
Mafia's Deadly Princess

Among the angels and devils of the world, there lived one with blood-stained hands yet a beautiful soul, one that possessed a flame so bright and wild that it swallowed whichever soul dared to encounter it. Anaya Gambino, daughter of the Head of the Italian mafia, also known as 'The Bloody Angel', and her father's best weapon is a storm in the skin of a human being. Filled with bottled-up trauma, pain, hurt, and rage, she rejects any love given to her and never gives anyone the chance to get inside her head or heart for fear of her dark secret being exposed. Don Smith, the ruthless cocky head of an opposing mafia thinks emotions are stumbling blocks and are only for the weak. Fate has other plans for them, as a forced marriage is all that is needed to make Don realize emotions can be one's biggest weapon, and for Anaya to realize that she doesn't have to carry her burdens, guilt, and pain alone.

baddie_anielle · Urbain
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49 Chs

Taken as Payment

Gambino's Maniero...

After being allowed in, a butler lead us to Nicholas' office. A few portraits on the walls of him and his family confirmed my theory. I clenched my jaw as we approached his door.

I entered and found him sitting at his desk with a pipe in his mouth. He looked at me with anger and probably annoyance, but I wouldn't blame him. The feelings are mutual after all.

"And to what is this sudden visit for, Don?" he asked in his deep Italian accent. I collected Andrew's phone and dropped it in front of him, with the picture of comparison between his daughter and the red lady open.

He gritted his teeth and hissed under his breath. "Did you think you could outsmart me again, Nicholas?" he remained silent.

"Let me guess, you thought you could send your daughter to win my brother over so she could manipulate him into trusting her with documents like those property papers so she could bring them back to you". He still didn't answer but kept looking at me straight in the eyes emotionlessly.

'The audacity this old fool has'

His lips twitched into a grin. "You caught me! Now that you know, what are you going to do about it?" I arched an eyebrow up, "Killing me will be of no use to you, she will take over everything I have left. There is nothing else you can do but to turn around and go back home, ragazzo boy".

I chuckled and went closer to him. "I really have no interest in you whatsoever, it's your daughter I'm interested in" his eyes turned dark in an instant. "Come on, don't make this any worse for yourself. Tell me where she is and I will consider letting you go" "You are a fool if you think I'm going to answer you. I'd rather die than allow my Naya to get close to someone like you".

I chuckled darkly once more. Did he really think an old man like him would be able to stand someone like me?

I balled my fist and delivered a punch to his cheekbone. He groaned in pain but still didn't answer.

I crouched down to eye level with him and turned his face to meet mine.

"I won't ask again, Nicholas. Where is your daughter?" he still didn't answer but began cackling. Anger filled me instantly. I took out my gun and pressed it to his forehead.

"What's the matter? Laugh now and see if I don't blow your brains out" I threatened. "Oh mio! I'm so terrified of what you'll do to me. Please don't hurt me" he mocked and soon began laughing once more. "I joined the mafia long before you were born, boy, I know better than to cower before a little boy whose power is messing with his brains" I pressed the gun deeper into his forehead, but he didn't show a single sign of fear. It was annoying.

"If you don't tell me where your daughter is right now, I will send out an entire gang to look for her wherever she is in this city and bring her back to me. And that will be after I empty this gun into your body. It's a pity you won't live long enough to see the lovely things I'll do to her"

He snarled. "Don't you dare..." The slamming of the door alerted us. We both looked up and found Nicholas' daughter standing there with a face of mixed expressions.

'Speak of the angel and she appears' I grinned.

"Nice to see you again, love" Her blue eyes went wide. "What is going on?" she asked. "Run Naya!", "And what the heck did you do to my dad?" she yelled angrily and went over to him.

She scanned him for any injuries and brushed the bruise my punch caused, making him to hiss in pain.

"It's nothing Naya. Dimenticati di me e vattene ora! Non lasciare che ti porti via". She turned to me with rage in her eyes and marched to me.

"How dare you hurt him?" "You and your dad made a serious offense of entering my house with the goal of stealing from me through my younger brother" "That reason isn't valid enough to punch someone old enough to be your father".

"Those papers you were about to steal would have cost me a lot if you had taken them. Plus, your father has already given me a lot of inconvenience. I'm not patient enough to deal with more. He has to pay for this one, and the payment for this crime is his dearest lovely daughter"

"What are you waiting for, Naya?" Nicholas screamed, "F*ck off! I'm not going anywhere with you!" she answered and turned her back on me.

I swiftly pulled her back to me and flung her over my shoulder immediately. "What the... Put me down now!" she yelled and kept hitting my back.

"Don! Put Naya down and I promise to give you the rest of the documents you wanted" Nicholas offered. "Tempting, but no. I've got something more valuable instead, and I'm not exchanging her for anything else" I said and walked out of the door with Anaya yelling and throwing her hands about like an inmate.

"If you don't put me down this instant, count yourself as a dead man" she threatened while struggling out of my grip, but to no avail.

I threw her into the sit beside me and entered as well. "Drive!" I ordered and we began moving. Some of Nicholas' men were following behind us, firing a few bullets at us, but we still moved undeterred.

"HELP!! Someone help me!" Anaya yelled loudly while banging on the windows as we moved. "Tie her up!" I ordered.

As soon as one of my men began binding her hands together, she began screaming for help and banging against the window like a hysterical woman.

"HELP!! Someone help me!" And f*ck was she loud. "If you don't shut up right now, I will kiss you so deep you won't be able to talk for hours" "You wouldn't. You don't have the balls" she scoffed. "Are you daring me, love?" and she immediately became silent.

"Inject her with the drug in the bag" I ordered. "Drug?" "Relax, love! It's just a sleeping injection to reduce our work" I assured, "I don't agree with being injected with some..." her words trailed off as she gasped at the sudden piercing of the syringe's needle.

It didn't take long before she became drowsy, and soon fell asleep.

"Don't worry, love. I won't hurt you in any way as long as you simply comply"