

In the quiet stillness of the night, James found himself in a place that was both unfamiliar and strangely recognizable. He had been living GRAND life in the 21st century, a time of smartphones and self-driving cars. But now, he was standing in a dimly lit room, wearing robes that felt ancient and out of place. As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, he realized that he was in the world of Harry Potter. James couldn't believe it; As he is now JAMES POTTER , right he is THE HARRY POTTERS' brother.............

Fake_Sage00 · Livres et littérature
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Chapter : The Secrets of the Potter Elves

As James and Harry's seventh birthday approached, James decided it was time to impart more of his knowledge to his younger brother. He wanted Harry to be prepared for the challenges that lay ahead in the magical world, not just physically, but mentally as well. So, one evening, after their usual training session, James sat Harry down and began to teach him about the subtler aspects of life.

"Harry," James began, his tone serious, "being clever and resourceful is just as important as being strong. In the world we're about to enter, not everything is as it seems. We need to learn to work in the shadows, to be strategic and cunning when the situation demands it."

Harry listened intently, absorbing every word from his wise older brother. He was determined to be the best version of himself, whatever that entailed.

"Remember, Harry," James continued, "our family, the Potters, have a rich and noble history. And with that history comes certain advantages. One of those advantages is the presence of house elves."

At these words, Harry's eyes widened in curiosity. "House elves? What are they, James?"

"House elves are magical beings that serve wizarding families," James explained. "They are incredibly loyal and have various magical abilities. They can help us in many ways, but we need to treat them with respect and kindness."

On their eighth birthday, James decided to test whether the Potter family still had house elves at their service. He had a hunch that their ancestral home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, would be the best place to try.

Late one evening, James and Harry sneaked into the school's washroom, which was far from prying eyes and the protective blood wards surrounding their aunt's home. James took a deep breath and muttered an incantation under his breath, trying to summon the Potter family's house elves.

To their surprise, five house elves suddenly appeared before them, each with distinct features and abilities.

Glimmer: The head elf, Glimmer, had a regal air about her. She was a master of household magic and organization, with a deep knowledge of the Potter family's history.

Sparkle: Sparkle was a mischievous elf with a talent for enchantments and charms. She could help them with disguises and magical tricks.

Whisk: Whisk was known for his exceptional cooking and potion-making skills. His concoctions could prove invaluable in times of need.

Nudge: Nudge was an adept spy and could gather information discreetly. Her small stature and quiet nature made her perfect for stealth missions.

Flare: Flare was the youngest of the group but had a unique talent for fire-related magic. She could create controlled bursts of flames for protection and distractions.

Glimmer, as the head elf, addressed the brothers. "Master James, young Master Harry, we have waited many years for your return. Your grandfather, Lord Potter, froze us with family magic and instructed us to serve the future family members."

James was relieved to find that their loyal house elves were willing to assist them. He asked Glimmer if there was any way to access their ancestral home and find guidance from their grandparents and ancestors.

Glimmer nodded, "Yes, Master James. The ancestral home contains portraits of your forebears, and they can provide advice and guidance through their knowledge of family magic."

However, there was one thing they couldn't change: the protective blood wards around their aunt's house, which prevented them from leaving for extended periods without alerting Albus Dumbledore. The brothers knew that they would have to tread carefully, balancing their quest for knowledge and power with the need to remain unnoticed by the watchful eye of the wizarding world.

James was taken aback by the appearance of the house elves. They were nothing like the diminutive, ragged creatures he had seen in movies. These elves were five feet tall, impeccably dressed, and carried themselves with an air of dignity that was unexpected. It was a stark reminder that not everything he had learned from his previous world's fiction was accurate.

With the house elves by their side, James felt a sense of reassurance. He turned to Glimmer and asked, "Can you take us to the magical bank? We need information about the current state of the magical world."

Glimmer nodded in agreement. "Of course, Master James. We can guide you to Gringotts, the wizarding bank."

James and Harry instructed the elves to return to their waiting place and to remain hidden until they received further instructions. They knew that secrecy was paramount; revealing their magical abilities to the Dursleys would only lead to trouble.

Three long months passed, filled with their usual chores, magical practice, and physical training. James marked the calendar, waiting for a particular day he knew would provide the perfect opportunity for their escape.

Finally, the day arrived, Dudley's birthday. The Dursley family, including Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and Dudley, had plans to go out to celebrate. James and Harry feigned excitement, helping the family get ready for the outing. They were well aware that the Dursleys would lock them in their room upon departure.

As the family left, James and Harry bid them farewell with fake smiles, suppressing their eagerness to seize this opportunity for freedom. They waited patiently, counting the minutes as they passed by.

After about half an hour, they heard the unmistakable sound of the Dursleys' car pulling out of the driveway. It was their moment to act. Without wasting any time, they quietly moved through the house, making their way to the back door. James knew the house's layout like the back of his hand, having spent years plotting their escape.

Once they reached the back garden, hidden from prying eyes by tall hedges, James whispered, "Now, Harry, we must be swift and discreet. We'll call the elves to take us to Gringotts, but we must also ensure we aren't recognized."

Harry nodded, and together they called out to the house elves. Glimmer, Sparkle, Whisk, Nudge, and Flare appeared before them.

Glimmer stepped forward. "How can we assist you, Master James?"

"We need you to take us to Gringotts, the wizarding bank, without anyone noticing," James instructed.

Sparkle nodded, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Leave that to us, Master James. We'll disguise you."

With a flick of Sparkle's tiny hand, a subtle enchantment washed over James and Harry, concealing their appearances. They now looked like ordinary Muggle children, ready to explore the magical world without drawing attention.

The house elves led them out of the garden and through a hidden magical passage that bypassed the wards around the Dursley's home. Soon, they emerged into the hidden world of wizards and witches, ready to embark on their quest for knowledge, power, and the truth about their family's past.