
Luminous: The Ancient Pagoda

The Kingdom of Elfora was ruled by the Enchantress named Amarra who had been serving the royal family for centuries. A centuries worth of peace was then destroyed when her evil half-sister, Regina forged a war against her. The epic battle became everyone's favorite legend but not everything that is written on the books are true. Lumin, a priestess in training taught the children about the legend and she juggled with her life as a bread-winner, a priestess and a teacher to earn a few copper coins. One day, while she was in training, a flock of gorgons suddenly wrecked havoc on their village turning everyone into stone including Lumin's family. Now she seeks for the antidote that would turn everyone back to normal but the cure lies on the hands of the Enchantress who was imprisoned on the great ancient pagoda, a highly magical prison. She embarks on a journey without knowing that the path to find the legendary Enchantress is treacherous. Will Lumin be able to find the cure? Will she ever return to her family? Join her on this journey.

Syrina · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


Monsters came out from hiding after all these years. The gorgons turned everyone they encounter to stones. Regina organized a huge covenant with various mythical creatures to counter Amarra's force. She had been waiting for this and now that the time has come for her to overthrow her enchantress half-sister. Regina reached the magical land where everyone was surprised. The entire land grew into chaos as they didn't expect for Regina to wage her war. The fairies and other guardians used their powers to defend the magical land. Amarra came out of her chambers and faced the evil darkness that is cast upon them. She tried to create a magic barrier but Regina dispelled it in a snap. Finally, the sisters see eye to eye. Regina smirked upon seeing Amarra's creatures slowly scream in agony.

"What are you doing here?" Amarra asked. Regina rolled her eyes upon hearing her half-sister's usual calm and gentle voice. "I came to reclaim what's mine." She answered. "This land was never yours, Regina." She made a face as if she didn't hear what Amarra just said. "Go back to your lair and don't you ever set foot in Elfora again." Amarra warned.

"Or what?" Regina asked with a smirk on her face. "Or I'll exile you to the ancient pagoda." Regina shivered. She felt uneasy about the thought of being imprisoned to that damn place but she immediately recovered. She thought of all the years she spent dreading and suffering even though she was given a place to stay. Regina felt betrayed.

"I am the first descendant. This place is min upon childbirth." Regina's voice rose a little, making the sky roar with thunder. "You're selfish and arrogant. Our parents would never entrust you the whole kingdom." Amarra reasoned out and with that, Regina lost it all. She produced fireballs on her palm, aiming at her sister with the intent to kill her. Amarra dodged every attack and go on defensive mode. Despite Regina's evilness, she is hopeful that her sister would one day change.

"Can't you hear your brethren's cries? Give up!" Regina screamed. Amarra glanced at her surroundings and saw some of her subjects lifeless on the ground. She can't bear to see them hurt so she channeled her force and shielded everyone while battling with Regina.

Her powers were divided so it was easy for Regina to hurt her. One attack hit Amarra's stomach making her fall to the ground on her knees. Regina chuckled upon seeing her sister. "You were always like this. Kind. That's why it was so easy to defeat you." She muttered with conviction. She summoned a black sword and stabbed Amarra on her chest. Everyone stopped when they saw what happened. Blood came out of Amarra's mouth as she desperately tried to defend the land. Her barrier weakened and her golden crown slowly turned to silver.

One gorgon flew to them and handed Regina the crystal ball of magic. Amarra's eyes widened in disbelief. Regina grinned at her. "I know you keep your life form separated from your body so I had them searched for it." She said. Regina slowly crushed the crystal ball making Amarra cry in pain. "This is your end."

The children gasped upon hearing the story. Some of them even cried that I had to stop reading. They all seem terrified so I decided to just stop with the story-telling, in time for the daily class to end. The children bid their goodbyes and left.

I gathered my things and left too. I walked towards the street and turned to other side where I hear the yells of my fellow priestess in training. I pushed the wooden door and ran immediately to the hall. I left my things on the floor and pushed the sliding door open. I pulled the bow that I strapped across my back. I went to my usual spot and started firing some arrows on the target in front of me. The teacher is busy talking to other trainees that is why she didn't notice me sneaking in. I pulled the arrow and released it again but it landed on the floor, near my teacher's foot. I almost hit her! Everyone stopped and they all turned to look at me with eyes filled with shock.

"Lumin!" The teacher's thunder-like voice made me yelp. She looks so mad so I immediately put the bow down and walked towards her direction. I saw some of my fellow trainees smirking at me. This is nothing new, I'm used to embarrassing myself and making a few mistakes because of being clumsy. I laced my fingers together and halted, a foot away from my teacher. "You've been here for a few months already yet I see no improvement." She said with disappointment plastered on her face. "I told you to have a clear mind before coming here. Focus and then meditate!" She bent down after and picked the arrow up from the floor. She then faced everyone. "In order to become a priestess, you have to set your priorities." The teacher said while grabbing her bow. She looked at me and without averting her gaze, she fired the arrow straight to the target, bull's eye.

"So stop idling around and go write some talismans!" She shouted. I nodded my head and left the room in a hurry. I asked for empty talisman from the other class and took a seat on an empty chair on the garden but before I started writing, I picked up some leaves and rolled it on the stone table. I bandaged it on the wounds at the palm of my hand. I collected firewood from the forest when I woke up and cut myself in the process because I decided to pluck a few stem of roses on the way home.

After tending to my wounds, I picked up the papers and started writing some spells. Writing these isn't always the hardest, it is the process of masking these effective. I need to imbue it with power as to activate the spells or this will just be an ordinary piece of paper. I'll ask for Old Magi's help later. She was once a priestess but she decided to retire after some time. I always ask for her help so I'll drop by her house later after class. It was a daily routine for me to visit her, I sometimes visit her together with my younger brother, Rick. Old Magi loves kids so she created a small school for the children and she gives me a few copper coins as a salary since I also teach those children whenever she's away. I save up all the coins she gave me so I could provide medication for my father. I am the eldest so it was my job to provide for my family. But I always wanted to be a priestess so I am juggling with class and work. I can't complain though, this is me and this is the kind of living we all have in the village.

I stare at the castle not so far away from here. I wonder what would life feels like if I live in a castle. What would happen if I get the chance to live there someday?

"Hey, loser. Stop daydreaming!" I heard Lani's voice from afar and when I turned to look at her direction, it is already dismissal. I ignored her remarks and gathered the talisman I just wrote. I grabbed my bag and I ran off to the market. I need to buy food for our lunch knowing that Rick is still on his class. The palace since offers free education to the villagers hence I immediately signed him up. Good thing he made it to the cut-off list.

I reached the market and decided to buy two pieces of fish. I then ran-off again and went home. When I arrived, I saw my father outside of the house, sitting on our bench and taking a sip on his cup of coffee. I smiled a little when he saw me before I hurriedly walked inside the house.

I'm a little late so I'm guessing he's famished that's why I immediately started the fire and grilled the fish. I put the other piece on a separate bowl for dinner later. I took off my cape and put it on the basin so I could wash it after.

I then sliced some tomatoes and carrots to make a salad. Old Magi said it is better for father to eat fresh vegetables so I made one salad for him every meal. I grabbed the plates and forks and placed it on our small table. I squeezed some oranges and made a glass of juice for him. Good thing my mother owned a small garden at the backyard. She loves to plant and I've been tending to it ever since just to lessen our expenses. I am going to ask for herbs when Old Magi returns later so I could practice grinding herbal leaves to make a tea or tonic.

"Good afternoon Sir. Is Lumin around?" I head Nicholas from the outside and upon hearing his voice, I immediately went out of the house. "What do you want Mr. Steele?" My father's stern voice grew louder as I paced outside near him.

"My family harvested a lot of crops this year. I wanted to give you some. I know Lumin and Rick like pumpkin pie so my mother made some." He nervously answered. Nicholas wiped the beads of sweat that formed on his forehead. My father simply nodded his head before he took another sip on his cup. I accepted the small sack of vegetables and the pumpkin pie too.

"Thank you." I muttered softly. Nicholas immediately blushed when he saw me making me chuckled lowly. He always come and visits us with crops on his hand and his face turns red whenever he sees me. "I want my lunch now." Father said as he rose from his seat, gesturing for Nicholas to leave. He cleared his throat after he smiled at me.

"Enjoy your lunch Mr. Avery." Nicholas muttered. My father turned his heel and entered the house without replying to him. Nicholas immediately fished out a small envelope from his pocket and reached for a fresh Lily on his coat. He was about to say something when father's thunder-like voice blasted our ears.

"Luminous!" He called. I automatically accepted the letter and the flower before the closing the door behind me. I put the Lily on an empty vase and kept the letter on my bag. I went to the kitchen and saw father eating silently. I roasted some sweet potatoes and then decided to take a seat to eat as well. Father then stared at me.

"Is that guy still courting you?" He suddenly asked. "Yes he is. But I already told him I'm too young for love and that it isn't my priority now." I answered truthfully.

"But he still visits you." I nodded at him. "He does even after I rejected him." I muttered immediately after swallowing a bite of sweet potatoes.

"Priestesses aren't allowed to have a family." He said a matter of fact as if I didn't know that. I sighed, "I know, father. You never fail to remind me everyday." I whispered to myself. I grabbed a glass filled with water and drank from it before putting my empty plate on the sink.

"I'll wash the dishes later, I'll go to the river today and wash the laundry." I muttered to my father. "Please also tell Rick to gather some firewood. I need to visit Old Magi and asked for my salary so I could buy your medicine." I said as I grabbed the basket filled with our unwashed clothes. I was about to leave when he said something. I froze on my tracks.

"I'm sorry for troubling you. Once I recover, I'll start working at the palace again so you'll only focus on your training." He said in a low voice before leaving me on the kitchen.