
Chapter 26

Alex had moved his leg closer and now his thigh was touching mine.I gripped the spoon harder before putting it back in the bowl and quickly stepping away.

"Thank you, Alex," he said, his voice smooth.

Feeling slightly flustered, I nodded and then walked away. The rest of lunch went smoothly. Alex didn't call me again and he didn't look at me.When everyone dispersed, I could finally breathe normally.

"Woah, babe. That was…" Maddie began. "Intense."

I didn't disagree.

I was balancing the last tray in my hand, as I quickly swiped the dining table with the other.I straightened up and walked away from the table. I glanced down at my dress and noticed the little dirty spot.I was still looking down when I crashed into a hard wall of muscles. My eyes widened when I felt myself falling backward.I yelled out, trying to gain my footing again, but I was quickly going down. Closing my eyes tightly, I waited for my body to come in contact with the ground. But it never did.

Instead, an arm wrapped around my waist, holding me still. With my heart in my throat, I opened my eyes.


My body was dipped backward but he was holding me firmly to his chest.

"Careful there. You need to watch where you are going," he said.

My heart stuttered and a shiver went through my body at his voice. Biting on my lips nervously, I nodded my head. My brain was a mess whenever he was near and no matter how hard I tried to understand why, I couldn't.I looked at his arm around me and then remembered what he said in my room. My forehead creased in confusion. "You aren't supposed to touch me," I said.

He just saved me from falling flat on my butt and I didn't even thank him.

Alex's chest rumbled with laughter and I saw his eyes twinkling mischievously. Oh no. I didn't like that look.

"Oops," he said.

And then I was on the floor. The tray fell out of my hand and crashed.

"Ow," I said when my hips hit the tiles painfully.

Holding the aching part, I looked up at Alex in shock.

"My bad. I forgot," he said, his lips pulling up into a smirk.

He brought his hands up to his shoulders in mock surrender, as if showing me that he wasn't touching me anymore.

Jerk. An absolute jerk.

He gave me a nod and then walked away, leaving me baffled on the floor. He could have at least pulled me up straight, instead of just dropping me.But that wasn't the case.

Grabbing the tray in my hand, I got up but then winced at the soreness in my hips. I was pretty sure it was going to bruise tomorrow. I glanced at Alex's retreating back and huffed in frustration.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw Maddie filling the dishwasher. She turned around and frowned at my sour look. "What's wrong?"

"Is Alex always this frustrating?" I asked, placing the tray on the counter.

"You just realized that now?" She let out a laugh. "Yes, he is."

I was still rubbing my hips and Maddie noticed. She pointed at my hand and asked, "So what happened?"

Releasing a heavy and tired sigh, I sank down on the stool. "It's…a long story."

"Does it involve Alex?"

I nodded and her lips stretched in a wide, excited smile. Running toward me, she pulled another stool and sat down in front of me. "Okay. We have plenty of time. Hurry. Tell me."

Starting from the beginning was the best option. Only then would it make sense. "It started on the first day that I came here."

I told about how Alex threatened to shoot me if I didn't tell him who I was. I told her about Alex's options. I also told her about the kiss and the orgasm he gave me. And then I told her about this morning.

Maddie had interrupted me a lot and freaked out tons of times. "Damn…just damn…what? I don't…you…how.…How could you not tell me this before?" Grabbing my shoulders, she shook me. "Alina, this is big. Like big. You can't keep something like that from me! Oh my God, he kissed you? Gave you an orgasm? Oh my God!"

"Maddie, calm down," I said, pushing her away. She sat back down on her stool but her knees were bouncing.

"Okay, I'm calm," she said and then paused. A few seconds passed and then she shook her head. "No. I'm not."

"Maddie, it was nothing. He was rude. I can't believe he would do that, but he promised he won't touch me again. So that's good, right?"

Maddie stared at me blankly and then burst out laughing. "You are funny. You really think he is not going to touch you? Babe, he might not touch you, but he will find other ways. And he will most definitely find ways to make you beg for him. What can I say? He is very resourceful."

"This does not make me feel any better," I said, closing my eyes and rubbing my forehead in slight agitation. This man would drive me crazy.

"Sorry, babe. It's the truth. He is interested in you and he isn't giving up. When he wants something, he takes it. Doesn't matter how hard it is to get or if something is in his way. In his book, nothing is impossible."

At her words, my heart stumbled and I felt panic coursing through my body. "So, you are saying he isn't giving up?"


"Maddie, I don't want him. Why can't he understand that? I hate it." I felt tears at the backs of my eyes and my nose started to tingle. Why was I crying?

"Alina, sorry for making it worse."

"No. I would rather hear the truth. But I just don't know." Swiping my tears away, I closed my eyes tightly. Taking a deep breath, I counted to ten before opening my eyes again. "Sorry. I have been getting emotional on you a lot."

"It's okay. I got this, babe."

"Thank you."

"No problem. Okay. Get your ass up. We got some cleaning to do before dinner."

Night had fallen and almost everyone had gone to bed. The house was silent and peaceful.I lazily climbed on the bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, my eyes closed and I was already half asleep.Burrowing deeper under my cover, I sighed in contentment as my muscles started relax and sleep took over my body and mind.I was bent over his desk, my dress pulled up to my hips so that my ass was completely bare to him. I was never allowed to wear panties. He said it was for easy access.

He said he wanted to be able to take me whenever or wherever he wanted. And if I disobeyed, I would be severely punished. I had learned in the most painful way that I shouldn't go against him.

I felt his rough, cold hand running over my bare cheeks. And then a hard slap fell on one side, so hard that I flinched and tears quickly built up in my eyes.A second slap fell on the other side. Just as hard.

"I love your ass like this. All red from my palm. So beautiful," he murmured huskily in my ears.

I didn't say anything. I didn't move. I wasn't allowed to do either.

I heard him unzipping his slacks from behind me. I sucked in a deep breath as fear coursed through my body. I knew what was coming next.

He nestled himself between my thighs and when I felt his tip at my entrance, I shuddered in disgust. In panic. Pain. In absolute crippling fear.

I closed my eyes, my tears silently flowing down my cheeks. I bit down on the inside of my cheek to keep myself from crying out in pain when he slammed into me, burying himself to the hilt.

My inside was burning. It felt like I was being cut open from the inside.

His groans of pleasure filled my ears as I was stripped of my purity and dignity. Over and over again. Every single day.He fucked me. Mercilessly. Painfully. Ruthlessly.

And all the while, two of his men were watching.

I heard their groans of pleasure too. Opening my eyes, I saw that they were rubbing themselves, their eyes filled with lust as they stared at me.

I couldn't take it anymore. Humiliated in the worst way possible, I closed my eyes again and sank deeper into the darkness.

Alberto came with a groan and he slipped out of my body. I felt his come run down my thighs but stayed still as I waited for his next order.

"My fiancée is so beautiful, isn't she?" Alberto said.

"Fuck yeah, boss. Sexiest woman I have ever seen," one of the men replied.

"Yeah, boss. I gotta agree. You got yourself one pretty lady," the other man added.

"Hmm." Alberto hummed while running his palm over my ass. His fingers dug into my skin and I winced. "I share, you know," he said.

My eyes snapped open and my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach.No. No. Please God. No.

"Do you want to fuck her?" he asked, his voice cold as always.

No. No. Please. Say no. Please.

"Yeah, but only if you allow us," one of the men said.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Come here, then." I felt Alberto move away and I saw the two men standing up, walking toward me, their eyes filled with lust and hunger.

They walked around the table and out of my vision. I felt them standing behind me and Alberto came to stand in front of me. He grabbed my chin and pulled my head upward so that I was looking into his eyes.

"You will keep your eyes on me as they fuck you. And you will take it like a good girl," he hissed in my face. His nails bit into my chin and I winced.