
Arc 1: The Beginning - Chapter 9

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1: The Beginning - Chapter 9

2 weeks later*

Zheng's forehead is covered in sweat, for his back still is in pain after literally converting Grayfia into a compressed of numerous Magic Words and engraved it into his bareback. Where he now has a tattoo of a five-pointed black star that covers nearly half of his back.

On the bright side, he now has access to Demonic Power without having to be a Reincarnated Devil nor does he have to worry about his very soul being corrupted by it. Also, an unexpected bonus of his body becoming stronger than ever, beyond the human's body limitations. Including the Mantra Enchant, Zheng could easily pull off being a decent fighter by relying on his body alone.

However, this comes with the price of his body slowly being breakdown and being rebuilt back up. Of course, there are other prices he has to pay for this, including having to deal with the Queen Piece merged with Grayfia and severing the connection of the Queen Piece to Sirzechs. Therefore, alerting Sirzechs that his wife and Queen have died.

This is the biggest price he had to pay for the Demonic Power of an Ultimate-Class Devil. Drawing more Sirzechs' attention to Kuoh Town. This is why they are currently outside of Kuoh Town after the moment Grayfia's death was made. He and Rias quickly left Kuoh Town straight away, since Sirzechs would for sure appear in Kuoh Town personally and neither of them is ready for that douchebag.

They even went far as to make an underground base not too far away from Kuoh Town in case they needed to go back. After all, Zheng is still aiming to see if he can grab a couple of Sacred Gears while still trying to create the Universal Travel Spell.

"Darling, drink some more water. You're sweating a lot." Rias hand Zheng a cup of water, which he took to drink the entire thing in one gulp. "So, how are you feeling other than the numb pain you're going through right now?"

"Better than last week. The pain is slowly fading and by then, I should be able to see what else I could do." Zheng said to Rias while thinking about rechanging his fighting style, again. From Mage to Fighter Mage hybrid and now to something else upon obtaining the Demonic Power. More so, if Rias's Devil's Luck comes into play to help him grab the Sacred Gears he could get his hands on. He could think of many ways to use those Sacred Gear together with his Letter Magic.

"That's good to hear. Also, I can't believe you could do so many things compared to before now you have Demonic Power to use." Rias said to Zheng in awe, for even she couldn't do the same with her own Demonic Power. "This has answered my unknown spoken question about what you could do if you had Demonic Power in your possession. Now, I can see the result with my own eyes." Once again, Rias can say that she picked the right person to be with. Even if he is technically not the strongest, but he can make her lifestyle a whole lot easier than she realizes without having the resources given to her by the Gremory Clan.

If anything, Rias realize upon finding her canon existence in the multiverse, including the whole Highschool DxD. She can say for sure, that if she wasn't part of a rich family and have the power to do many things that normal people couldn't do the same. She would be really different compared to the Rias Gremory in the Highschool DxD. So, she finds herself a bit disgusted by her past and wants no more to change for the better. Mainly hoping to make sure Zheng doesn't leave her and that she no longer have to prove to anyone other than Zheng, that she is different from the Rias in Highschool DxD and that he won't regret anything upon being with her.

Therefore, she will make sure not to fall under any cliche situations by relying on her knowledge of the anime culture.

Zheng tries to ignore Rias going on with her inner monologue about becoming a better person. Something she sleeps talks about for some time now after he told her about his identity as an Outsider and about her world. Which is completely different from canon.

"You got any idea how to get Issei to show up alone without anyone nearby?" Zheng asks Rias, breaking her out of her thinking process. "I have an idea what to change the Boosted Gear into something else."

"Offer him a harem of women with large breasts and he would come running here in no time." Rias said dully, for she still can't believe all the trouble she had to go through in order to turn Issei into her Pawn. Seriously make her question her intelligence back before meeting her darling.

"Can you do that now? I mean, trick Issei to come here alone without letting anyone know about his whereabouts before it's too late." Zheng said to Rias, who put on her thinking face and gone quiet for a few minutes. "Besides, what is the chance of him falling for this?"

Rias look at Zheng, then create a Magic Circle.

Hours later*

Zheng blankly stares at the unconscious Issei, who mumbles about breasts and so on, is strapped to the table to be experimented on.

"This is just sad." Zheng couldn't believe how easy it was to get Issei to come here and all Rias had to do was to use Illusion Magic that is very weak, but still plenty enough to draw Issei out of Kuoh Town and into their underground base without any problems occurring whatsoever.

"Well, I would say it was hard, but I would be lying." Rias said to Zheng, still couldn't believe how easy it is to manipulate Issei. All she had to do was to use some illusion to show off the women's breasts, large ones, to this idiot and he ran like no tomorrow. "I'm beginning to question myself more than I ever did throughout my entire life." She seriously needs to rethink all the things she has done and see it from a third party's view, to see all the problems she made without knowing it.

"Don't worry. I question myself daily. Mainly about what I have done wrong in the process of creating the Universal Travel Spell and among other things." Zheng said to Rias, then pause for a moment. "You know, I kind of expect Sirzechs' presence in Kuoh Town would prevent Issei from leaving town and come here, but it seems like your Devil's Luck has more influence over Issei than Sirzechs."

"I'm willing to bet it's because I have breasts and Sirzechs don't, that made Issei being more influenced by my Devil's Luck than Sirzechs'." Rias replied, "I wouldn't put it past anything related to Issei whenever anything original comes from women would have an easier time affecting Issei someway." Rias recall all the things canon Issei has done, just because of breasts. Yeah, she can't believe her canon fell for someone like Issei. He is pretty much like Riser in more than one way. Ugh, the thought alone made her mood go down.

"Yeah, that's a bet I'm not willing to take. So, I guess it's time for me to work on taking Issei's Sacred Gear." Zheng pause for a moment then glances at Rias.

"Something the matter?" Rias wonder why her darling staring at her.

"Well, I know how you get if you don't have sex in days. So..." Zheng just places down a few Spells onto Issei, to make him unable to wake up in any way. Including being wake up by Ddraig. "Let's make it so you satisfy enough to wait for more than just a few days of waiting."

That got Rias excited straight away.

A month later*

"So, how the Sacred Gear? Nothing wrong with it?" Zheng asks Rias, who is now a Sacred Gear user. Same as him, and much to his disappointment of only being able to hold one. Then again, he technically has Grayfia's soul on his back. So there is that. Including Balor. If that wasn't enough, he got Akeno's soul as well, but as a Fallen Angel after he purity the soul and made sure to remove many things from her soul before he converts her into a Magic Word just like he did with Grayfia and place her on the left side of the chest, right where the heart is. Since his back has no room with Grayfia's soul pretty much taking the entire space.

Anyway, due to Akeno's soul. Zheng now has access to Holy Lightning and the Fallen Angel Mode that Akeno would have obtained later on in the series. Too bad, it now his and anything Akeno could have obtained.

He is now in the possession of three souls, one a Demon God and another is a Devil. While the third is a Fallen Angel.

It's too bad both Koneko and Yuuto quickly went back to the Underworld and haven't come back to Earth. Making it nearly impossible for him to grab both of them to be converted into Magic Words. This means he won't be able to freely use Senjutsu easier than normal people could. No matter, he is fine getting three souls; well, four souls if he counted the soul of the Sacred Gear that is given to Rias.

"Nope. It has been a day now since I have the Boosted Gear. Not having any trouble using it too." Rias replied. Honestly, she couldn't believe she would have such a powerful Sacred Gear for her own. More so, she will, later on, unlock the Balance Breaker. "You do know, that at this point. We seriously need to leave this universe for another, right? The moment people find out about our situation. This will cause a war to happen."

"You say like you weren't so happy to have such a powerful Sacred Gear, that could easily help you increase the potency of your Demonic Power and Power of Destruction." Zheng raises an eyebrow at his lover.

"I didn't say that." Rias huff at her darling. "Also, I have to say it again. Your Letter Magic is such a cheat, to allow you to do this. Giving a Pure-Blooded Devil a Sacred Gear without any side-effects and even wiping the consciousness of the souls trapped in said Sacred Gear. You literally gave us the ability to freely use the Sacred Gear without any side-effects that come with it; well, most side-effect."

"It's a lot harder to use the Letter Magic than you would think. Especially the part of having the right amount of energy to power the Magic Words. Something I was limited before due to relying on my Magic Power alone before having access to Demonic Power." Zheng explains while very delighted to have the Aeon Balor, which he has already changed a few things to it, which was the Forbidden Balor View's default form before he forcibly evolved it and so much more. "Anyway, until I finish making the Universal Travel Spell. We shouldn't be out in the open. Especially how the color of our hair would stand out among the crowd."

Rias snort at this, "I can see that happening. Sirzechs grabbing any redhead and demand if any of them saw me or whatever. By the way, I've been meaning to ask you this, but now that you have three sources of energy and the Aeon Balor, which can do many things, even before you changed it. Is it still not possible to kill Sirzechs?" She really wants Sirzechs dead with all the things he put her through in order to make her beg for his help by selling her own body for her freedom.

In hindsight, Rias pretty much doing that already with Zheng, but he wasn't going out of his way to manipulate her into a situation to make her do many things she doesn't want to do. Not to mention, she knew neither of them truly loves each other from the beginning until now. If anything, Rias can say for sure that her situation is a whole better than canon Rias. After all, she has a Sacred Gear of her own and she doesn't have to care about anyone else opinion other than Zheng's and she doesn't have to deal with the whole jealousy that her canon self had to go through with Issei and his harem.

"No idea. Never thought I would get to where I am now. I can say for sure, that your Devil's Luck is too damn powerful when no one is blocking it and when it takes in effect." Zheng answered, "I still need to perform many other tests with the Aeon Balor before I know for sure, including the Balance Breaker too."

Yup, Zheng is going to be very busy, including Rias herself.