
Sweet sixteen

Cora had been busy practicing shooting with Daniele he’d thought her so much and she was really great full. Marco was still unsure of Daniele’s intentions towards his niece, but he had been great full for him taking time to show her how to use a gun to keep her safe. The mafia live was not a safe one, far from it if it wasn’t for Daniele he’d be dead. They still had no idea where Vallea was they were still searching for her, but they had an idea she was still alive and with the Russo brother’s. This worried them a lot. He had hired Daniele to bring Cora to him and assassinate the two brothers, but it was getting harder to find them he was sure they were in Italy, but where?

Nicolo was pacing up and down. Domienico was growing impatient and angrier by the day. They looked their men. ‘She’ll be turning sixteen in a few days we want her found.’


‘Leave no stone left unturned. If she’s still alive she’ll be with who ever took her we don’t want anything to happen to her. They could do anything to her, even rape her we want her found, and them dead especially him.’ He said pointing to the photo of Daniele.’


Everyone had got ready after Cora’s sweet sixteen dinner and birthday cake. She blew out the candles and made a wish.

‘What did you wash for?’

‘You know I can't tell you that it will never come true.’

They all smiled laughing at a defeated Marco.

They all went to their rooms, showering and changing. Cora put he dress on, applied her make up and slipped into her six inch heal shoes. She sure hoped she could walk in them.

A knock came to the door. ‘It’s open.’

The door opened Daniele looked at her in her flairy dress to her knees showing her curves and her breasts and smiled, god he really wished he was ten years younger he’d take her right here and now but he knew he couldn’t. ‘The car is waiting Cora.’

She smiled. ‘I’m done.’ She said meeting him at the door.


‘Ready. She said slipping her arm through his.

He smiled leading her away from her room, down the stairs. ‘You look stunning Cora.’

‘Thank you Daniele. So do you.’

He smiled and lead her outside closing the door leading her over to the car. She slipped her arm from his slipping into the limo, he followed closing the door. Marco looked at ehr and smiled. ‘You scrub out well Cora.’

‘So do you.’

He nodded. ‘Drive.’

The car pulled away and they headed off onto the city to one of Marco’s executive clubs.

‘Rules.’ He said clearing his throat.

Great I hope there isn’t many.

‘One: you will be allowed one drink only no more after that one drink lemonade, coke or water. Two: you stick with us no wondering. Three: you tell us first if you need the rest room and one of us will wait outside for you. Four: no flirting Five: under no circumstances to go off with any one Six if you do we will find you and deal with the bastard Seven: we will be there Til closing so enjoy yourself.’

She nodded this night was going to be long and hard.

The limo pulled up outside the club and they got out she linked arms with Marco and Daniele and they walked up to the club the bouncers nodded and they walked through darkly lit entrance the music thumping. Marco Ordered the drinks as Cora looked around in amazement. ‘Do you like it?’

She nodded.

‘It’s yours.’

Her mouth dropped.

‘Close your mouth sweetheart you’ll be catching flies next.’ He laughed.

Her mouth sapped shut. Marco had already brought her a matching diamond necklace and bracelet, he didn’t have to give her a fucking club too. ‘Thank you.’

He smield. ‘Anything for my Angel.’

As the night grew she began to wind down everyone of his men buying her a drink.

‘Here you go sweetheart.’

‘Thanks.’ She said talking it off him drinking it.

‘So are you enjoying you birthday?’

‘Yes thank you.’

‘My pleasure sweetheart it’s not everyday you turn sixteen.’

She placed the empty glass down. ‘I’m just going to the ladies.’

‘I’ll wait it out side for you.’

‘You don’t have to.’

‘Rules 3.’ He reminded her.

She nodded.

He talked into Marco’s ear. He nodded and he followed her waiting outside while she went into the ladies to freshen up. She stepped out of the ladies.

‘Everyone is on the dance floor sweetheart would you like to join them?’

A smile spread across her face something she was good at that usually got her into trouble she had been thrown out of her last school dance because of her provocative moves. She couldn’t help been Italian.

He took her hand and they went through the club to the dance floor when everyone was dancing her head felt groggy and the lights seemed to be spinning. Marco passed the drinks around. ‘Happy birthday angel.’

They all clinked their glasses and down the shots placing the glasses on the table and began to dance her head spinning all over the place as she danced.

Her and Daniele getting closer and closer as she danced with him the dance floor, she’d had more than one drink though and she was only supposed to have one, she’d got talking to the bar tender and he’d slipped it into her drink. She began to grind against him. Marco shooting daggers as he held her her close to him. She was as drunk as he was and when he found out who’d been spiking her drinks they were fucking dead though she looked like she was enjoying herself she’d regret it in the morning and the hangover that came with it.

Gun shots echoed in the club. They pulled their guns out. ‘Get her to the car.’

Daniele nodded grabbing her hand crouching down guiding her it of the club as the bullets flew through the air he led her out shooting the oncoming men with guns. He opened the door to the car shooting more men. Get in sweetheart.’

She slipped in and lay on the backseat. As the shots rumbled around the car which seemEd forever.

The doors of the car opened, she slid into the corner of the car as everyone got in, the wheels screeching as the car sped away the other following behind them. He held her tight. ‘It’s okay sweetheart your safe they’re all fucking dead.’

‘I want to know why the fuck they are and why they were shooting in my fucking club.’

The cars pulled up outside the house. ‘Are you okay Angel?’

‘I’m fine.’

‘Take her to her room and stay with her. We’ll find out who these bastards are in the morning.’

‘Sir.’ He placed his arm around her. ‘Come on sweetheart let’s get you to bed.’

He led her upstairs. Marco went onto his office outraged, he poured himself a scotch with ice sitting down how dare someone come into his club and scare the shit out of everyone, how dare they scare the shit out of Cora she was there to celebrate her sweet sixteen and they’d ruined it. Damn it.

Daniele opened the door, she was still drunk and a little off balance. She looked at him through her eyes. glazed eyes. She pecked him on the lips. ‘Thank you.’

‘What for ?’

‘Saving me.’

‘I always will sweetheart.’

‘Thanks for everything you done to make my birthday better than any other.’

‘Even though there was a shoot out.’

‘Yeah.’ She giggled.

He smiled at her.

She moved forward. ‘Thanks for everything.’

She pressed her lips on his kissing him . He wrapped his arms around kissing her back, kissing her passionately slipping his tongue in, kissing her harder and harder as they stumbled into the room, he kicked the door closing it still kissing her. Their clothes fell to the floor he lay her on the bed wrapping her legs around him slipping inside her, she giggled and he smiled continuing to kiss her thrusting deeper and harder as she moaned out.

He continued trusting into her, her moans growing louder as they came together. He talked into her ear. ‘I’ll always take care of you sweetheart. I’m not ever letting go of you.’ He said kissing her neck before laying beside her laying his arm over her pulling her close to him.