
Magic's Temptation: Kai's Quest for Superpowers

Embark on Kai's thrilling journey as he seeks superhero powers but stumbles upon ancient magic instead. With temptation pulling him towards darkness, follow his struggle to define hero or villain in this captivating tale of destiny and suspense. [COMPLETED]

Abbadh_Books · Fantaisie
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40 Chs


But with this newfound power came a difficult choice. The magic he encountered had both light and dark sides. As Kai's skills grew, he felt the allure of the dark, tempting him to use his powers for selfish and harmful purposes.

Caught between his dreams of heroism and the temptation of the shadows, Kai faced a pivotal decision – to embrace his role as a hero or be swayed by the allure of villainy.

The bustling city of Hong Kong became the battleground for a battle not just between good and evil, but also within Kai's heart. Would he be able to resist the temptation and stay on the path of a true hero, or would he succumb to the darker side of magic?