
Mages of War

Sorasia, a land of many gods and a home to many kingdoms. Is embroiled in war, some united while some chose to fight and dominate for themselves. However, in this world, a select few were gifted with the power to harness power from the very gods themselves.

Razedealer · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

A war torn day

"Ottie, get a shield onto William!" The leader of the mage group yelled amidst the chaotic battle.

Just as a hail of arrows headed towards the downed mage, a large transparent yellow wall formed above, the arrows bounced off of it, falling down around the the mage.

After the hail, the shield disappeared.

Suddenly fog formed around William as he stood up, obscuring his view of the warring field.

"Get up, we need to win this battle." The leader, Walter ordered, emerging out of the smoke in his tattered gray robe.

William stood up, sword in hand ready to fight once more. The fog dissipated, revealing the chaotic battleground, around them soldiers of opposing sides clashed, their swords clanged against each other with some managing to kill.

"Our front unit is trying to break through, can you get some illusions to try and cause issues on that line?" Walter asked William.

William looked down on his hand, then back to Walter.

"Yeah, i can."

"Then do it!"

William ran towards the soldiers on the front, clamoring against a wall of shields, getting stabbed through the gaps as they attempted to push through while pikemen behind attempted to hit as well.

William stood behind the 2 clashing sides. With his raised right hand, he spoke.

"Push them out"

His hand glowed a furious purple flame along with his eyes, thrusting his hand forward, figures in dark charged forth, passing through the warriors and through the shields. The clamoring shouts soon changed to horror as the shields soon started falling, and the soldiers that were once there now lay on the ground, slashed and cut. As the last of the soldiers fell, the figures disappeared in smoke.

The soldiers cheered briefly, quickly moving through the hastily reinforced line.

Soon, the remaining force retreated, the mage's army cheered louder, rejoicing by raising their swords, spears, pikes, or even farm equipment. The army was weaker, smaller and less equipped compared to the mage's main army.

William fell to the ground, exhausted and gasping for air.

"Good job." Walter placed his hand on the kneeling William.

The rest of the team gathered up with Walter and William, holding their weapons, still ready for a fight.

"We did our tasks, what now?" The morale booster of the team, Isaac asked.

"Something's not right, Avice, see far ahead."

Avice, the keen eye and archeress of the team walked in front, passing the cheering soldiers bow in hand.

Dead and wounded littered the field, archers behind cheered with their quivers half empty from firing beforehand. The commander stood behind with a small force off spearmen and shields alongside a few of his subordinates, all on horseback.

"My lord wishes to see you." Said a soldier approaching the mage team.

The mages approached the circle shield wall of soldiers, as they walked closer, the wall opened, letting them get nearer to him.

"Thank you for your help, i extend my gratitude to your aid in our battle. Must be tiresome to leave your main army and aid a less sizeable one." The lord thanked them.

"As long as the kingdom and it's people are safe, we'll always help as we are mages." Walter replied.

Avice ran back through the cheering soldiers, running towards Walter and the team.

"Cavalry!" She spoke, her voice full of exhaustion after running.

"How many?" Walter asked.

"Tens to a hundred or two."

"Then the battle has not been won yet. Judging by our lack of soldiers right now, it would be best to make a single square formation here. Drummers, order the shields to form a square here, pikemen stay behind wait until i give the order to exit and take out anyone left! Our main concern now is to hold out!" The lord ordered. The drummers alongside others began running up to the soldiers, signaling them.

"Mages, we'll need your help once more." He continued.

"Very well." Walter turned around, facing his team.

"Avice, go and support the archers to fire arrows at the cavalry, Isaac, in this current moment we don't have cavalry of our own for you to support, so continue providing morale to the soldiers, don't let them falter. Alessia heal any wounded and get them ready. Ottie prepare to make a shield above us and on less defended parts of the formation. William, we'll need you to cause hallucinations onto any rider that gets too close, either the horse or the rider, got that?" William and the rest of the mages nodded in response.

The remaining soldiers ran back to the leader with the drummers, moving into a square formation, Avice joined up with the archers, talking with some of them, giving orders. Alessia tended to any soldiers who showed wounds, quickly healing them for the impending battle.

In front of them, a horde of cavalry charged towards the weak square shield wall, bows and swords in hand. The archers looked with fear in their eyes while pikemen stood by behind the shields and spears.

"Cause as much casualties as you can, we either end them here or they retreat, now's not the time to pursue." Walter ordered.

As the cavalry charge became closer and closer, everyone tightened their grips, Isaac's hands glowed in light blue, soon the faces of terror on the archers and soldiers disappeared, replaced by faces of impassiveness.

"Wait until they get close enough." Avice readied her bow and arrow with the archers. The last battle for now is about to begin.

"Ready!" The archers pulled out arrows from their quivers.

"Aim!" Rising their bows upward, they pulled on the string, prepared to release.

"Fire!" As Avice shouted, the arrows flew upwards. But Avice hasn't fired hers yet.

"Guide my arrows towards the enemy, let all strike them onto the dirt." Avice's arrow shined a golden yellow, in seconds, it flew, faster than the other arrows, quickly joining them in flight as it continued to shine like the sun.

As the cavalry charged nearer, the horseback archers fired their own.

"Ottie now!" A flat platform in yellow formed above the wall, arrows bounced or broke on top of it, sliding to the sides.

The volley continued on as the cavalry continued firing as they approached fast. As the 4th volley hit, the horse riders became riddled with arrows, one by one they fell onto the ground. The yellow shield above disappeared as the enemy volleys ceased.

"Again!" Avice shouted. Following the same routine as before, the 2nd counter volley was fired.

The arrows hit their targets once more, more fell onto the grassy dirt while their horses ran different directions. But the charge kept moving.

"We hit a good amount of them, but they aren't stopping. William, are you ready?" William prepared, closing his eyes, a purple flame spawned in his eyes.

"Make them run" He whispered. In an instant, the cavalry who were charging at the shield, now were being thrown off, the horses ran in different directions as their heads were enveloped in a purple cloud. Any horse that drew near ran away in sheer terror as their riders were thrown off until all ran away.

"Pikemen now!" The leader yelled. The shield wall of the front opened up, pikemen, holding normal pikes, longer spears, to just pitchforks stepped out. With their weapons, they stabbed any survivors, standing or on the ground.

"Isaac, Avice, help them take out the rest." The 2 stepped outside the wall, joining in the killing.

The field fell silent, littered with corpses and weapons, the battle finally came to a close.

The shieldmen came out of formation, walking around the field, bringing any dead back to bury and any weapons they can salvage. Corpses and horses lied in pools of blood on the ground.

"The battle was won, fortunately we didn't lose any this time." The leader spoke, relieved at the result. "Thank you once more for your assistance, the rival kingdom now knows that even a simple village and it's folk cannot be taken or beaten." He laughed.

"We are grateful to help the kingdom's people, we shall take our leave now though, keep safe." Walter replied to the man, ending our time with the small unit.

"There are horses still around, most went far from the field however. Isaac, can you bring a few to us?" Walter requested.

Isaac walked a few steps forward, staring at the sky, he started to whistle. From the flat fields, multiple horses galloped towards him, equipped with saddles and horse gear. It's the horses of the cavalry.

6 came to Isaac, as they did, he started petting them, even putting his head near theirs.

"Horses, one of the fastest ways to travel and a great ally to a warrior in many occasions." Saying this, Isaac mounted one of them. The mages followed suit with their swords on their sheathes and waists.

Walter waved one last time to the leader, who waved back.

The mages began their journey back, their robes damaged and their weapons coated in blood, and most importantly, exhausted. Walter led the others as Isaac followed behind him.

Hello reader! Hope you enjoy the very 1st chapter of this novel!

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