
Maelstorms New Life

Naruto was totally alone and had nothing he could do without people judging him. Until the day he found something unimaginable. Naruto is really op and the Naruto universe will not be canon. Genius Naruto

Moonmeetsthestars · Autres
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17 Chs

Part 16

Non player characters are people in the game that are not players there dialogue it set by the programmers and they don't have distinct personalities there pretty there to fulfill roles at certain points in the game in Elder tales players are called adventurers and non players are called people of the land however the apocalypse may have changed that.

"Serra your okay right like I'm so glad you made it back from Susukino sweetie,"

"Yes I'm sorry I worried you Goodbye," "I still can't believe it I'm really safe now right,"

"Yea We're past the lieport channel now,"

"And Burgondia doesn't have any griffins there weeks behind us so don't even worry we're all good,"

Serra starts crying as all the stress she was feeling left her body.

"Now that I'm safe I just feel kinda of..," she falls to her knees. "Thank you everyone thank you so much,"


"Ah oh looks like somebodies tumtum isn't to happy,"

"Do you every shut up,"

"Hey I fart to,"

They all breakout laughing.

"Hey Shiro-ecchi, where did Akio go," asked Nyanta.

"Oh I'm right here,"

Nyanta jumped.

"You still do that,"

"Yea it is a good skill to have,"

"We need to put a bell on you,"

"I would probably ditch it somewhere,"

"That would be a classic Akio move,"

"Lots of other players have tried to place tracking spells on me they never stuck,"

"The sun seems to be setting let's set up camp,"

Akastuki gathered firewood.

"Man I've never pitched a tent before,"

"We'll start by lay out the ground sheet,"

"I don't remember you saying you roughed it back home,"

"That's true but I read a book about it once of course I'm betting it wouldn't be this easy,"

"No it wouldn't I had to a camping trip with my academy so that we understood our environment and had practice setting camp so if we had to we could take it down quick,"

"Yea didn't you promise to tell us what the truth of your past is as a ninja,"

"Yeah but let's wait until Nyanta and Serara gets back,"


Xxx with Nyanta and Serara,xxx

The bushed rustled

"Wild deer so there are animals in this game that aren't monsters,"

"Well now this what I call a time to shine,"

"Ugh Ah,"

Xxx time skip to nighttimexxxx

"There we go we've got a place to sleep,"

"It's kinda satisfying compare to just having to log out and go to bed,"

"Since we're out in the bush we might as well have fun doing it the hard way,"

"That's right but are good isn't exactly,"

"It looks so good Shiro but it still tastes like absolute trash,"

"Serara and Nyanta are running late we did send Akio after them but he's not back yet,"

Naotsugu starts sniffing. And gets up.

"You smell that,"

"What's gotten into you,"

Then they all start sniffing.

"What smells like meat roasting,"

Xxx cut to we're Nyanta, Serara and Akio areXxx

"Did the smell of this fine cuisine rouse you from your base camp,"

"Tell you what I'm will to give tasteless meat a try if it smells this good,"

They all have smiles on there faces it had real taste they were so happy.


"This is I can't describe it,"

"The texture when bit into it,"

"Oh there you guys are I was just about to go get you,"


There stood Akio with two mystery packs in his had and his summon Kurama at his side.

"Hey. Nyanta I brought you some more roast me up some will your at it please,"

"Of course Akio-ecchi,"

"Hey what have I said about butchering my name,"

Nyanta simply ignored him and took the packs.

Xxx after the mealxxx

"So Akio you said you would clear up what your past as a ninja was,"

"Yea well you'll need some context have you ever heard of the elemental nations,"

"I have when I was studying history they were myths," commented Akastuki.

"Well there not a myth that is where I am from,"

"Then how come we haven't heard about it today,"

"We ended up sealing are selves away a century or two ago for some reason or another the only people who know are the people in charge of countries,"

"That makes sense,"

"Well my story goes something like this sixteen years ago when my mother was giving birth to me a man came and unsealed the nine tailed fox my mother had in her since her birth and it almost killed her The masked man took control of the Fox and tried to destory my home village but my father and mother sacrificed themselves to save the ending up sealing the fox into me well die in the process,"

"Wow who were your parents exactly,"

"Well my Father was well known among nations as the Yellow flash and the Fourth Hokage of the leaf village and My mother was now as the red habanero for her temper and skill with a sword,"

"You said you grew up in an orphanage why not with your godbrother or your surrogate grandfather

"My grandfather was the third Hokage and had to step up after my fathers death and could not care for me as the council had refused and would not allow it,"

"And your Godbrother,"

"Was deemed unfit to take care of me as he was on sixteen at the time,"

"That's harsh"

"It get's worse as I was mistreated at the orphanage as they saw me as the monster I held I got my grandfather to get me an apartment that no one but he knew of so that when I was ready I could start at the academy,"

"Ah makes sense did anyone take care of you,"

"Some of the Anbu came and help me with food and learning so I wouldn't be left behind in y the academy,"


"The elite ninjas controlled by the Hokage and picked by the Hokage some of the most trusted ninja they handle most of the important work in the shadows,"

"Okay I think that's enough questions for know how about we all got to bed,"

Everyone nodded in agreement.