

No one messes with LUCIFERA.... She's a devil.

Xtystar13 · Autres
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43 Chs

23. Alison's out


" Good morning Mrs James" Lilian got up and greeted. "Ehn? No reporters? Are you a representative for them?" Mrs James asked. "Sweetie it's enough"Mr James was trying to hold his wife back from speaking rashly


"No Mrs James, I'm not any reporter you call me. I came here personal"Lilian wore a straight and said. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Lilian Williams" Lilian smiled. "Miss Williams?"Mrs James was stunned. She felt like an idiot after talking like that to Lilian.

"Miss Williams. I'm so.. so.. sorry. I thought you were some reporters. I apologise for my rashly."Mrs James apologized. "it's no problem" Lilian said. "Please have your seat. Why are you here Miss Williams?"Mrs James asked. "Alison. Where is Alison?... "Lilian asked.


Later that evening. As usual Alison was reading a book Ace had given her. "Allie. wanna take a walk?.I'm kinda bored here"Ace scratched his head nervously. " Why are you bored don't you have anything to do?" Alison asked with her eyes glued to the book in her hand.

"You barely talk to me, why don't you expect me to be bored?" Ace asked sarcastically. "Fine let's go. it's been a while I've been out" Alison said then went to her room changing into a baggy trouser and a hoodie on with a nose mask. Alison came out looking like a spy.

"Alright let's go" Ace and walked out of the house side-by-side. Somewhere not far Lilian just left her hotel her father had arranged for her... Alison was walking with her head down when someone accidentally crashed into her "Argh" Alison groaned angrily. "I'm so so sor..." The person stopped midway her sentence when she discovered who crashed into.

"Ah" She shouted. "Ain't you the teenage mom that everyone is talking about" The woman's statement attracted everyone's attention. "I'm sure the James family tried a lot on you and all you could give back was to get pregnant. What a whore"The woman insulted.

" Ma'am could you please leave?" Ace asked politely. "Who are you? oh I get it now. So you are the father of her child?"The woman said sarcastically. "Ma'am leave the way or I won't take it lightly with you"Ace said with a serious face.

Alison looked around and saw people pulling out there phone either taking a videos or photos. Lilian was passing by in the car when she saw a weird commotion. She wound down the car window to have a closer look when she heard two men talking.

"Can you actually believe, that Alison girl got the guts to show her face"The first man said. "What do you mean?"The other man said. "Look. *pointed at a direction* There she is. She's the cause of the commotion"The first man spoke again. "Ah"The other man gasp.

Lilian turned to look at the same direction the man pointed at, she saw a girl with a tall, blonde haired guy standing protectively beside her while surrounded by a crowd. Lilian hurriedly rushed got down from the car leaving the driver speechless. She waited for the traffic light to turn red and the pedestrian light turn green.


Ace shoved everyone out of his way. He wrapped his arms around Alison's waist and walked her out of the crowd. Lilian got to the scene but couldn't find Alison. "Huh?... please ma'am where did that girl go?" Lilian asked a woman nearby. "Why would I know where that bitch passed" The woman replied angrily.

Lilian asked another woman but she answered saying. "I don't know and I don't care".