
Made To Be Guilty: Chapter 22


"Awaken!" Someone said cheerfully as they clasped my hands in theirs.

I murmured my half-hearted objections, but my eyes opened regardless. As soon as they focused, my entire vision was consumed with Spots's serene face blinking down at me in his lap.

"What?" I snapped, rubbing at my aching forehead lightly and squeezing my eyes shut again.

"You had heat." Spots giggled in an exaggerated whisper.

I shook my head and nuzzled more into his lap. "No." I groaned. "It's cold."

A snort caught my attention and my eyes popped open finally. It was then that I realized more than Spots and I were in my room. Lupa and Koda were standing closest to me, while Conri watched from his place in my window chair.

The snort, however, came from my daddy, who stood in the doorway of the adjoining bathroom. His long dreads were held in a knot atop his head, and instead of a more typical outfit of him, he now wore a white fluffy robe that ended far above the knee and was lazily tied so that most of his chest was bared for all to see.

My eyes bulged at the odd sight, but even in such a peculiar outfit, he still looked like a fierce warrior. The well defined muscles in his legs looked taut and solid, like they'd developed after centuries of constant battle. The robe itself looked like it was seconds from tearing if he so much as flexed a bicep or pectoral muscle.

When my trailing eyes finally locked on to his, he stared at me with a smoldering expression that made heat pool in my stomach. The minuscule lilt to his mouth hinted to an unspoken desire, and holding his gaze for more than a second made memories of just hours before flash in my head.

I turned back to Spots to distract myself and realized he was still speaking. "-at remember?"

"Huh?" I cleared my throat.

Spots chuckled before turning to the Beta to his side. "Koda? What name is this?" He placed a hand on my chest, and with the other one he tugged one of my legs up to part my thighs. "And here?" He made a show of circling my spread legs. "The name of female penis?"

I slapped his hands away, suddenly understanding what he was asking and growled sourly at him as I pushed myself into a sitting position.

"Tits? Pussy?" My daddy blurted nonsense words before anyone else spoke.

"Flint!" Lupa and Conri both chided loudly. If Koda had been drinking something it would have been running down his shirt from his choked reaction.

My daddy only shrugged, but the crooked smile remained on his face. When I glanced back to him, his smile widened and he made the strange winking expression. I curled my shoulders inward and turned my quickly reddening face away before he could see.

"Those are rude words." Lupa glared at him before turning back to Spots and I. "The words are breasts and vagina." She explained.

I nodded shakily. I recognized those names. Vilkas used those words whenever he wanted to visit with me in his office. I didn't like those words.

"You'll have to help us add some sexual education to their lessons." Conri pursed his lips as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Yes!" Spots cheered, retaking my hand in his to gain my attention. "You have heat and then you and you mate touch."

I turned back to Spots, trying to make sense of his words. Is that why Vilkas wanted to touch me there? Did he have heat too? My blood ran cold and the color drained from my face.

"I…" I wanted to explain myself. I wanted to explain the terrible way I acted last night. It had been like I lost all of my senses. I hadn't even asked the Alpha if I could touch him, and instead threw myself at him for some unknown reason.

"I… I…" I kept stammering. Why didn't the Alpha stop me? What if instead of him who I attacked, it had been someone else? Like Spots or Blue? H-how… how could it be true that I was just… "like Vilkas…"

The room was silent. I don't know how much of what I said was in my head and how much was aloud, but I felt like I was about to hyperventilate.

"You like Vilkas."

My eyes shot to meet my Daddy's. It wasn't a question, but a statement, and the way he glared at me made my stomach sink. He knew I was just like Vilkas, too. That I was sick and cruel.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, eyes like saucers as I pleaded silently for him to forgive me. "Accident."

Why didn't he stop me if he was going to look at me with such betrayal now? Did he feel just as dirty as I felt after Vilkas did our private examinations?

Before I could think of anything else to say, he strode the short distance across the room, flung the door open, and slammed it shut all within the blink of an eye.

"Flint!" Lupa shouted, rushing to the door. She made a swift exit and I listened as their footsteps disappeared down the stairs.

Spots sighed, ruffling my hair as he lowered my head onto his shoulder. "Spots and Dot talk now."

Koda and Conri exchanged a look, to which Spots responded with a flick of his wrist.

"We talk now. Come back later." Spots repeated resolutely.

"You heard him, Luna." Koda chuckled, holding the door open for Conri.

Conri sighed, but rose to his feet nonetheless. He shot me one final smile, but then finally left the room. As soon as the door shut, the tears fell.

"I did a bad thing." I turned and sobbed into Spots's chest.

Spots shushed me gently as he stroked my hair. "Tell me."

After a while of him petting me, I finally stifled my cries. I was so thankful for him being there with me now, but how could I ever explain what I had done?