transforming it into a fantasy novel knight's physique.

During the night,I'd find myself in the study room researching the magic. Even though one had the ability to memorize,it's not certain whether one could truly understand it.

However,my research yields a rather fruitful results. It seems that by adjusting the magic circle on a spell,I could theoretically cast the spell. Although such attempts are very dangerous and could occur in deathly results,I'm pretty confident in my own ability.

The spell cost will vary,and depending on the complexity of the magic circle,it consumed more the more complex it is.

Which totally is complex.

Every 10 or so attempts at casting this spell would give me several burn marks and mana backlash.


The routinnes would go on for a whole 4 years.

That's how long I've been in this place. It's quite easy to accept my circumstances now that it has been quite a while.

With my age reaching 12,Yukino had reached 11. Yes,we are truly only a kid back then.

As I sit on the dining table,peering out the window into the small valley in the distance a voice from behind spooked me.

"Oh my! A letter?" Nasir spoke,it's only one letter but it's surprising enough since we've never had received much letter in all these 4 years. If I could,I can count the letters received with just my fingers alone.

And so,I waited for Nasir to read out the content. For a while, I didn't hear anything other than the wind.

I turned to my back and saw Nasir's worried look.

"What's wrong?" I asked.


Oh, so it turns out to be a letter from the Royal Academy. A letter of recommendation for students actually.

Royal Academy is a prestigious system made by the Royal Family located in the capital. Only the geniuses from around the nation attended the academy.

Well,apparently it's not for me though.

Rather,it's for Yukino. A personal recommendation letter only for Yukino,pretty sick if you ask me.

Sadly,none for me.

Nasir expression got somewhat complicated after knowing that there's none for me.

That's a first time I've ever seen him THAT troubled.

To be fair,he did went out for his way to ask for a recommendation letter for me too last year and received a response,but never a letter of recommendation.

I called him down after explaining that I'm not going to learn much since I'm still unable to "cast" spell.

Well,there's Yukino I thought

She just returned from the market and went to pick up the letter dropped on the floor.

'Oh yeah' I thought,looking at her,she also looked a bit sad.

She stole a few glances at me as she read the letter.

Seeing my poker face,she only heave a sigh after finally putting down the letter.

When she was about to speak,I interrupted her, "Congratulations! Sensei is now going to become an Academy student!" I beamed with a smile.

"But what abo-" as she was about to say something,I interrupted her sentence again,

"Yeah it's all good" I gave her a thumbs up, "Do your best,I'm going to train by my own after that" I stated,with a smile.

Deep inside,I don't really wanted to see her away.


A week later,another letter arrived from the High Academy,A smaller branch of the Royal Academy.

I was the only one at home by then so I read the letter by myself.

"Hmm" After reading the content,a detest smile formed on the corner of my lips.

It's a recommendation to become a Knight. No,not those fantasy-like knight,a normal knight.

Like,a safety patrolman in modern word. And this is a 6 year-training camp program.

"Not happening" I said and threw the letter back onto the table.

I walked back into my room,"What a waste of time " I muttered.

Finally,I am close to achieving the perfect element-less level 1 tier spell.

'This is going to be a groundbreaking achievement' I thought and indulge myself into the research.

Time passes swiftly when you're truly concentrated on something.

Before I knew it,it's past dinner time already.

'It should be 8 PM already' I thought,guessing the time.

I gave myself a little bit of stretching and walk out of my room,a smile kept finding it's way on my lips and I tried my best hiding it.

After I walked downstairs,I noticed Nasir and Yukino,they seemed to notice me already.

On Yukino's hand were the same letter I read this morning. I took a wild guess on what they're about to say.

Suddenly,Yukino ran up to me and hugged me. Catching me off guard.

"W-what?" I stuttered,unable to process what has just happened.

Yukino pulled herself away from me,staring directly into my eyes. I noticed those sparkling purple eyes,mesmerizing me as if I'm looking into another realm.

"Let me guess,was it about the Knight letter?" I asked.

Yukino had a surprised look momentarily and nodded to herself.

Yukino then pulled herself away from me and she looked down on the floor.

"I-i don't think I want to enter the Royal Academy anymore" she says timidly. Her tiny voices only amplified the situation.

Hearing the sentence,my heart jumped a little. Isn't this her dream?

"Wait what?! No!" I pretended to snap at her. Yukino's body jumped a little after hearing my sentence.

Even Nasir had a surprised look on his face.

"I mean- I'd rather to not be in your way,I just want to see you succeed,Sensei" I told Yukino. I understand that there's only one reasonable point for her to outright reject her dreams.

She cast a glance,our eyes meet for a while then shakes her head sideways.

"I wanted to be with Ryu- Uh,keep teaching Ryuuto until Ryuuto can cast his own spell!" She says. I was a bit taken aback.

Naturally,I heard those first few sentence. It made me happy,since in my past life words of love are as empty as a tin can after I entered college.

To be honest,I don't want to let her go. What if she changed during her time in the Academy? Would I ever see the Yukino I've always met?

Nevertheless,in this life, I don't want to become an obstacle for her.

She's my teacher and I'm her students,if she's successful then I must be happy.

"Don't worry about me,I've figured things out" I casually waved my hands at her.

"Besides,Nasir can look after me and I myself am quite capable" I commented while pointing at him who had been silently watching the whole scene.

Nasir smiled back at me and nodded.

Seeing this,Yukino seemed to let out a small chuckle. Although her eyes are teary.

I got down on my knees and wiped the tears off of her face.

Yukino looked surprised,embarrassed and turned away from me.

"T-thank you.." Yukino says in a small voice,almost akin to a whisper.

Just as I thought,she actually wanted to go to the academy.

Wait,what am I saying. She's actually really excited about the whole academy thing back a few years ago. After all,she was a mage.

It's just that,now I know her priority.

I smiled a little as I watched her from the back.

I walked past her and gave her a pat on the shoulder.

"I'm going to get dinner now" I said and for a moment,I looked at Nasir.

He smiled, "There's some leftovers in the pot,have a good meal,sleep early"