
Lustful Paradise

The story of "Lustful Paradise" is a sultry tale of passion and desire. Lucifer, a young and handsome college student, is in the throes of a sexual revolution. His lustful eyes land on anyone who catches his fancy, and he is not afraid to pursue his targets with reckless abandon. But Lucifer is not satisfied with this. He is looking for a bigger challenge, a greater conquest, and he is determined to find it. But there is more to Lucifer than meets the eye. An unknown secret lies hidden beneath the surface. It is a secret that will change everything and a secret that will bring chaos and destruction. And it is a secret that will soon be revealed in the most unexpected of ways. Will Lucifer's lustful desires lead him down a dark path? Or will he find redemption and love in the arms of someone unexpected? Only time will tell. But one thing is certain: Lucifer's lust will not go unquenched. --- Smut - Milfs - Harem - Mature - Anal - BDSM - Threesome - Foursome - Netori - No Yuri - No Netorare. Discord Link:- https://discord.com/invite/qzQnra4FhS

Evil_Beast · Urbain
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130 Chs

I'm Just A Normal Human Male After All.

Lucifer gave them a polite nod before returning his focus to Gwen, who continued speaking.

"These dumb bitches really need to learn that there are boundaries, especially when it comes to other people's significant others. I mean, I'm supposed to be your girlfriend, yet they still try flirting with you in front of me! How rude is that?!" Gwen complained with indignation evident in her voice.

Lucifer found himself growing more annoyed as she continued venting her frustration; however, he decided to let it go as there was no point getting worked up over such petty matters.

"You should know why they act like that even in front of you," Lucifer pointed out.

"Huh?" She asked with a confused expression on her face.

She didn't understand what Lucifer meant.

"Gwen, you're one of the most beautiful women in the world. And I love you more than anything in the world. But everyone knows what your beliefs are, and they think that it's foolish. So, they don't respect it and see no reason to think of us as a couple." He explained to her while caressing her hand gently.

Gwen felt like someone had slapped her hard across the face after hearing those words come out of Lucifer's mouth.

She looked down at their joined hands and wondered why it didn't feel right anymore.

She lifted her gaze to stare directly into his deep blue eyes, searching for any indication of falsehood, but found nothing except sincerity reflected in them.

It was obvious he wasn't lying about loving her; however, he didn't appear to be happy about her beliefs either, which upset her.

"Do you also think I'm stupid for sticking with these beliefs of mine?" Gwen whispered in a pained voice.

Lucifer could sense sadness emanating from her as tears began forming around the edges of her eyelids.

He cupped her cheek with his free hand and wiped away a stray tear that had escaped from the corner of her eye.

"No, of course not! It's your decision, and nobody has the right to question your choices. In fact, I respect your devotion to your principles, even if I don't always agree with them. It's one of the things I love most about you. I admire your strength of character. However, I think you should start reevaluating your priorities. People judge you based on how they see things, and in this case, they see you as someone who's too naive and innocent."

He paused briefly to take a breath before continuing, "Listen, Gwen, I understand you want to stay pure before you get married one day, but at the same time, it's not fair to me to expect me not to be interested in physical pleasures. I'm just a normal human male after all," Lucifer expressed his feelings while thinking about how he had already betrayed her by having sex with his mom, Lisa.

'If Gwen knew about this, she'd probably leave me for sure,' he thought as guilt crept up inside of him.

Gwen couldn't help but look at him in bewilderment, unable to comprehend why Lucifer couldn't follow the same ideals she did.

"You're asking me to change myself completely just so you can be happy? Why is it so important for you to have sex before marriage? Is that what makes a man or something?" She demanded, her tone accusing.

"No, I'm not asking you to change yourself, Gwen. What I'm saying is that you need to decide what's more important to you—your faith or our relationship. Does a single ritual mean more to you than what we have together?" Lucifer pointed this out, hoping she would realize the foolishness of her own ways.

Gwen bit her bottom lip hard and looked away, refusing to acknowledge what he was telling her.

Lucifer let out a long sigh and took hold of both her hands again, gazing straight into her eyes once more.

"I promise I'll always be there for you no matter what, but if we want things to work out between us, you have to compromise as well. It's not about sex but about being honest with your own feelings as well. Don't force your views on me and expect me to follow along blindly like everyone else."

Gwen couldn't bear to listen anymore as tears began falling freely down her cheeks.

She pulled her hands away from his grasp and quickly stood up from the table, running out of the cafeteria without looking back.

Lucifer watched her retreating form disappear into the distance and let out a tired sigh.

He wanted to go after her but decided against it, knowing it wouldn't solve anything.

'I already betrayed her by having an affair with my mom. It's not something I could ever tell her. Along with my own growing lust for more women, She won't be able to accept any of these, so I need to stop trying to convince her of something that's impossible to achieve in the first place,' Lucifer thought to himself while leaning back in his chair as he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples to soothe the headache that had started forming.