
Magic High: School For Virtuous And Evil

Rachael Rodriguez had never stepped out of her home town before her sixteenth year. Then she arrived at Magic High , and quickly tried to flee. The school was made of elites, self-assured, strong, and at first glance... highly unapproachable students, teachers, and workers. Yet as Rachel was ignored, and drawn into their library where she found her solace, she learned a terryfying secret...a secret about an incident in the school in the dead of the night where an ancient rite was brought to brutal life...and led to a gruesome death. And that ... was just the beginning.

Bauhaus · Fantaisie
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18 Chs


"And how will you make a deadly poison?" Angelina asked sheepishly.

"I am gonna show y'all the might of a witch's first hand strike," Alicia said putting her head on her pillow.

" Really, it's fine if you even go to bed. Drumstick," Angelina said with a smirk.

I thought Alicia would fire at Angelina insults, but instead she was quiet.

(Those guys really would get into trouble, if they keep on behaving like this.)

"Yeah," I answered.

The next day we all settled in the general hall after breakfast and a fat man with four eyes stepped in.

" I am Jumbaa, your biology teacher." He had a thick voice and a spiky kind of aura. He had short black hair,.....two of his eyes were black and the other two were brown.

"Biology is the study of life. What could be more important than life, students. I am sure back in your towns you all learnt what biology is.

Let's start with the Botanical Classification of Plants. There are five kingdoms of living organisms. Plants are one of these kingdoms," He said.

"There are three main botanical subdivisions:

Non-vascular plants: algae, bryophytes and hepatophytes.

Vascular plants without seeds, but with spores: ferns, horsetails and club mosses.

Vascular plants with seeds: gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Non-vascular plants can also be called thallophytes and seed-bearing plants can also be called spermatophytes.

Have I made myself clear. Okay students,read about the others yourself. I am going to explain Diffusion and osmosis. Other topics before it_ you will read them yourself." He concluded.

( All teachers are like that. Always telling the students to read on their own) Silva said irritated.

"Why do you care, does it bother you?" I asked coldly, and Silva fell silent, she seemed to be thinking about something.

(Yes, it does) she said meekly.

"Diffusion," Mr. Jumbaa continued. "Is the process that occurs when small molecules, in gas, liquid or solid form, move from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration."

He kept on blabbing about diffusion and osmosis, transport systems, composition of blood.

His class was the most boring, I had no idea why Alicia and Angelina didn't choose Biology.

I tried to tell Ms. Jessie about the subjects I didn't wanna learn, but she went ballistic, telling me I couldn't choose on my own and some stuff like that.

I had gone the night before with little sleep, and since the class was boring I fell asleep.

(Rach, Rach, up, up, talking Jumbaa is done lecturing) Silva said happily.

"Stop calling me Rach," I said irritatedly.

(It's something we do from where I come from. I just shortened your name, what's the big deal?) She said, pouting her mouth.

I looked up to see Mr. Jumbaa leave the class. It was silent, and when I looked around I saw everyone had fallen asleep. I silently walked out of there.

I walked down the hall to the library. It had been a long time since I visited the Headmistress. When I got there she was sitting on a table and staring at a book.

"Good afternoon madam," I said and sat on a chair.

"Good afternoon Rachael, are you done with the book?" She asked.

"No, pretty much," I said.

"No,you haven't finished the book. Did you forget that you are going to the land of lost lands this week. I will make it tomorrow. Make all your farewells today, Rachael, you will at tomorrow's daybreak," she said.

"Why do you want me to leave so badly?" I was a little annoyed.

"You will know later," she said and somehow lost interest in me.

I got up and left the library.

(Something seems to be wrong in this school. You ask questions and she tells you ,'you don't deserve to know') Silva said sadly.

I just went to the garden to practice my magic.

During lunch Alicia said

" When it's six in the evening, meet me in the library and I will show you the most deadly poison."

After lunch we all dispersed from the dining hall, and I went to bury myself in books.

Alicia and Angelina joined me in the library.

"Follow me," she said and led us down a hall to a room smelling of toxic poison.

She put on her witch hat and a black cloak and began going round a large cauldron, putting each ingredient in it as she said it.

"Thrice the brinded cat has mewed,

Thrice, and once the hedge-pig whined,

Harpier cries 'tis time, 'tis time!

Round about the cauldron go;

In the poisoned entrails throw.

Toad, that under cold stone,

Days and nights has thirty-one

Sweltered venom sleeping got,

Boil that first in the charmed pot.

Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."

"Ok, okay no need for all that, I believe you are a powerful witch. Now can we have dinner? I am starving." Angelina cut in and Alicia took off her hat and cloak.

"Nice poison by the way, save that knowledge for some other day," I said and we all left for dinner.


Dear readers, it has been a long time since I uploaded a chapter. Please don't take it to heart.🤗

I didn't write because I didn't see any comments or reviews or power stones.

The fault is from both sides so I don't blame y'all.

My sincerest apologies 🙏🏻