
Mafia's Sweet Blind Love

A Blind girl getting involved with mafia people and her past enemies... will she be able to bear everything coming her way, or will she give up? What will happen if two of them, surrounded by true darkness, meet each other? Will they fall in love or just pass by as strangers? Will Gianna fight her insecurities and stand up for herself, or will she give up? What will happen when all hopes and happiness in their lives go down in the mud suddenly? Read the novel to find out. Don't forget to comment and share your thoughts. Disclaimer: *I don't own the cover.* This is my original work, not a translation, please don't copy and plagiarize my work. Any similarities or coincidences are not intentional, this work is solely based on my imagination and hard work. Thank you, I hope everyone enjoys my novel and have a great journey throughout the novel :) All Rights Reserved.

StellaCrystal23 · Urbain
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61 Chs

Date Went Not So Wrong

Gianna was taking in the beautiful fragrance of flowers in the garden situated behind the mansion. Charlie met with a beautiful female dog at Moretti family. They had many dogs, but Charlie immediately bonded with a female white-furry Samoyed breed dog named Sugar. Sugar was feeling shy at first, she is the dog Brinley had brought home, she usually feels shy when she's around guests or new visitors, but soon she bonded with Charlie, and he also took a liking towards her. Charlie and Sugar ran in a full speed with other dogs while playing. All the dogs including the bulky guard dogs like Rottweiler, Doberman and German shepherd breed dogs were waging their tails in front of Gianna as she would feed them food and play with them.

While Charlie was making new friends and playing with other dogs, Gianna sat near the flowers inhaling their fragrance and touched them to feel their shape. Gianna truly wished to see them with her own eyes, but she could only sigh in disappointment. Amelia and Derek together went to college and Brinley was studying and making notes in her room, as she had missed a few days of her university due to the engagement preparation. Grace and Lorenzo were busy handling and setting all gifts and wishes they had received.

Gianna was getting bored and sleepy, her eyes were closing slowly in drowsiness. As she was about to fall on the grass of the ground, she was caught by firm arms. She regained her consciousness and looked behind and inhaled Xavier's cologne, she assumed he was holding her.

"You're back? Did you finish your work early today? You always come around 9 or 10 pm..." Gianna smiled softly and kept her hand on his arm. She could feel his well-built muscles from his shirt.

"No I decided to take a break for this evening."

"You're not wearing a suit today? You're always dressed formally..." Gianna said as she was touching his shirt's sleeve. Xavier chuckled looking at her cute side. Charlie and other dogs came running towards them carrying a ball and dropped it in Gianna's lap.

"Oh? You guys want to play fetch now? Okay." Gianna said and threw the ball nearby. Xavier was about to speak to her, but the dogs came rushing back to them with the ball. Gianna started giggling whereas Xavier stood upset with his mouth half open, ready to speak. He snatched the ball from Gianna's hand and threw it a great height, making all dogs run away excitedly.

"Aren't you acting childish?" Gianna commented while giggling and holding her aching stomach. Xavier stared at her for a second before bending down and picking her up in his hands without warning her. Gianna gasped but then started laughing joyously.

"You should've told me before picking me up! I must be heavy, put me down..." Gianna said while laughing. Xavier smiled and started walking towards his Porsche car, he placed her in the passenger seat and closed the door. He sat in the driver's seat and started the car.

"Where are we going?" Gianna asked curiously.

"It's a surprise, mio cuore." Gianna turned her head towards Xavier and stayed in that position for a while.

"What?" Xavier was confused by her silence.

"Won't you tell me what does that mean? Please tell me where we're going too..." Gianna asked in a low cute voice and smiled innocently.

"Well... Mio Cuore means My Heart. I'm sorry Gianna, but I won't answer your second question, or else it won't remain as a surprise anymore." Xavier said and chuckled lightly. Gianna smiled, she didn't care where he was taking her to, she loved how she's getting a chance to spend time with him. Suddenly, she remembered something.

"Xavier...! I forgot! I forgot to bring cane with me..." Gianna stuttered nervously.

"Charlie is also not here with me... what am I supposed to do now...? Let's go back, Xavier. I-I'm--"

"Gianna... why are you worrying about such small petty things. Am I not here with you?"

"B-But I'll be a burden--"

"Stop. Before you complete your words, I swear I won't talk to you anymore if you speak about those 'burden' rubbish again. Gianna, we've already had a discussion regarding this before. I won't tolerate you insulting and berating yourself anymore." Xavier said sternly making Gianna gulp back her words which were about to spill out from her mouth in flow.

"I know... but..." Gianna couldn't form any words and sighed.

"Gianna, if you berate yourself in the future like this again, you will be indirectly insulting me, remember that. In the past, at present and in the future, my heart will always belong to you and yours will be mine forever, so think before you speak bad about yourself, because you would also be speaking bad about me at the same time." Gianna started crying while listening to his heartfelt words. Xavier sighed and wiped away her tears from her cheeks with one of his free hand while driving.

Gianna was feeling somewhat stuffy, but she smiled and held his hand.

"I won't do so anymore. I promise." Gianna said determined about her decision. Xavier stopped his car and walked out, he opened the door for Gianna, and when she was about to get out of the car, Xavier bent down a little and picked her up in his arms.

"Woah...! Xavier! Put me down! Why do you always surprise me by picking me up without warning! I'm not your doll!" Gianna exclaimed and squeezed her eyes shut in surprise. Xavier chuckled as if enjoying the moment and closed the door with his leg. He walked a little and Gianna inhaled the scent of sand and salt water surrounding her.

"Are we at a beach?" Gianna asked excitedly. She has never been at a beach before. Amelia had requested her to go there a few times, but Gianna always refused saying it would be too dangerous for her.

"Yes my queen." Xavier chuckled as he saw Gianna's smile brighten. Gianna inhaled fresh air and sighed. Her hair were swaying with the wind blowing, it seemed like her hair were also dancing in enjoyment. Xavier took her to the dinning table he had arranged and placed Gianna in the chair.

"Do you like my surprise?" Xavier asked her and started arranging her somewhat messy hair.

"Like it? I love it! You arranged this too?" Gianna said as she touched the table, she spotted a vase in the middle of the small table, it had beautifully arranged lilies. Gianna picked up one lily and inhaled its fresh fragrance and smiled. Gianna smiled and stood up, she knew Xavier was just standing beside her and staring at her, she caught hold of his arm and then hugged him tightly. She was truly cherishing this moment of her life.

"Thank you so much Xavier."

"Thank you for what?" He asked in confusion.

"For... everything." Gianna kissed his both cheeks and smiled. She sat back on her chair. To her surprise, Xavier also kissed her cheek and went to take a seat in front of her. Gianna touched her cheek where he kissed and blushed.

"C'mon let's have our dinner, and then we can go take a stroll." Xavier commented as soon as a waiter came and served a variety of many dishes. After discussing the dishes and having them, they went to take a stroll, Gianna removed her sandals and tugged Xavier's shirt to do so too. He smiled and removed his shoes, they both walked barefoot on the sand while holding their shoes. The waves were hitting their legs making Gianna giggle in pleasure, Xavier took some water in his hands and sprinkled on her face making her gasp and laugh. She also started looking for water, but then her foot slipped on one shell making her lose balance, she fell on her butt in water and sand making Xavier laugh. Gianna huffed and pouted, she took a handful of water and splashed it on his clothes. This is how the water fight started between both of them.

By now both of them were soaking wet, Gianna sighed in bliss and hugged his arm, he kept his other palm on her hand and stared at her, then traced her wedding ring finger.

"Gianna? Should I wait or go for it?" Xavier asked her as they both sat on the sand, Xavier was staring straight at the sunset and asked the obvious question. Gianna turned her face towards Xavier and slowly her happy expression turned serious.

"Xavier... I think you shouldn't..."

"But... why Gianna? I want to spend my whole life with you..."

"What if these feelings are temporary... or if I don't stay much longer with you?"

"Gianna why're you talking like this again... why can't you be confident, we need to trust each other, if we want our relationship to exist forever."

"Xavier you know why I'm not confident enough don't you?"

"Tch... Gianna, I swear..." Xavier gritted her teeth and took her sandals. He made her wear the sandals himself and stood up while holding her hand. He wore his shoes and took out his phone from his jeans pocket. He called his assistant and started speaking Italian, Gianna stood dumbfounded and confused.

"Trova i migliori oftalmologi professionisti e inviami il nome, l'indirizzo e il numero del migliore in mezz'ora." Xavier ordered in a stern and angry voice and cancelled the call. [Find the best professional ophthalmologists and send me the name, address and number of the best one in half an hour.]

"Huh? Xavier? Are you angry? I'm sorry if I was rude, or you felt hurt by my words." Gianna looked apologetically down. Xavier sighed, calming his nerves, and took hold of her chin softly.

"It's nothing, don't worry about anything, I'm trying to solve your worries. But you've to promise me to give me the answer after your worries are solved." Gianna got confused by his words but still she nodded her head in approval and responded with yes. Xavier took her towards his car and started driving.

"At least tell me where are we going?" Gianna urged him further.

"Gianna you'll know when we reach there, for now listen to this music." Xavier said as he turned on the playlist he had saved.

Xavier changed the gear and slightly increased the speed to reach early.