
Luminescent skies elemental awakening

In a world reshaped by "The Celestial Shift" in 2050, Kyle, a 16-year-old discovering his latent elemental powers, joins forces with others gifted with similar abilities. Guided by ancient prophecy and facing a corrupted elemental guardian known as The Master, they must uncover their true potential and prevent catastrophe from enveloping their world.

Sarthak_singh1 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Shadows Unleashed: The Real Battle Begin

In the starting of the chapter we see a flashback of last chapter when does the jinin attack on Kyle and made him halfdead. The new chapter is start from this flashback.


Kyle see that shun is sitting in front of him he is very scared

Shun: Kyle , wake up wake up c'mon wake up.

After this woke up and he is full of sweat. his heartbeat is moving very quickly

Kyle: W...What happened here , where is our home ?.

Shun having tears in his eyes but he hidding it he moved backwards and rub it's tears and then come back on that position which he stand first he say

Shun: Everything is gone Kyle Everything is gone.

Kyle in shock: How it is possible, but wait where is rin tell me shun where is rin ?

Shun didn't reply his eyes goes down and he calm down then a leaf falls from the tree the whether is getting dark and dark .

Kyle: What happened shun ?

Shun: Nothing,but rin got just a little injury after all she is fine now.

Kyle: Nothing do you say nothing you think that our home is got destroyed our land is got destroyed and our team member got injured and you are saying that this is nothing seriously shun.

Kyle with his broken leg he ran away that place and started to finding rin. He becomes very panic.

Kyle: Rin , Rin where are you can you listen me

Kyle started crying but because shun is standing behind him he started to rub his tears and then started to finding rin

" Rin where are you " he say that . After saying shun stop Kyle and say in anger " Did you listen me I tell you that rin is okay so fit this line in your mind "

Kyle grab the collar of shun and say " I don't want to listen this just tell me where is rin and if you didn't answer me I will cut your head in pieces and then you'll find out what an S rank officer is ".

After listening this shun's anger reaches its peak and he grab the throat of Kyle and say " Do you think you'll keep talking and I'll keep listening? I never fear anyone, if you want to fight, come on. "

When they are doing this a voice came from the darkness " Kyle, save me "

After listening this Kyle see in the darkness and jump into that dark hole when he entered in the hole what he see. He see that there is old destroyed temple.

He started finding where does the voice coming from.

What he see , he see that jinin is back and his face full of blood and he is smiling and he grabbing the throat of rin and in the pain rin say " Kyle, please save me " .

After listening this Kyle's anger come on peak. He launched himself on jinin but he Dodge his attack and in the counter attack he gives him a strong lightning burst.

The attack was launched on the broken leg of Kyle. Kyle scream very high and shun hear the voice of Kyle and he also jumped into that hole and also become confused that how is jinin come back.

" Don't be so curious, shun I only give comeback not reincarnate " jinin say to shun.

" After all you are weak jinin " shun reply to jinin.

" Ah really, I don't think so that I am weak do you remember that what does Kyle say to me. He say that I am weak and I can't defeat him and also he say that whenever I am ready I challenge you to fight with me 1v1 "

After listening this shun started to fight with jinin but this time jinin is on his full potential so he beat shun very easily by giving him a kick .


After seeing that shun get defeated rin with low energy gives a punch to jinin but nothing happened to jinin after all he say " Oh , see whose back a cute little princess " when he saying this he gives a lightning strike to rin and say " Get back in the hand of your Prince " after getting a kick rin falls on Kyle but she has some energy so he try to wake up Kyle. When Kyle didn't woke up rin started giving him CPR and mouth to mouth oxygen nothing works. She started crying for Kyle she say " Why are you not waking up c'mon wake up I know what do you say me tomorrow's night that you love me so, I am giving the answer that I love you too Kyle but please wake up "

After seeing this jinin say " oh what a emotional moment. H.. what do you think that this is your bedroom "

After saying this jinin Start walking to the way of rin . Rin try to control her anger but she didn't. Jinin jump on rin a try to give her a electric kick .

Scene goes in slow mo that rin grab the leg of jinin and pull it the reason for jinin's leg separate from his body causes blood to splatter all over rin's face.

Jinin started shouting he say " what did you do you cut my leg. This is your fault now you understand what is jinin"

After saying this jinin give a strong punch to rin but it doesn't work but rin also grab the punch of jinin and break it .

After seeing this jinin become silent.

In the temple darkness is going on and on

Rin gives a strong kick to jinin try to cut the head of jinin but she couldn't. In the counter attack jinin give a 540 kick to rin by this kick rin starts bleeding from her mouth After the kick, she falls far away and then a lot of dust starts flying in the temple.

After the dust clear rin started thinking her past.


She thinks that when she was 7 year old she doing camping with her friend Kyle and Kyle also at the age of 7 and in the night they are playing a game hide and seek so the dine was rin and she started doing counting and Kyle went to hide in the forest. When the counting over she went to seek Kyle

But she couldn't she started afraid she say " K...Kyle where are you . The game is over please came out " .

But Kyle didn't came back . Rin was in shock she went into the forest to find Kyle she couldn't find Kyle .

Suddenly, she heard a voice of Kyle she started to follow that voice and she sees that some bad guys catch Kyle and they were attacking Kyle, Rin tried to save him but they hit her, causing her nose to bleed. Seeing this, Kyle gets angry and tries to hit them back but fails. They manage to hit him, causing Rin's body to emit a bright white light. Then, a boy from their gang runs to attack Rin but he can't touch her. Rin delivers a powerful punch, causing the boy's head to burst open, frightening everyone. Due to the punch Kyle received, he loses consciousness and doesn't witness this. The others then try to attack Rin, but she controls them with her telekinesis, defeating them. When her powers wane, she looks around and sees Kyle lying near a stone, which makes her cry. She pleads for him to wake up and tries CPR and mouth-to-mouth oxygen, which finally revives him.


Rin had cut off Kyle's leg, leaving him unable to walk. She gathers all her energy and is about to punch Jinin when the chapter ends.