

After going through a breakup he met her in detention not a place where love is found but he did

wandering_chaos777 · Urbain
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3 Chs



Lily noticed Lux sigh and asked if she was being a bother in anyway which made Lux shake his head.After a brief silence she decided to break the still and ask what was going on. Lux looked at her as if to tell her what was wrong but he hesitated a bit as he thought that telling her his worries was not okay after all today was the first time meeting her and even if the were that comfortable with each other after their encounter it still was a bit weird.After much contemplating he decided to tell her .He told her everything that had happened to him. After Lux finished,there were a bit of tears in his eyes as even though he wasn't showing it much the breakup had really hurt him but he still had a bit of hope that if he could confront Ava about it ,things would settle.After lily listened to what he had said, all that came from her mouth was "what a bitch". Lux turned to look at her but couldn't help but smile that someone was angry for him even if it wasn't genuine. At the same time he was feeling a bit sad about talking behind Ava's back.Before lily could mutter another word the janitor came in and said she was about to clean.As lily tried to get up,her skirt caught a space between the desk and the wall which made her lose her balance.(mhmm I think we all know wat bout to happen)

She tried to stabilise her footing but before she could react any further she fell on Lux as the both fell to the floor.*(so cringe but still writing).As she tried to get up the locked eyes and for a moment it seemed that time had slowed down.(^_^ me likee).

The opening of the door brought them both back to their senses. They both got up and left the room with neither looking at the other. As they exited lily tried to initiate another conversation but she stopped when she saw lux looking in a direction. In that direction was Ava and when lux saw this he chased after her to set things straight forgetting that lily was walking beside him. When he caught up with Ava he asked "Ava seriously what is wrong with you". She turned and smirked before she turned to go. Lux held her by the hand and said"could you at the very least tell me what I've done wrong". "Nothing"was all that she said. Then she continued "I'm just tired of you and I have no feelings for you anymore". "Its just to tired to do this with you and now I kind of feel embarrassed when I'm with you because you always look disheveled and I don't really want that". "I'll change" lux muttered. 

Lily came to meet Lux standing with tears in his eyes as he said " I tried, I really tried, I loved her and I don't know why but it hurts it really hurts". Lux looked at lily who couldn't help but feel really sorry for him."You tried your best and loved her". "Well I guess my best is just not enough". They both stood there for a considerable amount of time as lily tried to comfort him which proved futile but he gradually seemed to be getting okay. "Are you good now" lily asked to which he just just nodded. They both walked out of the gate with emotion flying everywhere.

A/n: hi guys this is my first time trying this out so I hope you have fun and send me reviews for any corrections you think I should make to make the story more enticing 😊 thanksÂ