
Luisa and the Witcher

...Born into a world where you are either the predator or the prey, a young elf girl had to be exposed to the hardship of life at an early age. Fueled by rage and anger, her quest for revenge led her through a bloody path. ... Excerpt:- Luisa remained in that position for a long time, she was covered in her mother's blood as she cried nonstop. It was almost dawn, her fists clenched as she sworn to avenge her parents and clan. She stood up and wiped her tears leaving blood trails on her face. she looked towards the forest surrounding her clan and began to walk towards it, she didn't know where to go, she just walked ignoring the dangers that lurks in the forest and the outside world. *** She continued walking but deep down she felt she was being followed. When the movements became audible enough, out of fear she began running even without seeing who or what was after her. Suddenly, she fell or actually she felt herself being pushed by a supernatural force. Her eyes widened when a black smoke wrapped around her ankle like a tentacle, the spot felt cold and the creature began to drag her towards it. Luisa let out terrifying screams as she was being dragged by what she couldn't see. She tried to get the the tentacle of a thing off of her but it was useless, her hands just kept passing through the tentacle like the vapor it was. ... Hello, this is my first book on web novel, please support and motivate me.

Goodness_OG · Fantaisie
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39 Chs

Fortune teller

The next day, Zeke Kept to his promise and did take her out of kimoira. Luisa excitedly sat opposite Zeke in his carriage and they journeyed to the land of Fernandel, where he lived. A land that consisted of mainly vampires and humans.

"We have arrived, sire," the coachman announced.

"Okay, why don't you make a stop at De'laurae's beauty house," Zeke told and Luisa looked at him a little puzzled.

"Okay master Zeke," the coachman responded and continued driving the carriage.

'The place was beautiful,' Luisa thought. Her eyes were focused on the surroundings through the carriage window.

The place they entered next was even more beautiful, the affluent...Both humans and vampires walked around the place in their elegant dresses and expensive jewels, some rode in their beautiful carriages, some were having tea in exquisite tea places.

The place looked like a big beautiful marketplace for the rich only, as the poor could never afford any thing here.

They came to a stop at a store that had a signboard which read De'laurae's beauty house.

The coachman opened the carriage door for them and they walked out of the carriage. The coachman also opened the door of the store for them.

"Tuck your medallion in," Zeke said to her just before they walked in.

"Why?" Luisa asked.

"Just do it," Zeke urged and Luisa did as he said.

They walked in and the bell that was hung above the door to signify if a customer entered, rung.

A beautiful vampire lady walked towards them to greet them. She was tall, petite in figure and was elegant indeed. Her lips were painted with a dark red shade and so were her eyes which were dark red in color to show that she was a pure blooded vampire.

Two pretty petite human girls accompanied her to greet them, they looked about her age or two to three years older, they must be her workers or apprentices.

"Good morning, master Zeke," the woman greeted him with a peck on the cheek, her lips not touching his cheek to avoid tainting him with her lipstick.

"Good morning, master Zeke," the girls chorused at the same time making Luisa to raise an eyebrow at them with the way they greeted him with big smiles. Was that how they were instructed to greet or were they trying to gain his attention?

"Well, well, well. What do you have here? Wow, she's a pretty elf doll. Did you buy her from the slave market?" the woman asked and Luisa glared daggers at her.

"Hmmf...How rude? Eyes on the floor now. How can you look at a superior like that?" the woman responded.

"Lady De'laurae, she's not a slave. She's a noble elf and my god daughter," Zeke defended Luisa but Luisa still felt like glaring at him. Seriously, your god daughter!

"Oh, my apologies for referring to her as a slave but she still owes me an apology for being so rude and pardon me, but she's an elf. How is she related to you to even be your god daughter?" Lady De'laurae asked.

"You don't have to be related by blood to have a god daughter, she is the daughter of an old elf friend of mine," Zeke replied her.

"You never cease to impress me, Zeke. What happened to her?" The woman asked further. Due to the application of some healing ointment made by the mages, the pain had subsided and was healing now. The bandage on her head was removed this morning leaving traces of red or pink scratches on her forehead.

"Tsk....You talk too much lady De'laurae and ask way too many questions. I wonder why your tongue hasn't been cut out yet. Let's go to another store, shortie?" he called her his favorite nickname.

"Hey, hey, I was just asking after a customer. Please don't take my money else where?" she pleaded.

"Then get to work!" Zeke ordered.

Zeke was offered a seat on a couch while Luisa stood on a stool as her measurements were been taken by Lady De'laurae.

"I want a simple gown, nothing too big or uncomfortable, she's not going to a ball nor a soiree. Give her something as petite as her figure but beautiful, can you do that?" Zeke asked.

"Of course, she has such a lovely young body and I have just the perfect gown of your description," Lady De'laurae informed.

The girls assisted her reluctantly, trying to hide their jealousy for Luisa even though she and master Zeke had nothing together apart from the god father and daughter relationship he created for them.

"Okay, make it bright red at the skirt level, white at the top with a brown leather bodice. Also, let it be kneel level, short sleeve ending at her elbow and collar neck, do you have that?" Zeke inquired.

'For a man, he knew a lot about female clothes,' Luisa thought.

"Yes, I have exactly your description but the last one has already been booked," Lady De'laurae explained.

"How much did the person pay for it?" Zeke asked.

"Three hundred gold coins, it's a new line," Lady De'laurae replied.

Luisa felt like choking, three hundred gold coins, that's a lot of money for an ordinary dress, she hasn't seen that much money in her entire life even before she volunteered to become a witcher, who would pay that much?

"Okay, I'll give you double. Get another for the person," Zeke responded and this time, Luisa thought her eyes would bulge out completely from her eye sockets.

What?! Double?!

"(Laughs nervously)...Uh no need for that master Zeke, I will just get another dress," Luisa responded.

"Nonsense shortie, that's the dress I want for you. Deal lady De'laurae?" He asked.

"Of course deal," she replied immediately with a big smile.

"What else should I get you?" She asked and Zeke smiled a small smile.


At the end of that, he bought her the gown with matching beautiful low shoes, a pair of fine lady trousers, with a puffy long sleeve t-shirt accompanied with a brown leather bodice and boots. He also bought her a nice night gown.

Luisa walked out of the dressing room, she was now wearing the gown, her medallion on her neck perfectly tucked inside the chest of the gown. Her hair was nicely worked on and it made Luisa to look ten times more beautiful than before.

"Lovely," Zeke commented when he saw her, he was standing up.

"Here are her previous clothes?" Lady De'laurae informed.

"Throw it away," Zeke replied.

'There's more from where it came from,' he thought.

They walked out of the store once he finished paying, the things they bought was in shopping bags and he handed it to the coachman.

"Park the carriage and wait for us, we want to take a little stroll," Zeke told.

"Okay, master Zeke," the coachman responded and they began to walk away.

"You didn't have to pay that much for a dress I'm only wearing for today?" Luisa initiated a conversation.

"Who saids you are wearing it just for today, you are wearing this one for the day, the night gown for the night and then the other pair of trousers and shirt for tomorrow as we leave for kimoira, " Zeke replied and Luisa huffed in partial amusement.

"It's my money shortie, let me treat you for today, huh?" he urged and Luisa smiled.

He flicked her forehead, ending the smile.

"Ouch," she responded.

"And what were you thinking glaring at a pure blooded vampire like that?" Zeke stated.

"She referred to me as a slave? And you didn't have to lie like that, seriously...Your god daughter, you don't even know who my parents were," she tried to defend herself.

"So I should have just said, hey ladies, this is one of the recruits of witchery and I want to buy her a pretty dress?" he responded and she glared at him.

He smirked; "I didn't think so. Welcome to the outside world, you don't just go glaring at everybody that offends you, okay?

"Unless you want all the elites to want your head for your guts and impudence. Make sure to be solid before you embark on that kind of journey" he explained to her and she reluctantly nodded.

They walked into a restaurant, a waiter who was an average vampire rushed to attend to them immediately by the orders of the owner. Luisa has noticed two things, one...The people in this city lived in harmony even though some, like the rich pure blooded vampires and humans demanded too much respect that they don't merit.

Two, the people really honored and respected Zeke as if he was the lord of the city.

'Who really was him to them?" she asked herself.

They were directed to a table and the waiter stood besides them to take their orders.

"What do you want, shortie?" Zeke asked her.

"Hmmm," Luisa hummed thoughtfully at the menu, everything sounded nice apart from the vampires' special that consisted of things with blood.

"I will just get you everything since you don't know what to pick," Zeke said.

"No!" Luisa objected immediately, she turned to the waiter.

"I'll just have this Pron'tale special and cream pie crust for dessert. For drinking, just get me only water," she continued.

"Right away," the waiter replied and left to get their meals.

Once they were done eating, they decided to continue their stroll. The food was extremely delicious, she hasn't tasted anything that delicious in her life before, it has been so long since she ate a real meal.

She can't even remember the last time, as even when her parents were still alive they weren't that rich, so real meals were once in a while.

As they continued their stroll, Luisa saw a small building that has a signboard which read, 'Want to know your fate...This is just the right place for you'.

'A fortune teller,' she thought.

"You want to go there?" Zeke asked her after seeing her line of gaze.

"Can we?" she requested.

"If you want to, do you really believe in what fortune tellers foretell?" he asked.

"I do." she replied and he nodded.

"I don't really like fortune tellers, some of them are frauds. Although, people says this spot is the real deal as the woman is a witch who uses her gifts for fortune telling," Zeke said and they walked into the place.

"You may enter now," a little witch girl who seemed to be an apprentice, informed them after a some while of waiting.

They entered the room which had a fetish decor to it. A middle aged lady sat on a chair, a table and a chair in front of her, she was a beautiful witch.

Witches were very beautiful creatures naturally but a witch would get uglier the more they perform dark or forbidden magic, then some will start using a concealment spell to cover their ugly nature and make them appear beautiful in front of others.

But if you can stay away from it and perform only pure magic you'll remain beautiful as the witches even lived longer than the humans.

"Hello there," the witch greeted them with a wave.

"Hello," Luisa waved back with enthusiasm but Zeke didn't respond.

"You may sit here," the witch offered her the only chair in the room, Luisa sat in front of the woman while Zeke stood besides her.

"So, whose future am I foretelling?" she started.

"Both of us, start with mine," Zeke replied. "Okay. But that will be..." the woman scanned them to know their worth.

"A hundred silver coins," the woman told.

'For fortune telling?' Luisa asked herself.

Zeke dropped a gold coin on the table and the witch eyed it. "Keep the change, now start," Zeke ordered.

The witch snatched the coin immediately; "Why thank you sir?" she replied, putting the crystal ball on the table to the ground. She brought out four cards, placed them on the table and smiled at Zeke.

"Pick a card" she said, "Any card" She added and Zeke picked the first card.

"Give it to me," she said and he gave it to her, she smiled. "You picked a card with a sun," She started. "Do you believe in fate?" she asked.

"As a matter of fact, I do," Zeke replied with a small mischievous grin on his lips.

"Well, light is about to come into your life to overtake the darkness in your existence. It might be today or tomorrow or it might even be months or years.

"Nobody knows but what is certain is that fate is going to give you a gift. A gift that will bring you light and joy and peace but who knows, it might as well be your downfall" the witch concluded and Zeke glared at her for the ending part and the witch felt danger signs in that one stare.

"You my dear," she moved to Luisa immediately and collected her palm.

"Oh my..." the fortune teller trails off in astonishment, making the duo more eager to hear what she had to foretell.


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