
Chapter 1: The Corruption

Under the moon inked with blood covered with scarlet sky, creatures have again suddenly raged and attacked the different houses. Iranai City is the 20th city chosen to be corrupted. Limbs torn off and organs ripped apart, wolves and abyssal creatures have made sure that no blood will be left off and their thirst will be quenched satisfactorily.

Meanwhile, in a certain wooden room, a woman laughs as she marks an X in a map.

"Another city has been fallen. Uhm, what's next? This one, this one, or this one" she said as she points different locations.

The room is dark but the little reddish light coming from her orb is enough for her to clearly see the map

"You sure are enjoying yourself, huh, Alice?" Alice looks at the direction where the hoarse voice is coming from. More lights had then shone the room.

"Don't come barging at my room like that!" said Alice

"Stop being a little girl when you're being labelled as the Queen of the Apocalypse."

"Now, then, what do you want?"

"---- has called for a council meeting."


"Will be mentioned in the hall."

Alice sighed in dismay. She's sure enough that she couldn't get enough information from this man. Much to her dismay, she needs to postpone her enjoyment for a while.

"Alright then."

"Come to the Grandiose Hall, 7PM" he said

Alice kept the map inside the cabinet and proceeded to the hall.


"Let me help you, dad."

"No need, Lunox, just go and prepare for school."

"Alrighty, dad". Lunox has then stood up and approached their home. Just for a while, he looked again on her father who is busy tilling the soil.

Lunox did not have any troubles in school. With her angelic charms, she can befriend with almost all of the students. She also received numerous love letters and males have also approached her and ask for a courtship. However, she does not have time nor any intentions for romance. All she need is love from her family and friends.

Classes are over and it is time to go home now. Lunox and her friends dropped off to a snack house before going to her home.

But then, she felt gaze towards her that send shivers and made her feel cold. However, when she looked at the direction of the gaze, no one was there. It must have been her imagination.

"Lunox, are you alright?" one of her friends asked

"Hmm. Yes, I'm fine. Sorry to make you worry" Lunox nodded as she speaks her reply

"Let's go?" To avoid further discomfort, Lunox just suggested to leave the snack house.

When they have reached the intersection, they bid farewell to one another. Her home goes north while the others go east.

"I'm home" Lunox shouted as she entered the home. After removing the shoes and replacing it with slippers, she had then approached her room.

She lit the room and removed her clothes, now feeling comfort as she stretch out her wings. Her right wing is painted with black while her left is pure white in color. She wonders why it looks that way. The angels she have read in books have pure white wings and the demons have black. She taught that she is an half-angel and a half-devil. Anyways, that doesn't matter to her anymore. All she needs is acceptance from her parents, which she had received wholeheartedly.

Before the dawn arrives, Lunox woke up from her slumber. She felt thirsty and decided to go downstairs and moved, even if half-asleep to look for a bottle of water.

Instead of a bottle of water, what she saw was a reddish liquid approaching her feet. Her sleepy eyes went fully open. Not because of satisfaction but due to shock of what she saw.

Something must have happened.

"Where is this coming from?"

She has been so sure that it is blood but then she wonders where that has been coming from.

"DAD!" She answered her own query and hopes that she is gravely mistaken. But then she can't help herself but to worry about her dad. And so, she rushed and quickly approached the opposite direction of the flow of the liquid.

With cold hands and feet, she held the knob of the door where the flow she has been following reached the end and quickly opened it.

What she has seen caused her a shock. She repeatedly hoped that she is mistaken. However, she is right.

With right arm been torn, and neck cracked on the left side, Lunox saw his dad leaning on the wall, clothes ripped off leaving a claw mark.

"DAAADDDDD" Lunox quickly approached her dad. At least, even if its a little, she hopes that his father is still alive. But then, plenty of blood has been lost. A normal person could not survive with that.

Lunox can't do anything but to cry while hugging her dead father's body. She felt weak for not being of any help to his father. She thought that if she is awake at the time of the attack, she must have been able to save his father, or at least a chance to do that.

But then, she can't turn back time.

Lunox kept on crying yet she feels uncomfortable when she felt a gaze aimed towards her.

When Lunox looked at the direction of the gaze, there she saw a shadow, with sharp fangs clearly open for a bite.

Lunox had then stood up and went towards the direction of the light switch. Upon successfully switching on the light, there she clearly saw... the beast.

Covered with gray fur, holding the man's right arm with its sharp claws, ready to dig in with its thick fangs, the beast froze at the sudden appearance of light but then quickly recovered.

Lunox went down on her knees as she trembles with fear, not knowing what to do anymore. Unfortunately, Lunox caught the attention of the beast. The beast thrown its food and rushly went towards her. Trembled with fear, Lunox looked at the beast running towards her, ready to accept her fate.

Chapter 1 END

Next: The Demon Hunter