
Mages of Ascendancy

In the ancient world of Eldoria, gods reigned supreme. They ruled from their celestial thrones, wielding power that shaped the very fabric of reality. Mortals, insignificant in the eyes of these deities, lived in fear and reverence, offering prayers and sacrifices to appease their divine overlords. Magic was a gift bestowed upon a chosen few, and even then, it was a mere fraction of the gods' limitless power . Among these mortals, a group of visionary human mages began to question their fate. Why should they, who possess the potential for such greatness, remain subjugated to beings who saw them as mere pawns? Thus began a saga of rebellion, ambition, and the quest for ultimate power.

SenseiSama · Fantaisie
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36 Chs

Seeking Allies

 Chapter 15: Seeking Allies


Realizing they needed more than just their own skills, Aric, Elara, and Darius understood the necessity of gathering trusted allies and informants to bolster their ranks. The clandestine nature of their mission meant they had to operate in the shadows, contacting those who could be trusted without alerting the gods.


Their first stop was the underground network of mages who operated in the dark corners of Eldoria. These mages, once part of prestigious academies, had been driven into hiding by the gods' oppressive rule. The trio moved through the city's labyrinthine alleys under the cover of night, their hoods pulled low and their steps silent.


At the heart of the slums, they found an unmarked door, known only to those who sought forbidden knowledge. Aric knocked in a specific pattern—a code known to the resistance. The door creaked open, revealing a narrow staircase descending into the earth. They followed it down to a hidden chamber, dimly lit and filled with the soft hum of magical energy.


The room was filled with fellow mages, their faces etched with lines of worry and defiance. An elderly mage, Rhys, with a long white beard and piercing blue eyes, stepped forward to greet them. He was a respected figure among the exiled mages, known for his wisdom and power.


"Aric, Elara, Darius," Rhys said, his voice a deep rumble. "We've heard whispers of your quest. Is it true you've found the path to the Well of Eternity?"


Aric nodded, producing the ancient tome. "It's true. But we can't do this alone. We need allies, people we can trust."


The mages gathered closer, curiosity and hope flickering in their eyes. Elara stepped forward, her voice steady and clear. "We plan to challenge the gods and end their tyranny. But we need your help. We need secrecy, support, and strength."


A murmur spread through the crowd. Some mages looked skeptical, while others seemed inspired. Rhys raised his hand for silence. "If what you say is true, this could change everything. But it will not be easy. The gods have eyes everywhere. We must proceed with utmost caution."


Darius, ever the strategist, spoke next. "We need to form a network. Informants who can gather intelligence, warriors who can defend us, and mages who can support our magical efforts. Each of you plays a crucial role in this."


One by one, the mages stepped forward, their faces a mix of determination and fear. Each pledge was a solemn vow, their voices hushed but firm, echoing with the weight of the decision they were making. The room, previously filled with uncertainty, now crackled with a renewed sense of purpose.


"I swear to support this cause," said the first mage, a middle-aged woman named Thalia, her hand over her heart. "We have suffered under the gods' rule for too long."


An older mage, his eyes clouded with age but burning with resolve, followed. "For my children and grandchildren, I pledge my life to this quest," he declared, his voice steady despite his trembling hands.


Rhys, the respected elder, stepped forward last. "We stand together," he proclaimed, his voice carrying a powerful authority. "This is our chance to reclaim our freedom."


With each pledge, the atmosphere in the room grew more charged. Elara, Darius, and Aric felt the strength of their allies bolstering their own resolve. This was no longer a small, isolated endeavor; it was a movement, a rebellion against the divine oppression that had gripped their world for far too long.


Plans were made with meticulous care. Strategies were discussed in hushed tones, each detail scrutinized to ensure their secrecy and success. The mages divided into groups, each assigned critical roles based on their unique skills and connections.


Thalia, who had a strong network within the city's artisan guilds, took charge of securing weapons and supplies. She knew blacksmiths who secretly resented the gods and would be willing to forge arms for their cause. "I'll speak with Beren the Blacksmith first," she said. "He's crafted some of the finest blades in Eldoria and hates the gods' taxes with a passion."

A young mage named Caelum, with a talent for alchemy, volunteered to gather potions and healing supplies. "I can procure elixirs and healing draughts," he offered. "The alchemists in the outskirts are sympathetic to our cause and discreet."


Others, like the twins Lyra and Leon, were skilled in stealth and subterfuge. They volunteered to act as spies and informants, using their agility and cunning to gather intelligence on the gods' movements. "We've slipped past the gods' guards more times than we can count," Lyra said with a sly grin. "Getting information will be the easy part."