
The Kings Broken Seals


The sound of dozens of chain shattering apart resonated throughout an entire seemingly endless abyss that was covered in layers of mist and fog. From a distance, a black dot with black wings shot up towards the sky at an incredible yet sloppy speed as it looked like it had no particular destination.

Just as one would assume this black dot would go across the sky and into the boundless space, the dot seemed to lose its speed and halted to a stop. The dot came crashing down just as fast as it was flying up with its black wings nowhere in sight

The black dot crashed the ground creating a loud *BOOOOM* as the previous black dot now revealed to be a young man who was roughly 16 years old. He had pitch black skin like the night sky with equally short black hair. His body framed looked to be skinny with no bulging muscles that threatened to tear apart his shirt. Just as one would think there was nothing else to say about the young man, his previous pitch black skin slowly turned white and looked as smooth as milk.

"What the hell was that..." The young man managed to mumble a few words before he fell unconscious.

Unbeknownst to the young man, at a different far off location, a old man who was stroking his white beard and sat on a moderate chair shot open his eyes as he looked towards the distance as two streams of tears fell out of his eyes "I thought you were dead." He said in a whisper as he was happy that his own brother was still alive. His companions/servants looked at him with a bizarre confused look wondering just what would make God, the creator of the universe(s) cry. One of the servants tried to as what was wrong but was met with no reply.


The young man shot open his eyes as he found himself on a bed. 'I'm laying on a bed?' he thought as he began to look around the small wooden room, he found himself in with a confused look.

A bulky man between the ages of 40-50 opened the door with what looked like a bowl of soup. "Ah! Great you're awake! I was beginning to wonder when you would get up." The bulky man said as he approached the young man placing the bowl of soup beside the bed onto a side table.

"Where am I? The young man said as he looked at the bulky man confused as he thought 'Why does this man's muscle bulge out so?'

"Hahahaha! Easy there, my wife and daughter found you in the forest. Apparently you were found lying inside a pit but i assume you just fainted since you have no scratch marks on you. My name is Lu Dong and you're currently in the Prosperous Crimson Dragons kingdom!" Lu Dong said excited as he finally found another man to talk to.

'Crimson Dragon? What an odd name.' The young man thought.

"I see thank you for taking care of me. My name is Luc- Luke. I do not have a surname. Luke said as he looked at Lu Dong cautiously. Thankfully, Lu Dong looked too stupid to realize that he just corrected his own name as he held a face of puzzlement.

"Thank you for your care but I must get going." Luke said as he attempted to get up. As he tried to get up, like someone was holding him down in shackles, his body wouldn't move. 'Must be because I was sealed for so long thus my body has laxed to an unprecedented degree.

"How about we take care of you for a few days and in the meantime we can both share stories of our adventures! Come drink your soup." Lu Dong had a smile that could even threaten to outshine the sun as he handed Luke his bowl of soup. Luckily Luke's arms oddly worked fine but still shook time to time.

Lu Dong kept babbling on about his adventures as a 'royal knight' who served directly under the Emperor but due to some act of treason which he didn't bother to explain, he and his family who followed, was banished to the countryside, only spared because of his previous status.

Luke could've sworn that it had been 3 hours since Lu Dong began to talk about his adventures and was already growing tired of the man beside him. He just wanted to get up and punch his big mouth but alas he couldn't as his body showed no signs of recovery and besides, he was apart of the family who was currently taking care of him.

"What about you? Share me some of your adventures!" Lu Dong said in excitement. Luke's eyebrows couldn't help but twitch when he heard that. Was this man 40 years old or was he actually 10 years old? What woman in their right mind would want to marry and furthermore have a child with him?!

"Ahaha.. It seems I have lost the majority of my memories so I can't seem to remember even my parents. Would you mind telling me about this world?" Luke said with a chuckle.

Lu Dong widened his eyes "What! Why didn't you say so before?! I wouldn't have told you my adventures knowing that you didn't even understand the places I've been to! Okay young man until you have regained you memories I have decided you shall stay with my family HAHAHAHAHA!" he laughed as he placed his hands to his waist.

Lu Dong tied his long orange hair into a ponytail while his blue eyes glistened once more, preparing to tell another long story which Luke could only sigh in annoyance.

"Alright, where should I begin? This planet doesn't particularly have a name but most of us call it the Mortal Realm."

"Mortal realm?" Luke questioned.

"Yeah the Mortal realm. We cultivators believe that if one would rise high enough in cultivation, we can slash through the void and ascend to the Immortal realm where one can journey down the path to infinite life."

"Cultivators? What's that?" Luke asked again.

"Ahahahaha! You really did forget everything but your name didn't you! Cultivators such as myself focus on refining and consuming the worldly Qi in order for us to become stronger. When we do this, we can greatly improve our life span and fighting capabilities. Legend has it that if one were to cultivate enough, they could even destroy planets with their full strength! Anyways, cultivation is split up into many stages."

"The 'Adoptive Qi Stage' which basically helps the body get used to intaking a new source of energy. The Qi Refining stage, Qi Condensing Stage, Qi Elemental Stage which is the stage where one could potentially awaken a element, Foundation Establishment Stage, Core Foundation Creation Stage, Royal Earth Stage, Royal Sky Stage, Imperial Knight Stage, Imperial General Stage and the final Imperial Emperor stage. In total their is 11 stages you must breakthrough before facing the Immortal tribulation which is like a form of testing to see if you're worthy of entering the Immortal Realm. I myself am in the Imperial Knight stage hahahahaha!"

'Interesting. It seems these humans have advanced farther than I thought.' Luke thought to himself, excited to see the capabilities of these so called immortals. Luke knew for a fact that immortality was impossible to reach unless it was bestowed upon by a cosmic entity in which case would be him and one other but increasing ones life span was a different solution to not being able to become immortal. But luke imagined as time went on, the cultivation would also increasingly become difficult and at some point one would die without being able to breakthrough the the next cultivated stage.

I'm trying to aim for 2k words but expect anywhere between 1k-1.5k. This chapter is 1309 words.

Little_Lucifercreators' thoughts